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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 09/07/2013 : 03:05:16 AM
I thought I'd write a brief summary of what we're doing here at Nudist-Resorts.Org.

We support safe, supportive nudism where there is no sexual focus or agenda.

We do not disclose, sell or rent any personally identifiable information to any third party organizations. Our forum is set up so that only logged in members can see members' profiles. The member profiles are hidden from the search engines. The email address you register with us is not visible to the public. Realizing that nudists do not want to be pestered, the private message (PM) and email functions are not enabled until a certain number of posts are accumulated without requiring moderation.

Nude photos
If you post any photos, they must not show body parts more than the face. It is not allowed to draw attention to the genitals in any manner, through open leg pose, or showing signs of arousal. The upload function for members is not working, so any avatar or profile photo should be sent to along with your username. Please be patient and I'll add those to your profile.

Nudist Photo Gallery
If you have a great photo that depicts nudism in its travel or social aspects, which shows the setting more than the subjects, send them to for possible inclusion in our Nudist Photo Gallery, which is sometimes described as the National Geographic of Nudism because we include only the best of the editor's choices.

People who simply like to socialize while nude need a community place to discuss personal, social and family nudism amongst each other, and this forum has been one of the best websites for these nudists since 2002. Our continuing goal is to encourage those reading the forums to try nudism if they haven't yet. We strive to promote understanding between the different types of people that enjoy nudism, and to build the recognition that high standards of behavior and discretion are essential to maintaining the nudist lifestyle as acceptable to the mainstream public.

Regarding swinging
We do not support in any way the promotion of the swing lifestyle (wife swapping) in a nudist context. We agree with Brian Taylor of British Naturists when he said, "Sadly we have no control over the use of the word 'naturism' and there are far too many adult clubs who, presumably ashamed of their true purpose, masquerade behind the respectable image of Naturism, by trying to call themselves that."
One of our goals at Nudist-Resorts.Org is to help clear up this confusion by building an understanding of real nudism.

Members Rights
Anyone can participate provided they do not affect the camaraderie of our forum community, abide by our posting rules, and are over 18. However, we reserve the right to remove any person or content that we feel is inappropriate.

Spam or free advertising
This is a spam-free forum. If you want to promote your business here, you can use your profile link or signature link, but anything more it's better to first check with the administrator at Please notify us if you see anything not appropriate.

Posting Rules
You can find our more detailed posting rules here and here.

Since 2002, this nudist forum has been entirely free for anyone over 18 to participate. If you like what we've accomplished and want to contribute or drop a tip, the guy who created this site loves cryptocurrency! Tip the webmaster with Bitcoin at 1L85Kwzei6JRJovzkx32aaUAHVMS7DPcp4 or support our organization by sending an old fashioned check to Society for Understanding Nudism, P.O. Box 168, Land O Lakes, FL 34639. And please drop us a note so we know who to thank! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your tips and donations, it is greatly appreciated!

Future projects
I'm looking for responsible editors to assist the construction of our new Nudist Resorts Wiki. This community-edited encyclopedia of nudism is based on the same software as the original Wikipedia. Some familiarity with editing in Wiki code would be helpful, but tutorials are available. Contact Kevin at

We are accepting appropriate advertising to support our site. Send requests to Kevin, with a description of your business and desired advertising budget. I'll think it over and let you know what we can do. Our viewership is from 20 to 40 thousand a month. Quantcast data.

That's about it for our summary. If you have questions about any of that, just log in and click Reply To Topic.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 07/17/2014 : 04:45:00 AM
Chiefy is the man!! Thanks for a great website!! Classy outfit.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Nude in AK Posted - 07/13/2014 : 10:08:23 AM
Kevin, Thank you for keeping us going in the right direction. It is those 'behind' the scene that really do the work.
TallTim Posted - 07/13/2014 : 08:28:08 AM
Yes, thanks for keeping this going Kevin!

siegfried Posted - 07/12/2014 : 3:48:22 PM

can you tel me how to get a album account.

many thanks

Diger Posted - 09/07/2013 : 09:15:53 AM
Yes Kevin,

Thank you for all your hard work.

People complain about the Admin all the time but never think of all the hard work they do. We do appreciate what you do here and wish you the best.

free2be Posted - 09/07/2013 : 08:14:39 AM
Thanks Kevin...we appreciate all your hard work to provide a great site. Rob

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General Rules and Terms of Service

Membership in the Nudist-Resorts.Org discussion forum is free, can be anonymous, and requires only a working email address. All email links to members are cloaked. You can disable your email link. Nude photos can be posted, if within our posting rules. No erotica, spam or solicitation is allowed here. References to sex or genitals in your username or profile will result in removal from the forum. Information and opinions regarding anything related to nudism are encouraged, including discussions concerning the confusion between nudism and eroticism if discussed maturely. All posts in this forum are moderated. Read our POSTING RULES here and here. All information appearing on this website is copyright and intellectual property of the Society for Understanding Nudism unless otherwise noted. The views expressed on these forums by participants are not necessarily representative of the Society for Understanding Nudism. Administrators reserve the right to delete anything outside the posting rules, or anything in their opinion not appropriate. To post, you must have cookies enabled and be at least 18 years of age.

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