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 Nude Cruises
 Jubilee nude cruise
 Information about Jubilee nude cruise

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 07/09/2002 : 4:16:17 PM
In 2001, Carnival offered up the cruiseship Jubilee, which sold out quickly for its first clothing-optional cruise...

Chicago Tribune
Nude cruises growing in numbers
By Pete Williams
Special to the Tribune
Published February 2, 2003

It's 5 p.m. on the Lido deck and, like everyone else, I am not wearing pants. Or a shirt. Or shoes. Or anything other than sunscreen and wraparound shades.

As the Carnival cruise ship Jubilee barrels through the Gulf of Mexico back to the port of Tampa, most of the 1,490 nudists on board have packed the deck, kicking back in lounge chairs, sipping frozen umbrella beverages or splashing in the pool.

The air smells of salt and suntan lotion. A steady procession of naked people moves toward a soft-serve ice cream machine. Waiters and waitresses, easily identifiable because of their clothing, seem unaffected by the display of flesh as they deliver drinks.

About two dozen soggy nudists stand in line to take yet another plunge down a two-story waterslide. Others toss water balloons, sending sunbathers for cover. One floor above on the Verandah deck, another group struggles to keep volleyballs in play and not from going overboard.

This is not normal adult behavior but, then again, this is no ordinary cruise. Acting silly and rediscovering one's inner child is mandatory. Anyone not having fun runs the risk of being pelted with water balloons, although it's tough to find somebody not behaving like it's the last day of school.

And why not? It's hard not to feel like a kid when you're walking around naked with an ice cream cone.

Nancy Tiemann surveys the scene from the Lido deck, sporting the proud grin of someone who has thrown the perfect party. She and her husband, Tom, own Bare Necessities Tour & Travel, an Austin, Texas, company that operates under the slogan "Providing the luxury of deciding what not to wear." Since 1992, Bare Necessities has taken more than 12,000 passengers on nude cruises around the Caribbean, Central America, Europe and Tahiti.

The company began on a whim in 1989 after the Tiemanns, who were not nudists at the time, reluctantly agreed to be part of a 20-passenger, clothing-optional dive trip in Belize when they could not make their regularly-scheduled, clothed voyage.

Nancy, then a banker, found nude cruising so relaxing she figured there must be more people wanting to vacation with minimal luggage. It was a tough sell initially, to both cruise ships and passengers. After struggling to fill a 470-passenger ship for their maiden voyage in 1992, the Tiemanns figured that would be the end of their side business.

But demand kept increasing. They added trips from Europe and the South Pacific. The boats kept getting bigger, especially for the annual midwinter cruise. More than 1,000 nudists rode the Regal Empress into the new millennium, somewhere between Cozumel and Tampa.

In 2001, Carnival offered up the bigger Jubilee, which sold out quickly. Bare Necessities will depart Feb. 28 from Los Angeles for the first time, taking a nude cruise-record 2,052 passengers on a 10-night cruise aboard Carnival's Ecstasy.

Somewhere along the way, nudity became more commonplace. The U.S. is not yet Europe in that regard, but the American Association for Nude Recreation boasts 50,000 members and more than 240 affiliated resorts and clubs. Places like Haulover Beach in Miami and Gunnison Beach in northern New Jersey draw thousands of nudists on warm weekend afternoons. Bare Necessities has a whopping 70 percent repeat customer rate.

Many passengers find the nude environment not just more conducive to tanning, but also to meeting people. According to one familiar refrain, social class distin
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cheri Posted - 08/13/2006 : 09:13:08 AM
Originally posted by uknaturist2005

Going on a cruise and enjoying naturism together sounds brilliant. Does anyone know of any such cruises taking place in Europe durign 2006 or 2007?

A year or so ago, Bare Necessities did a nude cruise across the pond. In 2007, they're doing a Far East cruise and also an Alaskan cruise next year. You might want to see their website at .


Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
uknaturist2005 Posted - 08/12/2006 : 4:07:22 PM
Going on a cruise and enjoying naturism together sounds brilliant. Does anyone know of any such cruises taking place in Europe durign 2006 or 2007?
solarstone Posted - 01/15/2006 : 2:16:11 PM
Wow! I would really love to be among this crew.

Cheri Posted - 04/13/2004 : 7:27:13 PM
Contact Bare Necessities toll free at 800/743-0405. You MUST have AANR membership to go on their cruises. If you need membership, I'll gladly facilitate it for you.
Best regards,
Cheri Alexander

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
Warm01 Posted - 04/13/2004 : 12:08:32 AM
n/a 03dec08 Posted - 02/08/2004 : 10:47:10 PM
Hey FireProf
do - - - forst and then do Terra Cotta Inn to relax and Veg out, that is how I book it :))
but you guys have to also try I spent 10 wonderful days there this past October and we truely did enjoy it .. going back a few times this year .
FireProf Posted - 12/10/2003 : 02:09:27 AM
We haven't been to - - - yet. We want to go but usually go to Terra Cotta Inn instead. It's familiar territory and my wife feels very comfortable there. I'm sure we'll make it there someday soon. We've been to Morningside Inn also. Really nice place, just alittle small, but we'd go back and stay.
Sundance36 Posted - 12/09/2003 : 8:16:55 PM
I should get my wife to read about a nude cruise. we just got back from - - - . She enjoyed it .
FireProf Posted - 11/15/2003 : 5:28:59 PM
Our feelings exactly Kimberly.

I looked at the site on line and alot of the staterooms are already sold out! Having trouble getting my wife to commit without a couple of nudist friends we hang out with join us, just so far in advance for them to commit to.

I guess I am doing alot better than I was a year ago. Last year my wife didn't even want to discuss the idea of a large nude cruise. She thought our first one should be quite a bit smaller, like 12 people. But she has talked to so many people that have gone and had such a great time, that she is now seriously considering it.
Kimberly Posted - 11/15/2003 : 03:41:39 AM
Phooy! Got to wait till 2005? I want to go now. I am looking forward to the opportunity of booking a nude cruise.

Kim =^.^=
FireProf Posted - 11/14/2003 : 4:57:47 PM
We have taken a few weekend cruises down to Mexico from LA. We missed the last Mexican cruise that lasted a week and too let out of LA. My wife was just not ready for that venture. About a week or so before the ship left, she had talked to so many people at a resort we visit that were going on that cruise that her mind changed and she felt that she would enjoy going. All booked, no room.

We've heard promoters are not sure when the next nude cruise will leave out of LA. We will be ready next time. What I wish they would have from time to time is a short weekend nude cruise. I bet that would be fun and we could fill up a ship.
Admin Posted - 11/13/2003 : 01:04:36 AM
Yes! For one, you can read about the "Carnival Legend nude cruise 2,100 guests in 2005"
CoolNude72 Posted - 11/12/2003 : 8:15:03 PM
Have you heard of any new nude cruises coming up in 2004 or 2005? I am interested on going on one.


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