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 Whatever Happened to Gail Ward?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rabbitnbunny Posted - 10/14/2012 : 7:22:38 PM
Remember Educating Julie? Whatever happen to Gail Ward, the woman who played Julie. I suspect she was never a career actress, but rather a British naturist that agreed to play the role.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tgg Posted - 03/16/2015 : 5:54:23 PM
The film actually goes for a little over 2 hours as opposed to the ones on YouTube. There are a couple of scenes which have been cut from the YouTube uploads. One of them shows Julie arguing with the tutor Baldy about being tricked into doing the assignment after the class is dismissed, and another where she and her boyfriend Steve are sharing photos with Tony from their local nudist club of their holiday in America before she starts the next semester at university.

'Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked' - Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God 1)
homenude Posted - 05/23/2014 : 5:53:02 PM
I just watched the flick on YouTube. It was well done, although it needs a bit of editing, running for 100 minutes.
rkitek Posted - 11/21/2013 : 3:16:19 PM
Youtube link to the movie
Warmskin Posted - 05/11/2013 : 06:45:18 AM
"Educating Julie" is for sale at Amazon. Although one should never leave NRO for any reason, you may wander over to the forementioned site to take a gander at that movie, and perhaps purchase it. Then, come right back to NRO, immediately.

She's on Facebook, too.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Warmskin Posted - 05/11/2013 : 06:21:49 AM
A job which offers one a chance to wear no clothing is a proper job.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Dj TotalKnockOut Posted - 05/07/2013 : 08:03:39 AM
Originally posted by rabbitnbunny

Remember Educating Julie? Whatever happen to Gail Ward, the woman who played Julie. I suspect she was never a career actress, but rather a British naturist that agreed to play the role.


Hi I went out with Gail about a year after she made the film.She was trying to get an equity card to become an actress with I believe a lot of false promises. She was a glamour model and did strippergrams,also did a televised streek across Derby cricket pitch and got into page 3 of the Sun news paper. Since then who knows what she is doing. Maybe she finally got a proper job.
Dj TotalKnockOut Posted - 05/07/2013 : 07:56:53 AM
Originally posted by rabbitnbunny

Remember Educating Julie? Whatever happen to Gail Ward, the woman who played Julie. I suspect she was never a career actress, but rather a British naturist that agreed to play the role.

nudesunguy Posted - 10/18/2012 : 10:34:47 AM
Ditto. And not have it end up in the "adult" movie category.

n/a Posted - 10/18/2012 : 08:30:31 AM
I for one would love to see such a film rebooted for 2012 and possibly show actual nudists and nudity and not shy from it.
Nudony Posted - 10/17/2012 : 9:35:19 PM
I expected the same as you; but when I came across an old nudist article on the "Making of Educating Julie", it was quite the revelation.
When Heritage Videos went out to seek a "nude leading lady", they initially looked at actresses...but couldn't find any willing to act while nude. Then they turned to actual nudists, but couldn't find any that could act! They then put an ad in a paper; and Gail Ward, an aspiring new actress, stepped forward. This is her actual quote from the article:
"I saw the article in the newspaper about the problems Heritage were having finding a leading lady, and the part really appealed to me. I've no inhibitions whatsoever about acting without clothes, and in fact I've become a naturist myself."

So she was actually an actress who liked being naked, and became a nudist as a result of filming the movie.

As far as what's become of her...I've never seen her name attached to any other movie. According to IMDB, Educating Julie's been the only movie she's been involved in. Who knows...maybe she just got married and made a career change.

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