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 Does anyone go to nude beaches during Winter?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Superguard_Sin Posted - 12/31/2009 : 10:45:15 PM
Does anyone go to nude beaches during the winter? When there is still snow on the ground?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 04/17/2012 : 12:07:02 PM
I do not but when I was last at Secret Cove in Tahoe would love to see you there sometime Jenn, A woman who was there with me at time said she was more a skinnydipper than a nudist and she said she would come every week in winter to that beach just to skinnydip even in the snow.
nudesunguy Posted - 03/06/2010 : 10:45:09 AM
We live on the central coast of CA, and there are usually a couple weekends every winter that are warm enough for the beach. In addition to the beaches Naturalwife mentioned, there is the truly wonderful "Pirates Cove" near San Luis Obispo. Santa Cruz also has several nude beaches, the best of which is "Privates," a gated beach right in the city of Capitola.

nudewithfriends Posted - 02/03/2010 : 11:01:15 PM
When I was still living in SoCal (OC and LA) I would go to San O in the winter. It is actually a good surfing beach, so I'd put on my wetsuit and surf year-round. And if it was warm enough outside the water, I'd be naked once I hit the sand.

I agree with allnatural wife about San O and the citation situation. They are not going to bother citing people in the winter - the crowd is too sparse. But in the summer, who knows?

I'll be back in Cali in April, and I'll be sure to hit the beach for sure. I'll send back a report.

free2be Posted - 02/03/2010 : 5:29:49 PM
bobski96 -- heated mattress pad or flannel sheets work for me. Tough part is getting out of bed in the morning...little chilly as we too keep the heat low.
bobski96 Posted - 02/03/2010 : 10:41:09 AM
I wished we lived in a place that was warm enough but "alas" here in Mich. it is just too cold. I still sleep in the nude but thats about all I do. Those sheets sure take a long time to warm up. I have to wear sweats around the house so that we can afford the heat bill. I wish summer would HURRY UP.

Balto Bob Posted - 01/31/2010 : 09:36:36 AM
There is a demand for nude recreation even in the winter. The group down here (MARNA) has started having 2 swims a month. 1 in the evening and 1 in the afternoon (different places).

Have a nice NUDE day !!
dofnewyork Posted - 01/26/2010 : 11:46:54 PM
My wife and I would LOVE to go to a nudist resort this winter in NY, Pennsylvania, NJ, etc. I went to Phoeni Naturist in upstate NY and another in eastern PA (NOT Sunny Rest) that were open in the winter...need that kind of fun NOW! Any thoughts?
allnaturalwife Posted - 01/20/2010 : 7:34:56 PM
Been to Tahoe many times..Love secret cove:} There are still a few well known beaches such as "Blacks" in San Diego, and Baker Beach in San Francisco left as well as a few more obscure ones up and down are coast. Florida does have the market cornered for nude beaches though. Lucky Floridians:)


Warmskin Posted - 01/20/2010 : 05:06:15 AM
Originally posted by allnaturalwife

Although our government may be quite backwards in its thinking much of the time...Climate wise its hard to beat CA. So "Mother Nature" kind of makes up for the shortcomings. Still, I will be VERY upset if they follow through with their "talk" come warmer temps and more beach goers at San O.

You can always try Lake Tahoe, at Secret Cove, but not in the winter!!! There are some national sea shores near the Bay Area that have nude beaches, but you might have to brave it to go nude right now. Too bad a group of rich nudists can't buy some land at a beach in your part of California. Then, you could go nude there year round. Florida seems to have a near monopoly for USA beaches in the winter. Drat!!

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
allnaturalwife Posted - 01/19/2010 : 7:48:54 PM
Not sure about all of the CA residents, but I assume at least in Southern Ca, the bulk of us are still here for the weather. With the exception of the current storm system, we rarely see a day below 70 the majority of the winter months. Besides Florida and maybe a few southern states our temps are 60 degrees warmer than the bulk of the entire country..60 DEGREES warmer! Although our government may be quite backwards in its thinking much of the time...Climate wise its hard to beat CA. So "Mother Nature" kind of makes up for the shortcomings. Still, I will be VERY upset if they follow through with their "talk" come warmer temps and more beach goers at San O.


Warmskin Posted - 01/19/2010 : 04:15:18 AM
Originally posted by sailawaybob

whats the deal in california they say they are cracking down statewide, don't those idiot legislators have enough to deal with getting their budget straight.

Apparently our California legislature puts anti-naturism in a higher priority than balancing the budget. The state can go broke, but heaven forbid if San Onofre has just one nudist at the far end of the beach. Are we an upside down state, SA Bob????

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
youbetcha Posted - 01/18/2010 : 11:12:21 PM
Legalizing pot would bring in revenue too, but unfortunately, there is still too much stigma to overcome for public support, although there has been some progress. I think the older generation is living too long :-D lol

Darkhorse Posted - 01/18/2010 : 10:52:41 PM
When I lived in central California I would sometimes go to Pirates Cove beach in San Luis Obispo county in the winter. That area frequently has a few "warm" days in January or February.

As for citations and California lawmakers, they've been chasing their tails so long, they can't get ANYTHING right. I'm so glad I left California 5 years ago!

sailawaybob Posted - 01/18/2010 : 10:35:37 PM
whats the deal in california they say they are cracking down statewide, don't those idiot legislators have enough to deal with getting their budget straight. if the 50 U.S. states would wake up and see the revenue they could get from the nudist communities for parking fees, look at haulover bch in miami, when i go to apollo bch in florida i pass by the deserted parking lot beach 1,2,3, and 4 deserted or almost lot 5 packed. if they made lot 4 nude it would be packed to. if they designated a few beaches in each state nude optional they would see $$$$ revenue.
allnaturalwife Posted - 01/18/2010 : 2:41:07 PM
It will be tough to figure out what the "truth" is about San Onofre during the middle of winter. When the Spring and Summer roll around we'll see how strict they will be. Hopefully it's all more of a scare tactic. And once the regular crowds return it will be as it has been for years. They have always "been able" to cite, just never enforced it. The only difference now is all of the "talk" about citing trying to deter people. Plus its easy to cite one or two people, which is about all you will find during winter time. I'll be curious to see them cite on a 90 degree July day when there's 80 -100 nudists on the beach.
Who knows maybe they will back up their "talk" Guess we will wait and see. If they do though, I imagine Blacks down the road will get a sudden influx in attendance.


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