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 The housemates think I'm "the crazy naked guy"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NakedBudd Posted - 12/08/2007 : 7:25:45 PM
I am 53, from the boomer generation that had Physical Education classes in high school and college, with the accompanying nudity in the showers and occasional nudity in the all-male dorms, or in the military if you served.

I own a 4BR house and rent to three guys from church. They are in their late 20s and early 30s and have never experienced male nudity and thus totally freak out even when I make a midnight trip to the kitchen for a snack or early morning trip for coffee. It is a real issue for them.

My internal compromise is that I go shirtless all the time, and boxer shorts (hey, it's Florida!) but how do I convince them that casual male nudity like I experienced in my own 20s and 30s is NOT a big deal? PS: Their aversion is not a religious thing. They have just never been around it.

Take care, stay bare!

NakedBudd, in Orlando FL
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
blackrebel Posted - 12/22/2007 : 02:10:22 AM
It IS your house. At the same time it would have been appropriate for you to discuss this with them before you rented to them. This could have allowed them to make a decison before moving in.

No shame
CMx2 Posted - 12/13/2007 : 12:05:22 AM
Nudity can be quite shocking to anyone who isn't accustom to it. Particularly when its not expected...

That said, I think the brochure idea would be good in this situation. Some additional light conversation on the subject wouldn't hurt either.

This would at least leave them more mentally prepared for an accidental late night or early morning encounter.
nomad6 Posted - 12/10/2007 : 2:54:44 PM
we have a pervert and if were sunning on the privacy deck he always has business on the roof of his storage building. he once told me he couldnt stand a naked man. oh well
TravelingMountainNudist Posted - 12/10/2007 : 1:52:34 PM
It is your house. You could always tell them to deal with it or find someplace else to live. Just a thought.

kangaroo Posted - 12/09/2007 : 10:59:08 AM
Did they know you were a nudist when they decided to rent from you?

Cheri Posted - 12/09/2007 : 10:44:51 AM
You might get some of the brochures from TNS and/or AANR and leave them around or possibly print out from TNS's website under Resources, the 205 Arguments in support of naturism.


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