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HomeRules Posted - 09/30/2020 : 05:03:27 AM
This has never happened to me, but I need to know. Has anyone ever run into someone they know at a nudist site? How did you handle it? Is there an accepted way of handling it?

If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sailawaybob Posted - 10/16/2020 : 10:41:25 PM
i have met several co-workers at the camp i was a member of it was no big deal as they were as nude as me , another time i went to a music fest at a camp for the weekend and ran into a co-worker and his wife also camping there i had actually gave him information on becoming a nudist several years earlier we just hadn't run into each other . he invited me to dinner i not sure his wife was comfortable me seeing her nude as i had seen her with him several times in the textile world . sadly he passed away several years ago and i have run into her several times again in the textile world i wonder if she is still a nudist.
oldjeepers Posted - 10/09/2020 : 10:20:04 AM
Happened to my wife and I at our non landed club. Met a
past fellow employee and his wife at one of our club parties, not a problem for any of us.
Nude in AK Posted - 10/09/2020 : 01:57:54 AM
Not quite the same, up ran into a daughter of some friends that are nudist, at the vet. She came over to talk while we were waiting on our appointments. One of her comments was 'so that is how you dress when you have to'!
Nudony Posted - 10/08/2020 : 11:44:42 PM
It's only happened once; and ironically it was on my first nudist resort visit, with my then-wife. It was a college classmate.
My wife and I were just emerging from the hot-tub when he recognized me and made a straight beeline towards us. He was already right in front of us by the time I recognized him; so there was no time for me to react one way or the other.

It really wasn't that big a deal. We briefly chatted and joked about "running into each other naked." The "funniest" part about it was that my wife, who was very reluctant, had managed up until then to not be seen naked by anyone; and there she was "caught naked" by someone I actually knew. Luckily though she didn't know him; so she was able to "keep her cool" and not "make a run for her towel."

If it was to happen again, and I saw the person I knew first, I would probably wave at them from a distance before approaching them. I get that not everyone is going to be comfortable running into someone they know naked; so I'd want some feedback from them that they're ok interacting with me naked before engaging with them. I would hope that they wouldn't "run for the hills"; but as FP mentioned: that can happen.

FireProf Posted - 10/07/2020 : 9:38:14 PM
Yes... at all three nude places we visited frequently; our club, a resort and one of our local nude beaches. All three places, I ran into guys I used to work with. We ran into them multiple times. How to handle it... just like we would if we had run into them any place else. Admittedly, it makes you take a step back, at first, but within seconds you're laughing about it and for me, I'm asking them why they didn't divulge their love for nudism when we were working. I was quite open and upfront with everyone I worked with; male and female firefighters.

We didn't run into this one person we knew from our time we were heavily involved in the school system. I was a school board member and my wife was a substitute teacher and PTA President at the elementary and middle schools our daughter's attended. This woman was involved in PTA and helped my wife with various projects. We saw her in the pool with her boyfriend/new husband. She's our age but she kinda freaked out when she saw us both. She got out of the pool and put on a towel and left the pool deck. We think she left the club.

Funny thing is, we hadn't seen her in years since we moved away from that city where we were so involved in the school system.

I think the best thing to do is just be yourself and keep it light and friendly. Thing is, they are there as well and now you've got something else in common besides, being family, friendship or being co-workers.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 10/07/2020 : 3:47:47 PM
Not at a nudist resort, but out hiking, I have. We had a conversation about the trail and wildlife encounters. I was fine with being seen nude and they did not seem to be offended! Be nude often enough and meetings will happen!

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