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 need help - reluctant wife in Tulsa

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
catfish Posted - 07/05/2010 : 10:22:58 PM
I need help finding a un-land club around tulsa area and help trying to get common law wife in been nude around people she just don't fell right because she fill to fat, me i like running around nude all the time have grand child that round nude half the time i like to do the same but i get jump if i do around the grand child.

please help me out.


Edited by - Admin to relocate and change title from "need help".
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve_c Posted - 11/16/2010 : 08:13:27 AM
Ok , i have no idea why this was posted twice . glitch maybe .
steve_c Posted - 11/16/2010 : 08:11:09 AM
Ok , i have no idea why this was posted twice . a glitch maybe .
steve_c Posted - 11/16/2010 : 08:06:31 AM
sailawaybob , I take it you have been there befor ? But to get back to the discussion at hand . I think your wife would be more at ease if she tried sandy lane . we have about 78 members there but not everyone gets together all at once unless one of our big events is going on . Our Bare-B-Q is about the biggest event we have and depending on who can get away for it , we can have anywhere from 45- over 100 people there . This event has food , games , a dance ( if you want to dance that is ) , The kids have a ball and they are well looked after by everyone because the kids are our future and our #1 priority . Our club has been here since 1955 and gets beter every year . There is no other place in the state of Kansas when it comes to the surroundings of the club . we are totaly surrounded by catalpa trees and compleatly hidden from everything around us . We sit on 40 acres with a mile worth of walking trails . All i can say is give it a try . I feel that once you do , you will ask yourself the question of why didn't we do this a long time ago . Everybody here will tell you the same thing as to nudism in general . nothing is so liberating and enjoyable than being nude on a nice warm day with the sun and breeze caressing your body . So jump in the joys of a nudist club and jump out of the restrictions of clothes .
steve_c Posted - 11/16/2010 : 08:06:31 AM
sailawaybob , I take it you have been there befor ? But to get back to the discussion at hand . I think your wife would be more at ease if she tried sandy lane . we have about 78 members there but not everyone gets together all at once unless one of our big events is going on . Our Bare-B-Q is about the biggest event we have and depending on who can get away for it , we can have anywhere from 45- over 100 people there . This event has food , games , a dance ( if you want to dance that is ) , The kids have a ball and they are well looked after by everyone because the kids are our future and our #1 priority . Our club has been here since 1955 and gets beter every year . There is no other place in the state of Kansas when it comes to the surroundings of the club . we are totaly surrounded by catalpa trees and compleatly hidden from everything around us . We sit on 40 acres with a mile worth of walking trails . All i can say is give it a try . I feel that once you do , you will ask yourself the question of why didn't we do this a long time ago . Everybody here will tell you the same thing as to nudism in general . nothing is so liberating and enjoyable than being nude on a nice warm day with the sun and breeze caressing your body . So jump in the joys of a nudist club and jump out of the restrictions of clothes .
sailawaybob Posted - 11/16/2010 : 01:03:52 AM
steve c that is a beautiful club, i alway think the rustic have more charm than the concrete ones. wish i lived that way.
steve_c Posted - 11/14/2010 : 1:00:56 PM
catfish , We are not a non landed club but we are within driving distance . We are from Hutchinson Kansas . About a 2 hr . 30 min. drive from Tulsa . We have roughly 78 members right now and not everyone is there 99% of the time . I am not being rude about weight but if your wife is worried about her weight then i think our club might best suit her . Excluding what few kids we do have , I am the slimmest one there at 130 lbs . everyone else is at least 200 lbs and overweight . Our club is a rustic type but we basicly everything you would need such as a pool , playground for the kids , standard bathrooms , showers , kitchen area . and i guarantee you that respect for each other is of the highest standards . we are on the web at . I feel your wife will be comfortable there .

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