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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chitownguy Posted - 07/25/2007 : 12:04:15 AM
I will be going nude outside of home for the first time. Been something I have wanted to do for a looooong time and I decided I will be taking my first step finally! Health issues have been keeping me inactive and now that i'm finally back on my feet and know that life is short so why not go! (Even though I'll be nervous!) I'll be going to Mazo Beach in Wisconsin on August 11th/12th. Questions I have regard to possible camping on the beach, what to bring, etc... Please help me out! Plus i'm still not sure where to turn off Hwy Y... Thanks all!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
flexus42 Posted - 09/02/2007 : 6:30:20 PM
Originally posted by ike-a

Scheduling problems put us on Sat full of people & activities. My wife did very well and is anxious to return. It was a good positive experience.


Glad to hear that she enjoyed it.


"Nakie is good. Nakie is free. Nakie is...NAKIE!"
ike-a Posted - 09/02/2007 : 5:12:17 PM
Scheduling problems put us on Sat full of people & activities. My wife did very well and is anxious to return. It was a good positive experience.

Rodders Posted - 09/01/2007 : 05:27:15 AM
I would prefer to go on a quiet day. There will be enough people there to give you the very real and rewarding feeling of being with others in a nude setting whilst it not being too intimidating. Meeting a few people at a time should be a far more gentle experience. Our first visit to a club was on a sunny weekday and I'll never forget the sight of a few light dappled bodies wandering through the trees and the pool with two smiling ladies which made for a great welcome for us both. Depends how gregarious your both are, but reading your post suggests that your wife might be happier with the gentle option.

ike-a Posted - 08/31/2007 : 2:10:54 PM
Along the line of "Going for first time":

My wife & I have only had a beach experience and plan on a first time club visit. My wife is a bit apprehensive.

Would it be best to visit on a weekend when there are a lot of activities planned or perhaps a day when not so much is going on?

catbird Posted - 08/02/2007 : 4:57:06 PM
It feels great to feel the sun and wind on your bare skin. Removing that last cloth covering your pubic area makes quite a difference. When you are feeling out in nature in bare skin, you deeply are thankful for being a human. Breath in deeply to intensify the feeling.

Nervousness is quickly forgotten at a nude beach.

I am hooked on nudism.

Naturally, Lester
chitownguy Posted - 08/01/2007 : 11:06:51 PM
Thanks Cheri and as a matter of fact, last Saturday when I woke up, I didnt have anything planned so I decided to go to Mazo. I made the 2 1/2 hour drive there and found the beach. It was my first nude experience outside of home and it was better than expected! I hope to go back on Aug 11/12th!
Cheri Posted - 07/25/2007 : 09:10:51 AM
There are no amenities on the beach. Bring an umbrella or wear a sun hat or cap, walking shoes, a towel or two, your lunch/snacks/soft drinks or water. Put sunscreen on before you leave home or just when you get there and re-apply often so as to not get a burn. There's a Yahoo group called: whose past messages you might find helpful.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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