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 Travelites' Labor Day Weekend Report, FishFry, etc

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cheri Posted - 09/12/2004 : 09:57:47 AM
Carolina Foothills over Labor Day Weekend was the best few days of relaxing yet! More than a dozen Travelites visited the sun drenched park to enjoy the volleyball (water and sand), wonderful trails, pool, hot tub, all the ammenities. Some vegged out on the deck around the pool for most of the weekend chatting with old and new friends.

The pig roast on Saturday evening was a treat, and the dance a lot of fun.

Sunday again saw bright skies with a cool breeze from time to time. A group of Red Hat Society ladies called the Red Hat Buffers went out to lunch in town. A couple of us had dessert for lunch (read - chocolate hot
fudge sundae). The weather continued to be wonderful till the end of the weekend.

The hospitality of the members and staff there keeps improving as are the grounds. We look forward to returning soon and may even have a joint event or two there.

Fish Fry - event report~~~

A great group of friends from around the Carolinas gathered in Ridgeway, SC to
enjoy a beautiful end of summer day. temperatures were very pleasant. We played miniature golf for a short while, enjoyed the deck, and the multitude of foods including, of course, pefectly cooked fish & hush puppies, miniature quishes (real men do eat quiche - LOL), pasta w/alfredo sauce, coleslaw, potato salad (2 different types), cinnamon cake, chocolate ice cream, Godiva vanilla
ice cream, and cookies.

The calendar of events for 2005 was affirmed. Let me know if you'd like to host an event. Below is the calendar of events.

Our next event is the Oktoberfest, Beer & Wine tasting on October 2nd in Gilbert. Please let me know if you'll be joining us.

The following gathering will be Founder's Day celebration on October 16th for which you're invited to meet at my home @ 4:30 for relaxation and hot tubbing. We'll leave at about 6pm to head out to Long Horn Steakhouse
on Decker just off of Two Notch. After dinner there'll be a homemade chocolate cake and more hot tubbing. There is no event fee for this

Hope to see y'all soon.
Hugs, Cheri

Calendar for 2005
1/15 - Carolina Chili Cookoff - Larry's
1/29 - Mardi Gras celebration - Larry's
2/12 - Valentines&Chinese New Year Party-Cheri's
2/26 - Oyster roast - Larry's
3/12 - St. Patrick's Day party possibly at Tom's in W. Columbia or in Charleston.
3/26-Egg dying &tie dying relaxation in the sun
4/9 - Low Country Boil - Larry's
4/23 - Nude Passover Seder (Cheri's) to which everyone interested to attend is welcome. We expect about 75 people. There are many motels
less than 10 miles away, and there will be lots of camping room on our 7 acres including RV spaces.
4/24- Allen & Cheri’s wedding vows renewal (textile) 2pm
5/7 - Mexican fiesta
5/21 - Kids' games for adults
5/28-30 - Memorial Day Weekend - Carolina Foothills
6/4 - Travelites' 19th birthday party- Cheri’s
6/25 - Pool Party - Joe & Kathy's in Gilbert
7/2 -4 - Cedar Creek Excursion
7/8-10 National Nude weekend 7th annual canude trip & Whispering Pines
7/16 - Relaxation in the sun
7/30 - Luau & pig pickin’
8/6 - Toga Party - Cheri's
8/7 - 13 - AANR Convention- - -
8/20 - boating & sailing - Larry's
9/3-5 Memorial Day Weekend - Carolina Foothills
9/10 - fish fry & calendar affirmation
9/24 - Indian summer days
10/1 - Oktoberfest, wine & beer tasting
10/15 - Founder's Day celebration - Cheri's
10/29 - Halloween - Larry's
11/5 - Thanksgiving feast
11/19 - Lobster bash & Oyster roast - Larry's
12/3 - Winter holiday party

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NudeTLH Posted - 09/13/2004 : 08:48:52 AM
Great report ... what a club! Wish they were all like yours.


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