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T O P I C    R E V I E W
capecodjack Posted - 09/07/2008 : 8:38:16 PM
Hi All, I am interested in conversing with older naturalists: say 70s and 80s. I'm 79 years young and can still get to all my doctors appointments by myself
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sunflower Posted - 09/12/2011 : 2:57:47 PM
Another older member here.
jbsnc Posted - 09/07/2011 : 7:41:38 PM
Originally posted by capecodjack

Hi all, this topic is certainly moribund if not catatonic. I'm posting in my birthday suit and hoping for a birthday present of another birthday. Anybody out there at 80+ who remembers "The Inner Sanctum" or Mr. District Attorney"? LOL

I remember both. Also Jack Armstrong, Green Hornet, I Love A Mystery and others.

Happy Nuding.
capecodjack Posted - 09/05/2011 : 10:53:17 PM
Hi all, this topic is certainly moribund if not catatonic. I'm posting in my birthday suit and hoping for a birthday present of another birthday. Anybody out there at 80+ who remembers "The Inner Sanctum" or Mr. District Attorney"? LOL
capecodjack Posted - 09/08/2008 : 10:05:48 PM
Hi All, I'm thrilled that Cheri has commented on "older members". My present reguim for exercise is a stationary bike. I ride 25 minutes every day. I have in the past have tried walking every other day or lifting weights twice a week but I miss a day or say well tomorrow I'll do twice as much does'nt work SO, every day 25 min. has been great.
jim19452 Posted - 09/08/2008 : 8:31:15 PM
Originally posted by capecodjack

After a very enjoyable day I went home and resolved to improve my health by beginning an excercise regime. I haven't been back to the club and with the fall coming on I may have to wait for my Florida vacation to resume social naturism. Hers to us older folks. And lets hear from the older ladies.

Good for you. If you are physically able, walking and swimming are great exercises. I once commented to a friend that the great thing about swimming is you can't get hurt. Her response was 'you can drown.' Rats, never thought of that. But your physique isn't the essence of nudism. Your freedom is.

Vigorous house work is a great exercise. Remember when housewives rarely had heart disease?

Best Wishes, Jim
Cheri Posted - 09/08/2008 : 7:12:13 PM
Originally posted by capecodjack

(snip) After a very enjoyable day I went home and resolved to improve my health by beginning an excercise regime. I haven't been back to the club and with the fall coming on I may have to wait for my Florida vacation to resume social naturism. Hers to us older folks. And lets hear from the older ladies.

Why wait till FL vacation as there are nonlanded clubs that operate all year long. BTW, you made an error that many beginning nudists/naturists make; you used the term naturalist. A naturalist is one who studies plants and animals. You are not the first and will most likely not be the last. I'm not in my 70s, but I will be 61 in October.

"Welcome to our world."
Regards, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
capecodjack Posted - 09/08/2008 : 6:52:36 PM
Thanks for the reply to "older members". I am not a Charles Atlas model. If you remember those ads then you are indeed an older member. As a matter of fact although I like being in the buff I would not be regarded as being "buff" in todays context. Having been a closet nudist fir years I made a resolve to gho to a local club. After a very enjoyable day I went home and resolved to improve my health by beginning an excercise regime. I haven't been back to the club and with the fall coming on I may have to wait for my Florida vacation to resume social naturism. Hers to us older folks. And lets hear from the older ladies.
jim19452 Posted - 09/08/2008 : 12:25:00 PM
I'm 75 and retired. Enjoy my visits to a nudist resort and the swimming, hiking and lounging. I prefer larger crowds as there is more to watch.

Best Wishes, Jim
catbird Posted - 09/08/2008 : 11:10:37 AM
I am 74. There are many naturists who are in their 70s and 80s. I am a retired engineer. An advantage of our age is that we are generally retired, hence we can participate any day of the week, and we can avoid crowded weekends.

Naturally, Catbird

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