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 clothing optional beach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ranul Posted - 11/21/2016 : 3:33:48 PM
Would you allow you children to go nude on a clothing optional beach

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NaturistDoc Posted - 07/09/2017 : 12:36:12 AM
Obviously, children should be watched over with great care. Come to think of it, so should adults. But I digress.

In defense of Club Orient, I have personally witnessed their security personnel act quickly and with, shall we say, extreme prejudice towards a Man Behaving Badly. The incident did not involve children, but I feel certain that any pedophile attempting to ply his trade at Club O would be very grateful to see the police arrive.
go n nude Posted - 07/08/2017 : 4:17:54 PM
Originally posted by Bill Bowser

At nude clubs there is considerably less likelihood that your children might encounter someone who might want to sexually abuse them. Since clothing-optional beaches are open to the public more supervision of the young ones is prudent in that environment.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati
Not lewd, not crude, just nude.

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.

Unfortunately we can't be sure of the fact that children won't be abused anywhere, they are vulnerable and have been abused at some resorts and clubs. Where everyone thought it was safe and the parents didn't know where they were and who they were with until bad events knocked on the door. No one can be sure, Keep a eye on them always, there are predator's everywhere!

Go n nude
FireProf Posted - 07/02/2017 : 10:01:12 PM
Originally posted by Bill Bowser

At nude clubs there is considerably less likelihood that your children might encounter someone who might want to sexually abuse them. Since clothing-optional beaches are open to the public more supervision of the young ones is prudent in that environment.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati
Not lewd, not crude, just nude.

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.

For those times when we've taken our grandkids to San Onofre State Beach, Trail 6, I always take my chair down to the water's edge and am close by them always. Most times, I don't even sit down. It's not only to keep an eye on some of the undesirables that frequent public nude beaches, it's also to keep an eye on my grandkids safety in the water.

They've yet to visit Black's with us. Not sure if that's something they'd like to do anymore. The two that would love it, their father is now against it.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
FireProf Posted - 07/02/2017 : 9:58:42 PM
Originally posted by ranul

I am not talking about a resort but a beach where there is no control over who can or can not come .

Club Orient's section of beach is public! There are some male adults that venture down onto that portion of beach that need to be watched and watched closely.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Bill Bowser Posted - 07/02/2017 : 8:21:15 PM
At nude clubs there is considerably less likelihood that your children might encounter someone who might want to sexually abuse them. Since clothing-optional beaches are open to the public more supervision of the young ones is prudent in that environment.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati
Not lewd, not crude, just nude.

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.
go n nude Posted - 07/02/2017 : 3:21:11 PM
Originally posted by ranul

Would you allow you children to go nude on a clothing optional beach

I think that introducing your child/children,to decide for themselves and choose the option, if they desire to participate , by visiting a clothes optional beach with out the pressure and no choice at many clubs/resorts. This can also be said with teens, friends and family, if they so choose that's great. They have a choice at an optional public beach.

Go n nude
FireProf Posted - 11/23/2016 : 10:55:38 PM
Originally posted by ranul

I am not talking about a resort but a beach where there is no control over who can or can not come .

Well ... you didn't specify until now that you weren't talking about a resort beach.

Done that as well ... our local nude beach. We've taken them there several times.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nudony Posted - 11/23/2016 : 10:04:25 PM
No child has ever been harmed by seeing another member of his or her own species. And likewise being seen is non-toxic and does not harm anyone of any age.

A point I tried to make for years when some people couldn't understand "how I could let me daughter be nude around us and other naked people."

My daughter spent the entire first decade of her life being nude with her parents, nudist friends and other nudist resort-goers. There is no doubt that has contributed to her "holistic" view of the world and people in general.

Harm? None here.

gnarlyoldman Posted - 11/23/2016 : 9:19:20 PM
Originally posted by ranul

Would you allow you children to go nude on a clothing optional beach

No child has ever been harmed by seeing another member of his or her own species. And likewise being seen is non-toxic and does not harm anyone of any age.

The whole "what about children" is wrong headed. Children learn about themselves and how to become normal functional adults by observing a wide variety other people. Learning is so important that depriving a child of an opportunity to observe other members of his own species is harmful and hurtful to the child.

Naked is green.
ranul Posted - 11/23/2016 : 6:51:53 PM
I am not talking about a resort but a beach where there is no control over who can or can not come .
FireProf Posted - 11/23/2016 : 01:30:45 AM
Of course and we have! Our grown children and their children, our grandkids, spent an entire week with us at Club Orient. They thoroughly enjoyed being nudists the whole time!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Warmskin Posted - 11/23/2016 : 12:35:12 AM
I would, sure. Might as well train them to be comfortable with the human body. There are essentially only two types of them.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

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