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 How to get my son to a nudist resort

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
single-dad Posted - 03/25/2012 : 10:53:41 AM
Hi, I am new to this site and want to try out public nudity, beach or resort. But here is the thing: I have a 6 year old son and we both like being nude at home when possible, but I would like to get him to a nude beach or nudist resort. The proble is that both sides of the family are conservatives when it comes to being dressed. I never like to wear under clothes growing up, but living in a large family 2 brothers and 3 sisters plus mom and dad and grandmom at the time I could not do that. But, once I got out on my own I was nude whenever I could in my home. I feel it is a great lifestyle and very healthy, tho I myself have not been around other naturists yet. The only times was in the military showers and back in school days in the showers, even tho I was self- conciious of my size, I did not mind being nude. Thanks for the info.
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nudesunguy Posted - 06/07/2012 : 9:06:12 PM
Sallaway is correct; what does your wife think? She WILL find out.

My kids went to nudist beaches and resorts while still in the womb, so it wasn't much of an adjustment. IF you wife OK's it, take him along and let him do what's comfortable...

sailawaybob Posted - 06/06/2012 : 10:33:48 PM
I agree with Blackbare but I never heard anything about mom, is she in the picture ? if divorced make sure that she understands what you are doing , six year old talk and we are living in a different world than even five years ago. I have read some horror stories about nudist parents and others interfering with their lifestyle.
Blackbare6 Posted - 05/20/2012 : 6:46:30 PM
If you're going to go to a nudist resort, I advise you to go by yourself first. Check it out. See if it is a welcomeing place for kids. Are there other kids your sons age around? Are the parents watchful? Do they screen new visiters? Is there enough play equipment around for the kids? Is there a swinger environment? Satisfy these questions for yourself before you bring your son with you. I was lucky enough to find a camp that had all the right answers before I took my daughters there, and we had a great time for years! Just do your job as a Dad.

The true patriot supports his country at all time, and his government when it deserves it: Mark Twain
go n nude Posted - 04/01/2012 : 3:03:57 PM
Getting there, probably is the easy part of your question, although i took my children in baby carriges, they didn't realize everyone was enjoying life naturally until they got a little older and experienced non nudist activities. No one is more honest than a child, and proud of the fact they go to a nudist resort and will tell everyone, much to our surprise indeed they told all, including grand parents who must of been shocked to find out, we weren't there at the time, baby sitting they heard the details,the truth and nothing but the truth,my son asked why shouldn't i tell anyone the truth??Good question,learning the hard way!

go n nude
n/a Posted - 03/31/2012 : 10:43:08 AM
If he enjoys being nude at home and is ok with your nudity, taking him to nude resort will be pretty easy.

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