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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NaturistDoc Posted - 04/09/2009 : 10:49:58 AM
I hate to sound schoolmarm-ish. (Well, actually I don't mind all that much.) But it seems to me that the frequency of posts littered with misspellings, bad or non-existent punctuation, and frankly unintelligible writing is increasing. I am not talking about the occasional typo, or the efforts of people for whom English is not their primary language. Some of the worst offenders are clearly American-educated (?) native speakers who are just incredibly sloppy in their writing. Either that, or nudists have an above-average rate of dyslexia.

I realize that NRO isn't some sort of literary salon, nor should brief posts be held to the standards of a term paper. But whether one is trying to inform or make a point, an unreadable, incoherent post defeats the purpose of the forum. So, please READ your posts before submitting them.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
boomdriver Posted - 04/30/2009 : 6:52:55 PM
Does anyone but me remember when some schools were attempting to teach a phonetic (fonetik) method of reading and writing the English language? This was about 1969 or so, and the idea was to break sounds into the simplest spellings, get rid of silent letters, do away with double letters, and so on. This was not being done as a teaching aid, but to actually change the language! Thankfully, the concept died a quiet death, but the kids who were taught that way for a year or two found they couldn't read regular English very well. The writing ended up looking a lot like today's texting language, and every bit as unreadable.

I share also a pet peeve with Warmskin. People, PLEASE!! Punctuation is FREE! Please use some!!!!

Thanks for allowing me to rant, There, I feel better now!

I'm sure I think I said what I probably meant, but maybe not.
NaturistDoc Posted - 04/28/2009 : 7:19:23 PM
O tempora o mores!

Bill Bowser Posted - 04/28/2009 : 4:37:05 PM
Methinks NaturistDoc is preaching to the choir. Those who generate the gibberish are probably not reading this thread. Unfortunately I overhear many conversations in public places that sound much like the subject posts. What is happening to our language?


Taxman Posted - 04/28/2009 : 1:56:44 PM
Originally posted by HomeNudist


offend = often ???

If Gates could develope a grammer checking program would be a lot of help.

HomeNudist Posted - 04/28/2009 : 1:29:40 PM

offend = often ???

Taxman Posted - 04/28/2009 : 1:00:22 PM
I find the poor quality of writing is not limited to the bulletin boards. It is showing up in emails and increasingly in business letters.

I see two big contributing factors without a solution in site.

There was a time the public schools moved away from correcting the kids so that they could better express their creative side.

This was followed by instant messaging and text messaging.

In my work, I am offend required to write memos and alternative solutions to various issues. I am finding that people are increasingly not reading the entire paper or email.

Does anyone have a suggestion or suggestions in how to get personal pride back into what we do? I believe more than anything else this would stop this trend of poor writing.

Right or wrongly to combat this, I tend to break down the memo into short paragraphs in hopes of keeping the reader’s attention.

I know my limitations when it comes to spelling and grammar. I will offend type outside of the bulletin board in my word processing program to catch the spelling errors. Then I cut and paste what I have done.

This still leaves with the grammar issues to contend with.

nude charles Posted - 04/19/2009 : 8:16:47 PM
Teva, how about affect and effect?
Teva Posted - 04/19/2009 : 2:35:41 PM
A friend of mine (well-educated) asked me to edit a manuscript for a book he is writing. I gave up after 60 pages and many, many typos, grammatical, spelling errors. One reason to turn off a spell check as the word form will be approved even if you meant from. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people use the word that rather than who when referring to a person.
capecodjack Posted - 04/12/2009 : 11:46:49 AM
I hope that all realize that the previous post was in jest. I am married to a long time (now retired) school teacher of secondary school English. I also have two daughters teaching, one of whom also teaches high school English.
capecodjack Posted - 04/12/2009 : 11:43:02 AM
u shud no IMHO thet this is the futr of theinglish landgwitch LOL
balataf Posted - 04/12/2009 : 12:15:35 AM
Applause, kudis and commendations to your point.
Warmskin Posted - 04/11/2009 : 8:30:37 PM
i don't know why people don't use punctuation marks they just type without thinking if you type without punctuation people will not know when you are stopping a sentence and moving on to a new idea this is disconcerting if you use punctuation it make it easier for people to read if you can't use punctuation marks or are not sure I can be understanding we all learned punctuation in school we had good teachers who helped us learn to do that we must remember to do what they said I am glad Doc reminded us about that English is a great language we must respect it

"Rock and Roll, man, on K-WASH FM, yo, raaaaap with me, mama, with 50 Cent. Git it on, Baby! "

George Washington
nude charles Posted - 04/11/2009 : 2:54:29 PM
I totally agree. Spelling and punctuation is atrocious.
NCLynn Posted - 04/11/2009 : 2:26:25 PM
NaturistDoc, I am a schoolmarm and I concur!
runrdad Posted - 04/09/2009 : 3:20:27 PM
I can hardly read the local paper without laughing about all the typo's and grammar errors. This isn't some small town rag so they should be able to do it correctly. A few stories each week cannot be read due to how poorly they are written. I agree with you NaturistDoc born and raised American's are the worst.

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