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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 07/03/2012 : 7:18:40 PM
Why do we continue to preach acceptance, openness but we still segregate nudists based on their marital status, why do we make single nudists feel like they are just perverts. Couples only accept other couples, singles accept almost anyone, single women accept only couples or other women etc I find this to be the most insulting thing about being a nudist, almost makes me ashamed to admit I am a nudist based on how a large portion of nudists treat other nudists.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 07/10/2012 : 12:41:45 PM
nsgusa----I refer to all people not just men being that if you re-read earlier post I say in specific's men and women your assuming like most do that I am only saying Men which I am not I am just going based on the current nudist society today and why you do not see the younger group and will continue to not see the younger group.
nsgusa Posted - 07/10/2012 : 12:57:22 AM
I, being 65 and a very HEALTHY and fit 190 take it very personal that you lump ALL of us older, mature males into the catergory of FAT AND LAZY.
Plus, please get your facts straight about the AGE of the majority of sexual perverts, specially to the ages of older male/younger female.
Although most are in the 40 - 44, when they are caught and imprisoned, first time offences are usually traced to the 28 - 32 age group.
My source for this info?
FBI annual reports, all public info.
My county in Ohio, which is pretty much a normal, SAFE place to live has more sex offenders in the 34 - 40 age group than all the others combined.
nudesunguy Posted - 07/09/2012 : 9:52:03 PM
"It has been my experience and observation that what constitutes "pervs" is completely subjective and loaded with sexist and other prejudices."

Nonsense. Would you not agree that calling Jerry Sandusky a perv, for example, is NOT subjective but a statement of fact? So too a grown man at a nudist resort who follows young girls around making them uncomfortable. A perv by any other name is still a perv, and we all know one when we see one.

But now back to the topic at hand...

n/a Posted - 07/09/2012 : 8:39:10 PM
I guess its more about pride Bob I care less how one truly looks but to expand and grow nudism overall we need to realize that truth is image does alot for everything and when the image is just that of overweight lazy people then I understand why people under 30 have no desire to get into nudism they just see it as offensive and gross.
Bob Knows Posted - 07/09/2012 : 8:13:37 PM
So renobiker, should nudist resorts ban anyone over 150 lbs? Or banish anyone over 45? Should we take a vote on everyone's body to see if he or she is "attractive" naked?

It has been my experience and observation that what constitutes "pervs" is completely subjective and loaded with sexist and other prejudices. Lots of people believe that all nudists are "pervs." We have these "pervs" pointing at those "pervs" and adding sexist bigotry.
n/a Posted - 07/09/2012 : 3:47:38 PM
Bob it is simple just as felons can not own guns, so should prosecuted men and women both not be permitted into nude resorts. Most younger nudists are very few and they prefer not to socialize with nudists over the age of say 45 for the simple reason of that is the demographic in which you find most pervs. That and most younger nudists are not overweight its a turn off even though majority of nudists use body acceptance as being nude, this does not mean just let yourself go and become a fat slob.
nudesunguy Posted - 07/07/2012 : 10:59:35 AM
Some people freak out if you even pull your phone out to check for text messages, yet are oblivious to the ipads, ipods, and computers that ALL have cameras on them nowadays.

I do have to say that the vast majority of pervs are male (yes, that's profiling and yes, I think profiling make logical sense in some cases). I've personally had a male removed from a club for his keen interest in a group of young girls. Having said this, I do think single people should be given a chance. And I think it's insane to not allow a KNOWN member of a married couple into a resort, simply because their partner couldn't be there that day. Good luck suing a resort for allowing a person in which then caused a divorce. What a crock.

Bob Knows Posted - 07/07/2012 : 10:55:38 AM
I'm with renobiker. I dropped out of AANR for the reasons he suggested above, their blatant sexism and discrimination against single men. And why would a "background check" be needed for men? All that would do is to determine if he has been persecuted previously. More persecution of single men is offensive.

Younger nudists don't seem to be following the bigoted examples. AANR members must average 60 years old now. Good riddance.
n/a Posted - 07/07/2012 : 10:05:38 AM
I wonder if clubs had a stricter background type check on all guests and members that those who are in the resort will finally accept that the single male sunning a few chairs away form them actually is normal and not a perv etc. I also agree fireprof with you about the whole nudists posting there own nudes all over the web but freak out if they think someone is taking a photo of them nude..
FireProf Posted - 07/07/2012 : 02:26:47 AM
I visited my club as a single many years ago. I was being given the third degree and finally I reached for my wallet, took our my FD ID and showed the female manager both and said ... "do you really think I'm gonna throw away a career just to look at some middle aged naked bodies? If I was here to do and see what you think I want ... there are plenty other places I can go that are near here and do that!"

All of a sudden her demeanor changed and she says ..."you're a fireman?" I said ... "yes, why?" She says ... "oh, we have the local fire station guys come and we have an annual baseball game against them for charity."

What does that have to do with me!? Apparently because they are good guys, we're ALL good guys and though it got me into the club and did several times after that, I was irritated by the fact that my profession had anything to do with my character or possible motives. I could still be a fireman and a perv!

I've been asked this on another site ... "who should nudist fear most." My answer: Us! We can and are our own worst enemy. We don't have enough problems with local governments, state governments and mainstream society that we have to be treated the same by our own!?

There's a whole bunch of nudists out there that just about have heart attacks when they see a cell phone come out of a bag. But ... these same people worrying about the cell phone and the possible picture it will take, will post numerous pictures of themselves on the internet! That makes a lot of sense.

The only way to change some of these archaic policies is to get involved. I plan to once I'm out from under a Dr's constant care, constantly going to Dr. appt's, medical procedures and surgeries. There's only one way to change things and that's from the inside.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
sailawaybob Posted - 07/06/2012 : 11:36:06 PM
stereotyping will always be there just think back to the 60's to the mid 80's and if you were single there was no way you were going to get past the front gates of most nudist camps/resorts at least where i lived. has a lot to do with people to, after my first divorce i noticed alot of people shying away from me and this is a nudist camp i had been a member of for the past ten years but i had been noticing a lot of males being treated that way. not every male is a perv at a nudist camp and why can't a female be the perv certainly a lot of the female school teachers having sex with male students are perv's., i always get a laugh at the nudist info things " nudist are the most friendliest people you will meet". really they are people who make judgement like anyone else who just so happened to have just slipped out of their clothes and are now nude. i guess it really depends on the management and how much $$$ the want to make or lose $$$.
On the Fence Posted - 07/06/2012 : 11:18:14 PM
I have only been to Seqoians twice and Laguna Del Sol once. Being single I was a bit worried about being stereotyped and watched to make sure I did not do anything 'wrong' according to the rules. But nothing happened, or at least I was not aware of anything. So my three experiences were great and I felt I was included as part of the group.

FireProf Posted - 07/06/2012 : 5:35:11 PM
Is it any wonder? All you have to do is read some of the posts from some of these so called ... "accepting" people and you'll see that you don't leave your prejudices on the floor with your clothes.

I admit to being one of those nudist couples that was "skeptical" of single males and didn't mind them joining in but was watchful of their activity. I thought that gender balance was a good thing and that we enjoyed visiting a resort that was couples only and not innudated with single males.

Then this came back to hit us square in the face when our daughter was denied entry into our club because she was married and visited without her husband. When I questioned the club manager, he stated it was for legal reasons. "We don't want to be party to a divorce."

I asked one of our national orgs for some data on that happening ... "a club/resort sued for being party to a divorce because one of the couple visited a nude club." They have never responded after numerous attempts and emails.
I think it's wrong, I think we do ourselves a disservice.

But denying entry into a nudist venue based on gender and marital status isn't the biggest problem. The biggest problem I see is the elitist attitudes of many nudists. Have you read some of the posts from some of these people? Not so much on this site but some of the others ... geez ... if you don't think like they do, you're wrong, dumb, stupid, don't know what the hell you're talking about ... what happened to ... "nudists are the nicest people!"

Most of them are but there are far too many that are not! And some of them run the clubs and resorts that continue to enforce these archaic rules and policies.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

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