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 Nudism and the tourism industry in Jamaica

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 02/17/2003 : 12:36:03 PM
Jamaica Gleaner - Saturday, February 15, 2003

Mass nude wedding at Hedonism III

by Devon Evans, Freelance Writer

Some of the 29 couples, all in the buff, who were involved in another round of nude nuptials at the Hedonism III resort, Runaway Bay, St. Ann, yesterday. The event comes just two years after the world's largest nude wedding was conducted at the same location.


JAMAICA'S TOURIST industry is set to find a place in the Guinness Book of World Records soon, following yesterday's Valentine's Day mass nude wedding at Hedonism III Resort in Runaway Bay, St. Ann.

Twenty nine nude couples tied the knot, the largest number since the event was started here three years ago.

The couples, including a Russian, a Canadian and an American Indian from the Crow Tribe, exchanged wedding vows at an hour-long ceremony held on the lawns, near the hotel's nude beach.

The Rev. Frank Cervasio of the Universal Life Church in Florida conducted the colourful, yet unusual wedding ceremony. It was witnessed by scores of hotel guests, some also nude, and members of staff as well as members of both the local and foreign press.

Rev. Cervasio, who is also the head of a nudist organisation in Florida, has been conducting nude weddings all over the United States and he agreed that this year's ceremony could well be a world record, because he has no knowledge of any other nude weddings with as many as 29 couples.

Officials of the Guinness Book of World Records are expected to evaluate today's ceremony and to see if it warrants being added to its list of world records, Hedonism 111 officials said.

There were screams of approval from the fair-sized gathering, when Rev. Cervasio declared the couples man and wife. The minister's only regret was that he wasn't among the newly weds.

But, for Native American Indian Jack Rooney, better known in his native Texas by his Indian name, Two Bears, it was one of the happiest times in his life. "My wife Lisa and I are very elated to be part of this wonderful ceremony," he told The Gleaner in an interview. Rooney, who is visiting Jamaica for the second time, said he has never met a nicer set of people than those whom he came in contact at Hedonism III.

This is the third consecutive year of nude weddings at the SuperClubs Hedonism III property and Rev. Cervasio has officiated at all three ceremonies. Last year, 11 couples participated in the wedding ceremony. With the growing support for the event amongst nudist in the United States and other countries, SuperClubs vice president, Zein Nakash, said nude weddings will continue to be a feature of the hotel's promotional activities.

"This event has been creating many positives for the hotel's wedding programme and Jamaica's tourism is benefiting a lot from the wide overseas exposure," Mrs. Nakash said.

The ceremony ended with Afro-Tech Steel band playing a version of Bob Marley's hit song "One Love".
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paminimalist Posted - 05/30/2006 : 01:00:02 AM
Imagine the above ALL over Caribbean & Mexico, PR & HI alone.
Plus income spent aside Hotels etc.

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