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T O P I C    R E V I E W
curiousones Posted - 03/17/2005 : 2:16:48 PM
Me and my wife enjoy being nude, often go to resorts and are interested in visiting a naturist place with our little girl. She walks around nude when our daughter is home and sometimes they still bath together. our daughter will change in front of me and call me in the bathroom if she needs something. She has never seen me naked. My wifes biggest concerns on introducing her to nudism is worrying about her going to school, friends houses, and family members houses and sharing this news with them.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NorthEastUSA Posted - 05/28/2010 : 6:27:03 PM
Originally posted by barry

I have two daughters aged 17yrs & 10 yrs. My wife & I are keen naturists & are trying to encourage our daughters to be like minded, but with little sucess. We would be extremely greatful for any advice from parents in a similar situation. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

B A Woodhead

Thats a tough age to introduce them to social nudism. Its much better to start as soon as they are born. But if you are already nude around the house you can talk to them about going to a beach or club. Couldnt hurt to try.

Ricki00 Posted - 05/28/2010 : 12:37:36 AM
Originally posted by sailawaybob

i have seen over time kids around 8 or so to teenagers visit a resort some were like fish out of water and seem to adapt quickly while others felt out of place,

That is the case.When we first went to our local naturist resort.We came across a lady sitting in a bench along with her 2 sons and 2 daughters, all comfortably relaxing.
sailawaybob Posted - 05/27/2010 : 11:26:21 PM
rickki00 is right its best to start when they are little, mine were 2 and 4 when we got into the nudist lifestyle when they reach their teens they had other interest and after a divorce i was on my own visiting nudist resorts. i have seen over time kids around 8 or so to teenagers visit a resort some were like fish out of water and seem to adapt quickly while others felt out of place, i really think it depends on the individual child much like introducing a adult to nudism as we have read here some have partners that say no way and some partners adapt to it.
Ricki00 Posted - 05/26/2010 : 11:20:44 AM
That's why it's always better to raise your kids in the clothing optional lifestyle setting from the day their born.The other way would be to make nudism lifestyle casual from the day their born, meaning you would wonder around the house in the nude, along with your partner.While you would leave that up to the kids to decide for themselves if they want to stay dressed or undressed.We gave a choice to both of our daughters 10&8 yrs old, they ended up liking it and getting used to being nude that now they prefer to be nude when the weather is warm.
McNigel Posted - 05/26/2010 : 03:18:14 AM
10 & 17, there's nothing you should be doing about it. You can't tell a teenager anything.

While our children were growing up we were never at all careful about nudity, but also never made an issue about it. The children were also free to do what they liked and teenagers these days seem much more conscious of their bodies than we were in the 70s.

Teenagers are always embarrassed about everything their parents do. Being seen naked is just about the worst.

So they wanted to cover up, especially the boy who would never be seen in less than baggy swimming shorts. Our daughter is a lot less self conscious, but still went 'through a phase' from 11 to about 17.
Fair enough, it's their right to develop their own opinions. However they should also be taught to respect and not judge other peoples.

barry Posted - 05/25/2010 : 9:50:24 PM
I have two daughters aged 17yrs & 10 yrs. My wife & I are keen naturists & are trying to encourage our daughters to be like minded, but with little sucess. We would be extremely greatful for any advice from parents in a similar situation. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

B A Woodhead
jim19452 Posted - 01/02/2007 : 10:01:53 AM
Originally posted by BareBill

I'm wondering if you folks with more experience in this area think it would be appropriate to ask my SD if she would mind if I practiced nudism in their presence? Do you think it is appropriate for me to be nude in their presence? Or perhaps am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

Happy Nude Year everybody,

I am not experience in this area but you have been truthful about your nudism and your SD has not opposed it. Go for it. Perhaps your SD and GD would visit a CO resort with you.

Best Wishes, Jim
Bill Bowser Posted - 01/01/2007 : 2:24:07 PM
Thanks for your reply Cheri; I was hoping that you would voice your opinion. GD's father is divorced from SD and is in prison for murdering another guy in a road rage incident in Louisiana. He is definitely out of the picture and will be off the streets for another 30 years or so, but that's a story for another time.

Actually it is a little too cool for nude comfort in the house at this time of year, but I'm hoping to be able to get naked when the weather warms up next spring. I've just about decided that I will just explain the situation to my SD and see what her reaction is. If there is a problem I can try to resolve it during the rest of the winter. So far she and her twin sister have surprised me at how easily they accepted my proclivity for nudity, so there may not be a problem. As you might have guessed we have a pretty extraordinary relationship.
Cheri Posted - 01/01/2007 : 11:13:00 AM
Bill, If you make no big deal out of nudity, it usually won't be.

To smooth things over ahead of time, you might alert your SD that you might be nude when they're around. You can always invite them to join you at a local nudist venue. If your's GD's father is at all in the picture, he could cause a problem if he doesn't give you/your SD written permission.

What about just wearing a bathsheet around you if they are uncomfortable with you being nude. I would be unhappy if I could not be relaxed and comfortable in my home.
Best regards, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
Bill Bowser Posted - 12/31/2006 : 11:41:07 PM
I have a somewhat similar situation on which I would like your comments and advice. A couple of months ago (about six months after my wife died) my adult stepdaughter (SD) and my ten year old granddaughter (GD) came to live with me. As soon as she accepted my offer to share my home I informed my SD of my new life style and promised that if they came to live with me I would avoid causing her any discomfort or embarrassment. I suggested the she find a way to tell GD in order to minimize the trauma she might experience if she inadvertently saw more of me than she expected.

Since that time everything has gone quite well. My SD indicated that she not only accepts my nudism, but she actually approves as well. (However she has never expressed any interest in participating.) Well, naturally I miss being nude in my home when they are present. Like so many of you I find it so much more comfortable without clothing. Before they came I was always nude.

I'm wondering if you folks with more experience in this area think it would be appropriate to ask my SD if she would mind if I practiced nudism in their presence? Do you think it is appropriate for me to be nude in their presence? Or perhaps am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

Happy Nude Year everybody,
tgg Posted - 11/30/2006 : 5:39:43 PM
This is quite a crucial time, because it is usually when a girl's sexuality starts developing.

If you were previously prudish with your daughter where nudity is concerned, suddenly telling her that nudism is fine and good is going to be confusing to her.

Maybe what you could do is have a dinner-table discussion about it. Explain to her what the nudist lifestyle is about, and explain to her that you intend to be more open about leaving the bathroom and bedroom door open if you are going to change your clothes or get dressed.

Also, if she is not aware about sex, now is the time to explain to her what it is about and what sort of sexual behaviours are off-limits in our society.

I wish you well with getting your daughter comfortable with nudism.

'Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked' - Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God 1)
Cheri Posted - 08/13/2006 : 09:24:40 AM
Tim-Tim, There have been a number of studies regarding children & nudism.

Marilyn Story, in the Journal of Psychology, Vol. 118, first Half,
Sept. 1984 "Comparisons of Body Self-Concept between Social Nudists & Nonnudists"

Marilyn Story, in Jour. of Social Psychology, 1979, 108, 49-56 "Factors
Associated w/More Positive Body Self-Concepts in Preschool children"

Robin Lewis & Louis Janda, in The Relationship Between Adult Sexual
Adjustment & Childhood Experiences Regarding Exposure to Nudity,
Sleeping in the Parental Bed, &Parental Attitudes Toward Sexuality, Arch. of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 17, No.4, 1988

Marilyn Story in "A Comparison of Social Nudists & Non-nudists on
Experience w/Various Sexual Outlets" Journ. of Sex Research, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp
197-211, May 1987

Mary S. Calderone, M.D., in "The Family Book About Sexuality," states:
" ... with very young children accustomed from the beginning to nudity in
themselves and their parents, a great deal is taken for granted, and it
doesn't seem to be much of an issue to them. What nudity does is make it
easy for children to become absolutely certain about just how men and
women are made. This knowledge is of great importance in assuring the child of his or her own correct gender. The differences in body states and sizes - and in body organs - can then be taken for granted and will provide an accurate image of how they themselves, or the opposite sex, will look when grown up. Children whose parents feel at ease in such natural events as stepping out of the shower, toweling, and walking back to their room to dress are fortunate."

A suggested book is GROWING UP WITHOUT SHAME by Dennis Craig Smith,
ISBN 1-55599-001-0

To some, leaving a bathroom door open or accidentally not wearing something might be misconstrued. It's rough being 16. It's great that your younger child has taken to it and has visited a nudist park with you.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
- Posted - 08/13/2006 : 06:36:44 AM
I'm a nudest, the wife is not. I was raised with an understanding of the body, The wife was raised with the moral majority. Introducing that into the household hasn't been too much of a problem as yet. My Daughter 16 and I have a close relationship so my nudity hasn't been too hard geting her to accept me, Over time I took it slow, Leaving the shower door open, occasionaly finally wearing under-gutchies around the house, then down to a thong. As of late and a discussion of this with my daughter whom has a good head on her sholders she has come to accept that her fauther is indeed a nudest, could care less, and accepts that her fauther is around the house and usually naked. My youngest son of 9 has attended a family oriented nudest camp with a friend and I so he does find it normal as well, he loved the pool and found many other kids his age to pall around with.

My Daughter has yet to embrace her own nudity and I do NOT pressure her. She can find comfort in her own time and way. After all she is only 16 and still has that awkward age thing going on. My hope is that acceptence of the naked body will help her understand herself. Thus allowing a uncomplicated human existance el'natural as well as the premotion of a healthy sx life as an adult. My thoughts themselves apply that constant clothing invites perversion. As a family we could do without that. Though stunned at first. She has accepted me now for who I am on a even higher level of trust and I have found that talking with her about teen age diffaculties are much easier. She finds if less diffacult to discuss personnal things with me where in the past there were walls. A true blessing.

The wife on the other hand accepts me being natural with other people, But still is under the understanding that if our children see us naked it may in some way damage there mind. She does allow me in a thong around the house while she is there and looks closely at the social attitudes that come into play. Needless to say I still am working on that problem. I have actually onlt seen my wife naked twice in the past three monthes. we are married 19 years but the issues stem from her childhood. I recall her parents even slept in seperate beds. I guess as long as she is comfortable with her ways things will be ok. She also has weight issues and for some reason is embarrased about that. No pressure is on her but we do have a differance of opinion there. She is not shy. Simply not comfortable naked.

Therefore somehow the kids and I accept her clothed.
LOL turn about is of course fair play.

papabare Posted - 07/04/2005 : 11:28:23 AM
My 5 year old is going through the shy stages right now, most likly induced by his school and thier very negative views on nudity (Some reason they dont like when kids drop drawers and walk around out of the bathroom :)

We went to the resort a month ago or so. After swiming he didnt want to take his speedo off (Its the speedo swim vest). He said he 'didnt want to be nakee', but after a few minutes of being in the wet vest he took it off and went running to the playground :)


Hmmm, need a new Sig, dunno what I want yet
Montana Posted - 06/28/2005 : 4:50:29 PM
My wife and I have been nudists for years, and have visited numerous nudist resorts & clubs. We've seen literally hundreds of kids playing nude at these resorts with zero problems. Basically, kids under 11 or 12 are natural nudists.

Once their teenage hormones start kicking in, however, it might be a different story.

But at 8, all you have to do is take her with you to a nude resort or beach where there are other kids and she'll be fine.

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