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 Swimming Pools, Spas & Hot Tubs
 Interesting things about pools and hot tubs
 Another reason to skinnydip in pools

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pilot Posted - 07/04/2008 : 10:05:44 AM
We have found another reason to recommend skinnydipping.

We have a lovely pool that has been free of pool nuisances like algae...until recently.

We invited neighbors over to swim, and with kids they preferred to wear suits. Several days later, the pool developed an outbreak of pink algae--not algae at all but actually a bacterium.

It turned out that one of that family had been swimming elsewhere that also had developed an outbreak of the stuff. While it's more or less harmless to humans, it IS carried easily on swimsuits.

You guessed it--we determined that his swimsuit had been "hung up to dry" instead of being laundered between pools.

Similar things can happen swimming/boating in a river or lake, and then in a pool.

We now ask that guests wear laundered suits--or no suits--their choice.

Anyone else with similar stories?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roger Posted - 03/28/2010 : 09:30:06 AM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc


I wonder how common skinny-dipping is when the PARENTS aren't home.


Thats when I always went skinny dippin as a kid

prism2525 Posted - 03/27/2010 : 9:36:50 PM
Um, Diger, do you know that ozone is toxic to humans?


"If God had intended mankind to run around naked, surely we'd have been born that way!"

oh, wait....
Diger Posted - 09/20/2009 : 4:06:15 PM
Ozone is just supercharged Oxygen, it’s a strong oxidant but unlike chlorine it leaves no residual. So it just adds another barrier to protect your tub. You will still need to add other chemicals but not as much.

jacksriverhiker Posted - 09/20/2009 : 12:51:37 AM
Diger, how does an ozone generator help? My wife and I want to get a hot tub for our next - and hopefully last - home, but since I have had several bouts with cellulitis over the years (each one worse than the last), I am more than a little nervous about the bacteria issue.
Diger Posted - 09/16/2009 : 10:24:27 PM
Originally posted by pilot

On hot tubs and infections...

Hot tubs are perfectly designed to breed bacteria--warm water and aeration.

That's why it's improtant to have an Ozone generator on your hot tub.

ah2benude Posted - 09/16/2009 : 08:59:44 AM
The best reason of all to nude in the pool; It just plain feels good!
Warmskin Posted - 09/15/2009 : 11:52:49 PM
Imagine that, algae is our best friend in pools and hot tubs. Sound weird at first blush? Not actually, when you consider that it is one more reason, perhaps the most compelling reason to enforce nude swimming in our pools and hot tubs. Either swim nude, or not at all.

Now that might seem like cruel and unusual punishment for our textiled guests, but you could always have nude swimming for women only one day, and then nude swimming for men only the next day, to break in our neighbors in friends. Once they get comfy and all, then the genders can be mixed on the same day.

Grow your neighbors into becoming nudists, too, this way, and then you won't have to worry about them seeing you.

Don't get carried away, though, you might have to get a license from the city if this goes on all day long, with people arriving and leaving.

In all seriousness, gradualism is a powerful method to get people used to something new. Once they get used to the first step in conversion, they're ready to take the next slow step, and so on.

If your neighbors don't track algae into your pool, find some elsewhere, put into your pool, and then kindly suggest the remedy for the problem "caused by your neighbors," is for them to swim nude. You have to have an angle to play.

Otherwise, love your neighbor as they are and don your swimwear, enjoy their company, and be a good sport.

"The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home."
James Madison
NaturistDoc Posted - 07/08/2008 : 11:56:16 PM

I wonder how common skinny-dipping is when the PARENTS aren't home.


pilot Posted - 07/08/2008 : 9:33:00 PM
On hot tubs and infections...

Hot tubs are perfectly designed to breed bacteria--warm water and aeration. Bacteria can grow on all sorts of substrates, including secretions from sweat glands, what drips off trees and so on. Any break in the skin represents "access", and diabetics with (already) compromised immune systems who also are neuropathic (and cannot feel sores and other breaks in the skin) are at high risk. Just the way it is.

On single-sex swimming nude....

Some of the behavior probably came from summer camp traditions, where there was no hot/cold running water (except in the camp director's on-site home) and campers bathed in the lake--once a week whether needed or not. Usually became obvious that bathing and swimming were pretty close in character.

On mixed-gender skinnydipping...

My impression is that provided (1) kids are not generally at home; (2) pool is not in direct eyesight of neighbors and (3) pool is privately owned, this is much more common than the general public realizes. My guess is that it is the rule, not the exception. Why the presence of kids changes behaviors is a topic for separate discussion.

old hippie Posted - 07/08/2008 : 12:09:09 PM
The "old" YMCA in my hometown had a single swimming pool in the basement. There were hours for men to swim, and hours for the women. The men did not wear suits; I cannot tell you what the women did. When I was as old as six or so, my Dad would take me along when he went to play volleyball at the Y, and I could hang out in the exercise room, or on the running track that circled the court where they were playing.
The pool was probably built before WWII, as was the rest of the building, and I suspect that the swimming attire dated in the same way - it was what folks had been accustomed to since 1900 or so.
When the "new" Y was built (in the 70's), it had several pools, everyone wore suits, and there was no indoor running track. What had been a venue for physical exercise had become a location for family social activities. This may be a change for better or not - but it a seismic change in our cultural behavior.

Dum vivimus, vivamus!
smoothNtanned Posted - 07/07/2008 : 10:35:44 AM
I'm not familiar with the origin of nude swimming at the YMCA, but the non-coed was always nude the years I attended, from the mid-40's to mid-60's. Only as a life guard/swimming instructor do I recall wearing speedo's, both at the indoor pool and the lakeside summer camp.

Does someone know the rationale and origin of this practice, and was there a health reason for it, at least in part? A side benefit: comfortable being nude at a young age in a social, albeit single sex, situation. Nakedness just seemed natural. It has had a life-long beneficial impact. Hopefully the Y continues that practice.

Often public and semi-public pools and hot tubs are posted regarding skin infections, although I've seen this less lately. Not only may the water, especially in a hot tub, adversely affect that condition, but if inadequately disinfected by chlorine, bromine, hydrogen peroxide, UV or some other suitable means, it becomes a cauldron for certain bacteria, fungi and perhaps viruses. Swimsuits could likely add more......

'NUDE when able, covered when necessary'
Bare Warrior Posted - 07/06/2008 : 3:42:23 PM
I may be dating myself but nude swimming pools were tne norm at all YMCA's up through the 1960s. pools were indoors. They weren't coed. The reason was exactly what was mentioned above. As a little kid I didn't like going to the Y because it was so much harder to float, but boy could you swim fast.

Bare Warrior

balataf Posted - 07/06/2008 : 2:22:17 PM
I feel impelled to repeat an item that I've posted in several other threads.

2 1/2 years ago, I attended several Phi Nu swims at a health spa with pool and hot tub. I picked up a bad cellulitis skin infection at that time. The result was the amputation of my left leg a few months ago.

According to the medical literture, diabetics are strongly warned to avoid multi-person hot tubs. The reasoning from swimsuit contamination above is one added factor.

Beaches are even worse! I have a diabetic acquaintance who stepped on a very small piece of jagged sea shell that she had not felt at all. She lost her foot.

This is serious business. No joke.

Diger Posted - 07/05/2008 : 6:40:16 PM
The hot tub owners manual says to double rinse the suits that you use in the tub. That's some advice we don't need. LOL

Phydeau Posted - 07/05/2008 : 11:22:50 AM
There is almost certainly residual detergent left in the swimsuits. When I used to work for Rainsoft, one of the demonstrations we used to do was take a clean, laundered kitchen towel and show them how much detergent is left behind. You'd be stunned. It's no wonder why everyone has bad skin in this country. They chemically burn themselves with chlorine in the shower, and then put on a layer of laundry detergent.

So yes. The foam in your hot tub is laundry detergent.

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