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 Swimming Pools, Spas & Hot Tubs
 Interesting things about pools and hot tubs
 above ground pools

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sailawaybob Posted - 05/26/2009 : 10:46:07 PM
the other day my son's dog chewed up our above ground pool before we set it up again for spring, now we purchased a new one that is more long than round and are dealing with the can't get the ground level enough. am i the only one with a unlevel yard, if it doesn't get better soon it's going to the front yard to the left of the driveway and i'll have to skinnydip there.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steady78 Posted - 04/10/2012 : 12:35:43 PM
We installed a 15 by 30 above ground pool 3 years ago. It's a salt water system and is incredibly easy to maintain. Just love it and would recommend salt water systems to everyone.
free2be Posted - 04/10/2012 : 08:14:02 AM
I miss my above ground pool. I miss all those night time skinny dips. What I don't miss is all the work of keeping it clean. I agree with Cookie...I used to wonder myself if it was all worth all the time and money for the short season up in the northeast...especially when the kids were older and hardly used it.
Diger Posted - 09/25/2009 : 10:02:27 PM
Originally posted by sailawaybob

the other day my son's dog chewed up our above ground pool before we set it up again for spring, now we purchased a new one that is more long than round and are dealing with the can't get the ground level enough. am i the only one with a unlevel yard, if it doesn't get better soon it's going to the front yard to the left of the driveway and i'll have to skinnydip there.

Above ground pools can work on unlevel lots but not without some digging.

I got a friend to use his backhoe to dig ours out. Then I used some rock to hold back the dirt wall.

You can see how it turned out, and we added a fence since those photos.

nudewalker Posted - 09/24/2009 : 1:21:40 PM
One other advantage to a burried above ground pool has to do with assessments, property taxes and insurance. An inground pool could be considered a permant structure therefore raising property taxes and also home owners insurance. Just another thought on the subject.

ah2benude Posted - 09/17/2009 : 08:10:25 AM
Thanks Sailawaybob for clearing that up for me. I didn't know if I was crazy or my neighbors.
Warmskin Posted - 09/16/2009 : 10:01:55 PM
Originally posted by sailawaybob

warmskin you are right about being seen we have a privacy screen around the pool but when you climb the ladder (42 ") to get in the neighbor next door get the whole picture, needless to say she wasn't happy so i went to wally world and purchased some outdoor fabric screening folded it a few times did some more framing and stapled it up and than added some more deco framing and paint. i joke with the wife that a few more dollars an we could have purchased a inground.
ah2benude i have actually seen some of those inground kits i think they are pretty cool and can be buried at different depths, we would really like a small kidney fiberglass pool to plop into a hole in the ground. but have really enjoyed the above ground this year, sadly a few more weeks i'll have to pack it away.

That is what I was thinking, that climbing up on the ladder might make you more visible. Sounds like you found a good solution. My standard line around here is to grow Texas Privets. They grow rapidly and create a wall where you plant them.

You never know what you'll get into, until you try something, so maybe a in-ground pool might have been better.

Yes, summer came and went all too quickly. Out here, where I live, we have a pronounced Indian summer during September and October. Our ocean beaches actually enjoy better weather in the next couple of months. The months of June, July, and August present too much cold fog along the seashores. A twist of expectations!!

I think your dog is in for some trouble. No biscuits for him for a while!! At least the water in your pool is level, so that part of it is good.

"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself."
Thomas Jefferson
Cookie Posted - 09/16/2009 : 9:43:27 PM

We are lucky we live out in the woods Our closet neighbor is on both sides must be l/2 mile away. Also, we have woods that sep. us, and our driveway is at least 200 yds from the road. It is an inground pool, which I just closed today!!! Sometimes I wonder with all the trouble is it worth it for the months of June,
July, August, and part of Sept. This year kiss
June and July goodbye the weather was terrible!!

Plus when you are ready to close up the pool everyone who used it during the summer is not to be found!!!

Remember, we are only here for a short time, so let's have a good time.


sailawaybob Posted - 09/16/2009 : 9:30:03 PM
warmskin you are right about being seen we have a privacy screen around the pool but when you climb the ladder (42 ") to get in the neighbor next door get the whole picture, needless to say she wasn't happy so i went to wally world and purchased some outdoor fabric screening folded it a few times did some more framing and stapled it up and than added some more deco framing and paint. i joke with the wife that a few more dollars an we could have purchased a inground.
ah2benude i have actually seen some of those inground kits i think they are pretty cool and can be buried at different depths, we would really like a small kidney fiberglass pool to plop into a hole in the ground. but have really enjoyed the above ground this year, sadly a few more weeks i'll have to pack it away.
ah2benude Posted - 09/16/2009 : 08:56:51 AM
I live in a neighborhood where just about everyone has a pool. While driving around, I've noticed that some people have purchased above-ground pools and buried them in the ground so that only about a foot of the pool sides stick up above the ground. For the life of me, I can't figure out why someone would do that.
Warmskin Posted - 09/16/2009 : 12:07:25 AM
The only bad thing about above-ground pools, as contrasted to in-ground pools, is that it might be easier to be detected nude by your neighbors as you climb up into the above ground pool. The in-ground pool makes it easier to slip nude into the lower profile pool. Of course, the overwhelming advantage of the above-ground pool is the price tag.

So, you get to choose the better one for you based on budget and/or visibility. That the entire world were friendly to us nudists!!

"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself."
Thomas Jefferson
nude charles Posted - 05/30/2009 : 8:05:10 PM
Good luck, Teva. I've put up an 18 ft above ground round, and it was not easy. You need a very level base, probably 4 inches of sand, and probably a walk-around platform inside while leveling. Of course, pay attention to the drain configuration. And you may want it slightly tapered downward toward the center. This helps to check for level during the initial fill. Best wishes.
Teva Posted - 05/30/2009 : 12:55:47 PM
We hope to be putting in an oval 27' above ground pool in the fall. I've helped put one up in the past. Wish us luck...we might just pay for set up this time.
tooldady Posted - 05/27/2009 : 12:45:00 AM
The wife and I bought a 6x10 blow up pool that is 2 foot deep last year from Wallmart.It is perfect size for 2 rafts side by side. We blow it up on Saturday morning and deflate on sunday afternoon. This is the perfect poor mans way to cool off and catch some sunshine.

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