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 Keeping the all over tan?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BareBoomer Posted - 12/31/2006 : 3:25:58 PM
I'd be interested to know how people keep up with a seamless tan in the "off season". Even here in Southern California, there are days this time of the year when it is too chilly to lie in the sun. How do you keep it going until the weather warms up?


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
upacreekju Posted - 04/04/2012 : 11:34:30 PM
Also, I had a friend tell me that spray on tan helped bring out the real tan. Anyone confirm of rebuff this?

upacreekju Posted - 04/04/2012 : 11:24:24 PM
Well, from all the chatter, I think I'll be looking for a tanthru. Still, it looks odd to me to have an almost white butt. Know what I mean.

free2be Posted - 03/22/2012 : 10:07:15 AM
I definitely like to sun nude but I can also vouch for the tan thru bathing suits when I can't. I got to try out the tan thru in Feb. when we went on a cruise. They are so light weight, I forgot that I was even wearing it.
smoothNtanned Posted - 07/27/2007 : 10:31:22 AM
Often wished we had a tanning bed. Certainly have the space for it, but not sure I would have the discipline to limit the usage (especially on a retirees schedule). I'm in another world of enjoyable distant island travel and fantasies during those naked 15 minutes, as well as being a master of rejunvenating micro-sleeps. Hence the travel to the salon on a drop-in basis is sufficient deterrent to limit usage. Seems to work for me.
turtlendragonfly Posted - 07/27/2007 : 08:50:53 AM
we have very limited time to "get out" and be nude. maybe once or twice a year on vacation. our free time is limited with work and regular day to day life. however, we both use a tanning bed to keep our tan up. we know the risks and try to just keep up on a light tan. not to go overboard and stay dark all year long. we figured out how much money we would spend going to a salon and tan. we ended up buying one and love having it handy at anytime -TnD-
FireProf Posted - 07/26/2007 : 11:27:02 PM
For me...I am nude all the time. So when I go outside to do the numerous tasks and chores around the house, I'm working on the tan without really, working on the tan.

My wife used to use the tanning beds at a salon but stopped many years ago. Since having several pre-cancer spots removed, she is careful about the amount of full sun exposure she gets.

Whenever possible, wherever we are, we're nude and I do all I can outdoors so I get max sun exposure without really trying.
sailawaybob Posted - 07/26/2007 : 10:20:19 PM
I try to get a all over tan but my privacy area is smaller than the rest of my backyard and I like to garden and piddle back there so I will put on a bikini to keep from offending the neighbors so my a small part of me isn't so tan but I love the outdoors so thats ok, but I think I check into a tan thru..
anc35228 Posted - 05/01/2007 : 9:00:45 PM
it' s nice to tan, but as Cheri has mentioned, over time your skin begins to look like aged saddles. we often go to the beach to meet others or to get away from the hassles of everyday life.

soak in the rays!!.. :)

smoothNtanned Posted - 05/01/2007 : 11:50:04 AM
I keep a year-round all-over tan. Started about 20 years ago with a tanning salon a few weeks prior to our first Club Med visit. Delighted to have had a private patio to maintain the total tan. Have always worn bikinis (never got into the bermuda short style of swim suits), so at the beach and pool, with a bit of shifting of the side straps periodically, had little problem maintaining the even tan look.
Since then, live nude as much as possible, with tanning salon as needed, especially in winter if no getaway to a warm sunny clime is possible. Clean shaven pubic area really gives the total look.

I discovered in the tanning bed that lying on one side, then the other, for 3 minutes each with arm bent over the side of my head, then on my back for the remaining 9 minutes with slight shifting of my legs every couple of minutes, enhances the the eveness of the tan.

Other than early or late in the day, or a very brief exposure, always use SPF 30 sunscreen everywear when nude outdoors.
smoothskin Posted - 05/01/2007 : 09:56:26 AM
If I am forced to be in some textile area, tanthru suit helps. Off-season I don't try to use artificial UV light sources, there are too many risks...
EuroTim Posted - 04/22/2007 : 03:13:25 AM
Hi Diger,
This is exactly what I do. When I can't get to a nudist beach and there are two not too far from here, I put on my tanthru and it does the job. For those around me, I'm covered enough to be on the beach and the rays pass through it to keep me virtually line-less. I also move the edges around from time to time and that also helps prevent the rolled, stitched edges from leaving lines.

Originally posted by Diger

My wife and I have some tanthru suits we use that work very well. They are light and airy, they also dry very quickly and are the next best thing to nothing.

coveresid Posted - 04/21/2007 : 6:10:33 PM
Thanks for the info Diger. I do have one of those suits and it does help. So I will just keep trying to enjoy as much tan as I can get depending on the situation.
Diger Posted - 04/20/2007 : 07:08:29 AM

First of all Welcome to the forum.

My wife and I have some tanthru suits we use that work very well. They are light and airy, they also dry very quickly and are the next best thing to nothing.

They do have some SPF, around 2-6, depending on if you are walking around or just lying in the sun. Therefore you will have a slight tanline, but with some tan under the suit it is easy to even things out when you have the chance.

StuffedTiger Posted - 04/19/2007 : 11:22:08 PM
During the summer, I alternate time in sun (starting with ten minutes) with time in the shade. I get a light tan. Because I am in the Northeast USA, in the spring and fall I can take the full sun for however long I am out walking or jogging and keep the light tan. In the winter it is hard. I definitely do not get enough sun, and I feel it in my skin and bones. I can't wait for spring weather. :-)
coveresid Posted - 04/18/2007 : 02:04:08 AM
My problem with trying to keep an all over tan is the limited time being outside without a swimsuit. Many times I am at a pool or beach area with is not clothing optional. I have found ways to try and shift the tan line by the type of suit I wear. I have some with fastners so if there aren't people around and I can release those and get a little more coverage. Other times like at the lake, I can find a place away from most people and do the same thing or remove the suit, but keep something close to cover up if needed. Works well for me and sometimes I come across others who don't mind the minimal or no coverage if I ask.

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