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 The Smooth Nudist Forum - dedicated to shaving
 Womens' thoughts on shaved men

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudeboy Posted - 04/30/2004 : 03:13:38 AM
I have said in a previous posting that I keep my self neatly trimmed.Today I read more postings from both men and women about why they shave and how they shave etc.Mostly they have said their skin feels very soft and they like the look and feel etc.

What I have not seen is postings talking about what women prefer to see , ie do they prefer seeing men with shaved or unshaved genitals? and what would be their reasons, being in mind beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nudeboy Posted - 05/12/2004 : 2:54:31 PM
cheers Fireprof for your contribution to this issue.You sound like a real gent,and you have taken the time to write.I appreciate it alot.

because its how I was born
Yahoo album -
FireProf Posted - 05/12/2004 : 1:39:30 PM
Though my wife does not post, we talk all the time about the various topics, posts and replies I read.

I get her thoughts and post her ideas when the requests are made for a woman's point of view. I don't think she'll post anytime soon, she, like most, are busy at work and when she gets home she has online homework to do, by the time she finishes with her homework, she's not in the mood to sit on message boards, so that has been my job to reply and post.

Her thoughts about men shaving, much like Kim's. We do it for each other not for anything else. If you feel like shaving, trimming or staying natural, it's your choice and you should do what you like.

As far a membership, we joined several sites together, are AANR, TNS and INA members. We contribute to NAC and any other nudist ventures to help naturists out, like Swallows, etc. She just doesn't have the time to sit here and post replies like I do.
nudeboy Posted - 05/12/2004 : 09:30:00 AM
In the photo album section there are mostly portraits sent in by men. Does this reflect a higher male membership in this forum,or maybe the women are slightly more bashful?

because its how I was born
Yahoo album -
nudeboy Posted - 05/10/2004 : 03:37:29 AM
Personally,I don't mind the look of natural ,trimmed ,or smooth - as long as they are happy and enjoying the freedom of their bodies.I have never felt more naked,and its a very liberating experience.

because its how I was born
Cheri Posted - 05/09/2004 : 5:46:23 PM
Before dating and marrying my husband 10 yrs. ago, I dated a nudist who trimmed. That looked okay. I prefer the look of natural on both men and women, BUT to each his/her own.

:) Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
irishred Posted - 05/08/2004 : 10:37:42 AM
Kim, nicely said.

nudeboy Posted - 05/05/2004 : 05:11:20 AM
I have taken the plunge and taken a shave

because its how I was born
Kimberly Posted - 05/05/2004 : 03:33:47 AM
Nudeboy I haven't thought much about it. I have been asked this question before. Its not what I prefer to see, but how the indivual feels about doing it. The first men I saw that shaved their pubic hair were gay. I just figured it was something they did. I have talked with men on the board that said the reason they shaved their pubic hair was that it made their genitals look bigger. I think men that shave have "cleaner" look. Would it make any sence if I said it depends on the whole individual? I have seen some really nice looking men that were very attractive and were natural. The same can be said for some men that were shaved. It is how comfortable it is for the individual, whether they want to be natural, trimmed, or shaved. It all looks nice, and I can not say that one is more esthetically pleasing than the other.

Kim =^.^=
nudeboy Posted - 05/05/2004 : 02:41:27 AM
This topic has been given the ok by admin as it is an interesting topic for the discussion forum.There must be women out there with opinions, so please share

because its how I was born

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