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 Gay / Lesbian Nudists
 What about the "T" part of GLBT?

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its_erik Posted - 11/04/2009 : 11:34:51 PM
I just started looking around this site, wondering about the idea of nudism in general. I think it might be a little controversial, but anyone have any ideas about transgender nudists?

cogito ergo erik sum
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bianca1 Posted - 09/18/2013 : 5:44:09 PM
Originally posted by n/a

I am a M to F trans naturist and looking for clubs that would be supportive.

Any information is appreciated.

I too am a M to F "T", and not only wish for acceptance in the Nudist community but also looking for LGBT-T Nudist clubs! Thank you to all that feel it doesn't matter about being LGBT when it comes to being a nudist.
blavan Posted - 06/19/2013 : 09:28:58 AM
Originally posted by michelleTS

Thanks, Bob. Would love to get to Vermont!

Hope that you will find acceptance by other nudists and naturists. It has taken a while for LGB. Being trans-gendered certainly should be acceptable. As nudists we should all be supportive and demonstrate leadership on this issue. Just as we want textiles to be tolerant and supportive of nudists, we should be tolerant and supportive of others. People are who they are, and there should be no judgement.

Being Naked and Being Real
n/a Posted - 06/18/2013 : 10:57:56 PM
Thanks, Bob. Would love to get to Vermont!
sailawaybob Posted - 06/17/2013 : 10:57:41 PM
michelle you may look for a nude beach or slip over to vermont and enjoy the ledges or other outdoor nudist acceptance area, acually unless it has changed vermont is probably the most nude acceptant state. i would love to participate in a naked bike ride there.
n/a Posted - 06/16/2013 : 12:03:44 AM
Thank you, Irishcowby.
irishcowboy62 Posted - 06/15/2013 : 11:51:03 PM
The nudist/naturist community should live up to its credo of acceptance to all. Everyone should be welcomed without judgement. I hope your search is successful, Michelle!
n/a Posted - 06/15/2013 : 10:50:57 PM
Thank you, Bionincbare. Locally, acceptance is not what I've experienced. I continue to search for acceptance in the naturist culture.
bionicbare Posted - 06/15/2013 : 8:10:05 PM
I would hope that nudist/naturist individuals, clubs, and resorts would be inclusive, accepting, and supportive. I certainly am.

AFAIC, the "T" in LGBT is a "natural" part of humanity. Anyone who says that trans people of any kind don't belong is nobody I want to know.
Psycho K Posted - 08/20/2011 : 05:47:47 AM
What do you mean by ideas? The subset of transgendered people that desire a physical transition to the opposite sex are transsexuals. They have nothing to worry about until physical change begins. E.g., a trans woman who has been taking hormones for a while, but has not had genital reassignment surgery would draw notice if naked because should would have breasts and a penis. This can be difficult for her if she strictly maintains the objective of "passing;" the realization of her female identity and the nullification of her previous physical self.

Given the nudist community's emphasis of acceptance (most often mentioned for people thinking they are too fat or ugly to be see naked by others), I would hope no one would give her a hard time or ask bad questions like what her "male" name is. As things are now, society is hostile toward transsexuals (perhaps more than it is to LGB people) so her ability to put that worry aside and enjoy being naked might compel me to compliment her. Ideally, I wouldn't have to; not for that alone.
n/a Posted - 04/30/2011 : 06:49:30 AM
I am a M to F trans naturist and looking for clubs that would be supportive.

Any information is appreciated.

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