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Author Previous Topic: Whats the pulse now in regards to piercings Topic Next Topic: non piercing body jewellery males females  

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Posted - 10/01/2010 :  01:06:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have several body piercings (ear, both nipples, and a Prince Albert). My local naturist club does not allow genital jewelry.

Whatever - their prerogative/loss.

Is this common, and if so, can anyone explain the logic behind it?

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Posted - 10/02/2010 :  9:20:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just as textiles associate nudity with sex, some of the old guard nudist do gooders appear to associate genital piercing with sex.

I've seen these policies before, but I'm not sure how often they are enforced. I suspect most nudists don't give a flip what or where people get pierced. Besides, other than large resorts, many nudist places I have visited are dominated by the more experienced among us and they may just not get it or realize how common it is. I personally have no piercings or tats and have no plans to join your ranks, but also would take no offense setting up camp by the pool next a marked up pin cushion.

Live and let live as far as I'm concerned.


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nude charles
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Posted - 10/03/2010 :  8:13:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think one must read the rules of the club before going. Genital piercing is generally covered in these rules. So I suggest removing them when necessary. (Meaning the club of interest forbids them.) So, know the rules and act accordingly. I remove my piercings when necessary and replace them with temporary plugs. Works very well and I've never had a problem.

Country: USA | Posts: 210 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 10/06/2010 :  07:36:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Charles, How is a temporary plug different from jewelry? (I have no idea what one would even look like for a Prince Albert piercing). I normally wear a simple horseshoe or bent barbell (12ga).

I'll abide by the rules, ridiculous as I find them. Perhaps I'll get a tattoo on my penis that says "jewelry"? Do you think they'll make me remove my penis? ;-)

FlCpl4NewdFun, of course, the reason I got the piercing was primarily sexual, but it's difficult to 'unpierce' yourself to enjoy a stay at a club (as Charles alluded to, something needs to be inserted to prevent the piercing from closing). I'm still a 'pin cushion' with my clothes on. ;-)

Thanks to you both for your responses/opinions.

Edited by - SyncVA on 10/06/2010 07:37:30 AM

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Posted - 10/06/2010 :  3:53:20 PM  Show Profile  Send nudesunguy a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I think these policies are being relaxed as piercings become more and more common. I know of a couple resorts that have changed their rules during the past years...

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Posted - 10/07/2010 :  12:22:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
its like anything else as it becomes more popular it will also be more acceptable

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nude charles
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Posted - 10/07/2010 :  4:51:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
SyncVA - a plug simply keeps the hole open. Which is very important if one does not want to repierce. A plug is not jewelry - it simply is a dowel of same diameter as the ring, and extends only about one millimeter on both sides of the hole. This makes it unnoticeable. And it helps if the plug is near skin color. And furthermore, one should use a lubricant during the removal and replacement process. Equate from Walmart works well.

Country: USA | Posts: 210 Go to Top of Page

nude charles
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Posted - 10/08/2010 :  7:46:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In my reply above, I failed to address the PA case. I honestly don't have a good solution. And as for women, I think I have said this before, but depending on genital location, women can get away with it. A clitoral piercing is obviously a problem. And I've been told by a resort manager that a female associate would inform the offending woman to remove it. Again, it's all in the rules.

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