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T O P I C    R E V I E W
vcvcpt Posted - 07/20/2008 : 06:40:42 AM Looks like it's just starting out but great locations directory

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Diger Posted - 01/31/2013 : 6:59:03 PM
One thing I like about Truenudists is you can search for members by zipcode. When you sign up you have to put in your zipcode, it's not published but can be used to search for members. All you have to do in the seach page is enter any zipcode then choose 10 miles, 50 miles, 100 miles etc. It will list members in that distance range. You also can filter by Age, Gender or Couple.

The search engine on the site is very good. That's how I found some local nudist near us.

McNigel Posted - 01/31/2013 : 09:35:13 AM
I admin a fair size music forum (2000 unique visitors and 300 posts a day), which has been going for over 10 years, with no flames wars.

That's because there is a total ban on discussing politics, religion and current affairs. Also personal comments are not allowed.
Members must include their real first name in their user name and if they have an avatar it must be a recognisable image of themselves.

Yes it's strict and the 'free speechers' do go off in a huff sometimes, but they always come back, because it's friendly and we often meet up at concerts etc. (There have been several marriages between members)

Oddly only six members have ever been banned.

The moderators were chosen to be as diverse group as possible.

Diger Posted - 01/30/2013 : 9:48:55 PM
I know buddy we can always draw you back in. hehe

FireProf Posted - 01/20/2013 : 9:11:34 PM
One of the difficulties in Moderating forums is the differences of opinion between Head Mods, Lower Level Mods, Admin and or Owners of the site. I've noticed that if the to High Level Mods and Admin have the same "political" leanings toward one side or the other ... those are able to spew the hateful rhetoric and those in opposition are edited and deleted or given infractions or banned.

As a Lower Level Mod, it becomes almost impossible to Moderate when those above you continue to tie your hands on who to moderate and who not too. Even when given clear cut examples ... they will come up with some off the wall reason it's okay for their side but not the other.

I despise "political threads" on nudist forums. They are civil for about a page ... strike that ... 1/2 a page and then it starts going south with someone using a political party in a demeaning or derogatory way. When it's run it's course ... Mods try and close it but then people complain and Admin opens it back up. Then you have 8 of them that are ALL discussing the same issues on each of the threads, regardless of what the topic is ...

TN forums were NOT moderated to the best of my knowledge, until just recently. NOW ... you have to "flag" a post and then it's reviewed by a Mod but ... Mods don't cruise the boards and find this stuff to delete or edit before it gets outta hand.

Sometimes ... ya just wanna close out your accounts and do something else ... but there is something about these dang forums that just keep ya coming back! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 01/20/2013 : 5:45:32 PM
TN is about like Skinbook was, it started out great then went down hill when admin couldn't keep up with the volume that the site grew to.

I met some great nudist friends on Skinbook and Truenudists is no different. We met a great local nudist couple on TN that we get together with from time to time. You always have to wade through a lot of crap on these sites but it makes it worth it when you find a true friend.

Nudony Posted - 01/20/2013 : 2:42:54 PM
Not to mention the political fringes spewing hateful rhetoric throughout the forum. I already dislike political sections in nudist forums (there are plenty of forums for that); but TN takes it that extra step forward by allowing its members unmoderated hatred.

And that just isn't cool.

free2be Posted - 01/20/2013 : 12:41:45 PM
I totally agree FP. Started out OK but then just became bickering between those that said some pictures were inappropriate and those that thought they should be free to post whatever they wanted regardless of the rules for posting pictures that determined what was appropriate and what was not. Then you had the bickering between members and moderators in the chat rooms along the same lines. It got to where I was hesitant about posting any kind of comment on any kind of subject as someone was going to take offense. That is going to happen from time to time, but on that site it was a daily occurrence. I got tired of it and left. I have not been back since.
FireProf Posted - 01/20/2013 : 08:56:40 AM
That site started out okay, like Skinbook, but then took a turn for the worse. I think the owners saw that and developed a new site ... trueswingers but the truenudists site was already innudated with sexually based topics, trolls and fakes. I joined when it started, then left for a few years, then was asked by friends to check it out again. It's okay but I'm only there because of friends I've made.

The trolls and fakes continue and there are a great number of good people over there that "out" the fakes but Admin/Owners don't delete those fakes or their fake profiles. There seems to be something about the high member numbers that site owners like, regardless if it's a bunch of fakes. Makes no sense to me.

There are lots of nudists out there. There are nudists that frequent the internet and nudist sites and there are those that do not. I think you see the same people on several sites but most use different names for each site. I've always used my handle except for this site. Not sure what I was thinking but ... I used a different login name. Can't change it ...

It's an okay site. I certainly don't think it's the best and with the huge number of members ... comes the huge number of fakes and trolls and that does nothing to give credibility to any site.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
n/a Posted - 01/20/2013 : 08:12:10 AM
I joined this site once after like 2010 and to be honest alot of it is just fake there are some real nudists I think being you never meet or talk to them outside of the site. There are alot of nude photos yes where like first 3 are visible to anyone but beyond that you need to pay to see more if the member posts like 12 etc you pay to see other 9 of them. It is all typically same the male nudes are as usuall look like a self timed shot in the yard where the women nude photos are posed taken by a freind etc.
JerriLind Posted - 01/21/2010 : 8:24:48 PM
Hi so are there and sites that someone can pm me that are true nudists? Thanks

free2be Posted - 01/14/2010 : 10:02:30 PM
A lot could have changed in the last year when those other comments were posted. I'm not familiar with the site, but thanks for the update.
rabbitnbunny Posted - 01/13/2010 : 12:32:39 AM
A lot of misinformation here.

A nude photo is NOT required to join. A clothed one will do. In fact many use a clothed photo for their profile pic.
The ONLY time a nude photo is required, is if you want to be certified, and then it's one clothed, and one nude, holding a sign in both pics with your member name. These pics ARE NOT made public, and only the admin sees them.
Right click copying photos was disabled long ago.
And yes, sometimes a photo creeps in that is against the terms of service, these have been cleaned up as they are reported.
Members photos can be fully public, or set to friends or true nudists only.

It's as clean a nudist site as one is likely to find, including this one.
later Posted - 01/15/2009 : 3:05:31 PM
After reading the posts here we went and had a look around the site True Nudists. After viewing forum sites for some time, we have come up with a way we rate posters on forum sites.

Nudist- nude as much as possible, usually very open about their nudity, uses forum to find new places to be nude and a little off season discussion, believes the more people who go nude the better.

Newdist- would like to be a nudist, working on some issues and confidence, uses forums for info and to gain the confidence to move forward.

Lewdist- nude people must = sex, predator of female posters, uses forums for one reason, usually (thank god) becomes frustrated and argumentative and then goes away.

There are other sub categories but these are the main ones we usually see. On most sites the Lewdist is usually the minority. More annoying then anything else.

From what we saw on the True Nudist site the Lewdists are the majority, or because of the way the sites set up it appears that way. We have posted in the past that we would like to see all posters have an avatar photo. We also understand that unless there is some sort of system of security that photos can’t be clicked and copied and that the site is secured against non-member intrusions most do not wish to do this. We’re sure there is a method this could be done, but it’s way beyond our scope of computer knowledge.
The True Nudist site is full of headless photos, photos that we’ve seen on other nudist and non-nudist sites and so on. The content in the forums is very minor, the group section has a whole bunch of photos and some weird headings, but again with few posts and comments. The galley is not accessible without membership, one can only imagine what photos are being posted there. The nudists on the site seem to be questioning the use of this share button. The site appears to be about posting your nude photos. Or someone’s nude photos anyway.
If the creators of the True Nudist site had in mind a site where so called true nudists could feel comfortable posting actual photos, and having meaningful discussion, they badly missed the mark. ……………………….. Or did they? Make a donation today- pay site tomorrow.
The worst thing about the site is they say they want to promote nudity in a positive light, not even close. Non-nudists and more importantly anti-nudist need look no further then this site to find fertile grounds to argue that nudists should never be allowed to leave their homes and clubs.
One foot note. We saw several faces of people we know, and people we have communicated with on other sites. Did no one ever tell you to test drive the car before you buy it! It will be interesting to see who wins out on this site, the Lewdists or the New/nudists.

Teva Posted - 01/15/2009 : 12:31:31 PM
Originally posted by sueallday

Have just one short comment about Teva's mention of the site Clicked on redirect and came to log-in or go away page. Did not register, because this is way to short on basic info of what to expect once registered with the site, some sort of home page would be nice. This is to far the other direction. We don't want to sign up to sites only to find their not any good and have to fool around to quit the site, and have our registration info removed. Site builders have got to find a happy medium here.

You can always unsubscribe to the community. There are groups there (for instance American Nudists, Women Nudists, Texas Nudists, etc.) there is front page chat 24/7, there are bulletins from members. I've been there several weeks and find it's the only one out there that is for GENUINE nudists. Anything less is removed.
nudeisbetter Posted - 01/14/2009 : 5:52:54 PM
I poked around True Nudists and found pictures that were clearly taken from other websites (they had watermarks, etc on them.) I finally found some that were posted by User 1, the founder and admin of the group. Sorry, it's a voyeur site, not a nudist site although from the looks of the forum not everyone seems to understand that.

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