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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudeisntlewd Posted - 07/27/2008 : 1:53:09 PM
I have had all kinds of little questions about how things work in the forum, so I thought I’d start this thread for a place for us to ask the Admin & Mods questions about whatever. As if they don’t have enough to do!

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Admin Posted - 09/07/2009 : 11:13:31 PM
Instructions for making a donation to support our website can be found here.

P.S. Thanks, Bob! You're right, we've got to put that donate button higher on the to-do list.
Stella Posted - 09/07/2009 : 5:16:13 PM
aahhh found my Avatar answer! Email has been sent.
Thank you
Balto Bob Posted - 09/06/2009 : 11:38:06 AM
We STILL don't have that "DONATE" button. I get asked about how to donate but, have lost the address.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Admin Posted - 06/01/2009 : 5:37:35 PM
The member photo albums are not currently working.

The very best photos, if they are large and clear and show nudism in its travel and social aspects, can be submitted to for consideration in the main photo gallery.

Or, if you have just one photo you'd like to include in your profile, send it to with instructions and your username. The same for the smaller avatar.
iwanttobenude Posted - 05/30/2009 : 6:39:00 PM
how do you get a photo album?
emwavehunter Posted - 08/26/2008 : 01:39:10 AM
Originally posted by Admin

Yeah, the avatar upload function is not working correctly after our latest upgrade to the SQL server.

Ah, now I have my answer to this problem. Whew! I thought it was just me...
JokerCPoC Posted - 08/19/2008 : 11:16:10 PM
Originally posted by Admin

Yeah, the avatar upload function is not working correctly after our latest upgrade to the SQL server.

Until we get it fixed, just send your avatars to me at, and be sure to include your username, and a larger picture for your profile if desired.

I'll upload those for you in my spare time, whenever I can find some. Please be very patient.

Don't worry, I did a work around as I knew You'd have to do some work and that It may take some time, So I used a hidden(password protected) folder on photobucket for the moment instead.

Admin Posted - 08/19/2008 : 11:08:34 PM
Yeah, the avatar upload function is not working correctly after our latest upgrade to the SQL server.

Until we get it fixed, just send your avatars to me at, and be sure to include your username, and a larger picture for your profile if desired.

I'll upload those for you in my spare time, whenever I can find some. Please be very patient.

JokerCPoC Posted - 08/09/2008 : 3:32:26 PM
Hey admin, The profile section isn't allowing any pics to be uploaded by Me, I just get a 500 error when I try. And the pics are really small too, About 5-6KB in size and 100x100. The first time I tried w/a png file, It didn't like the format, size or something else that I can't remember off hand. I fixed what I could and now nothing.
nudeisntlewd Posted - 07/29/2008 : 11:14:15 PM
Thanks for the info. That satisfies some curiosities. I realized after I started it, that I should have put the topic where you moved it to.

That all makes pretty good sense. Just because somebody is at a location doesn't necessarily mean they are getting all the way through.

As to the third question, I never got a message that I know of from a non-member myself, I just saw that in Online Users, some guests are often listed as "posting message."

Admin Posted - 07/29/2008 : 10:59:41 PM
Originally posted by nudeisntlewd

2. You will find guests looking at Member’s Profiles. That’s OK, but how can that be, since if I am not signed on and try to view a profile, I get the message: There Was A Problem!
You must be logged in to view a Member's Profile. But guests seem to be doing it.

3. How can a guest be posting a message? I would think it couldn’t be a forum post, since they aren’t a member. Are they posting a private message?

Nice idea, Randy. I was thinking of starting a Ask the Admin thread for some time now.

Presumably, on [2] when they attempt to view a profile, they get the same alternate message are you did. It would probably show up the same on the list whether they are successful or not.

If [3] happens, send me a copy of the PM. You have to be not only logged in, but with a sufficient number of posts to qualify for sending a PM, or sending an email through this system. A failed attempt would still show up on the Active Users list. Also, an email attempt without the minimum number of posts just gets redirected to the admin for spam control purposes.
nudeisntlewd Posted - 07/28/2008 : 8:50:28 PM
Thanks Bob! I've been here so long, I didn't remember that option when I joined.

Balto Bob Posted - 07/28/2008 : 8:12:28 PM
You can be an Anonymous member. It is clearly stated on the main page. There is a box when you joined.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
nudeisntlewd Posted - 07/27/2008 : 2:06:32 PM
OK. Here goes:

When looking around in Online Users, I see several things I don’t understand even after all these years. Just little curiosities.

1. Sometimes, there are “Anonymous Members.” I really don’t get that one. I’d think you’d have to be signed on for the system to know that you’re a member. If it knows that, how can you be anonymous? Am I confused or stupid? Wait, don’t answer that confused or stupid part!

2. You will find guests looking at Member’s Profiles. That’s OK, but how can that be, since if I am not signed on and try to view a profile, I get the message:
There Was A Problem!
You must be logged in to view a Member's Profile
But guests seem to be doing it.

3. How can a guest be posting a message? I would think it couldn’t be a forum post, since they aren’t a member. Are they posting a private message?


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Membership in the Nudist-Resorts.Org discussion forum is free, can be anonymous, and requires only a working email address. All email links to members are cloaked. You can disable your email link. Nude photos can be posted, if within our posting rules. No erotica, spam or solicitation is allowed here. References to sex or genitals in your username or profile will result in removal from the forum. Information and opinions regarding anything related to nudism are encouraged, including discussions concerning the confusion between nudism and eroticism if discussed maturely. All posts in this forum are moderated. Read our POSTING RULES here and here. All information appearing on this website is copyright and intellectual property of the Society for Understanding Nudism unless otherwise noted. The views expressed on these forums by participants are not necessarily representative of the Society for Understanding Nudism. Administrators reserve the right to delete anything outside the posting rules, or anything in their opinion not appropriate. To post, you must have cookies enabled and be at least 18 years of age.

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