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 Is nudity or clothing "sexier"?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudeisntlewd Posted - 01/19/2007 : 03:13:15 AM
I contend that clothes are sexier than nudity. Not just sensual clothes. There are lots of intriguing things other than anatomical parts. Like how you present and carry yourself. It's how you wear them and how they fit some things and hide others. It’s always easier to project confidence with dress and style than by showing your love handles – unless you’re the 1-in-a-million perfect.

What do you all think?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Parrotile Posted - 04/01/2010 : 3:47:04 PM
On the basis that we are designed to recognise contrast (in colours shapes, shades etc.) the clothing industry capitalises on this to market their products. Exactly how many adverts have we all seen that claim "their" clothing product "will make you appear sexier" - either as a direct statement of the fact, or by indirect implication? In Aus. we have to cope with "Fashon TV" which regularly runs hours of programming on "Sexy Swimwear" and "Sexy Lingerie" - so the conclusion should be obvious - the "Fashion Industry" is desperately hell bent on inculcating the "clothing is sexy" image on everyone. The REALITY is that it is all simply packaging technology - you don't buy washing powder to keep the box, so why should any of us be interested in what's simply the wrapper - the contents are far more important (and I suggest FAR more interesting!)

Personally, whils the Mrs looks great wearing clothes, I think she looks FAR better naked (and I'm advised by "Herself" that she thinks the same way about me too, which is very nice!)

Phil & Timea S.
soonbnude Posted - 04/01/2010 : 02:27:35 AM

Depends on the context. Nudity with your partner in an intimate location or position is sexy. Clothes that show off the female form (from a straight man's perspective) can be sexy but it depends on the wearer and how provocative they are or are trying to be and whether the clothes suit the person and the context. Lingerie on a model can be titillating or revealing or maybe confronting but its sexy I think when you know the person wearing the gear and maybe its worn for you to see and not everyone.
Nudejoe Posted - 06/29/2009 : 08:10:29 AM
This is very interesting topic. In terms of which I would consider to be sexier, I would say that clothing can be depending on what is worn. Certain pieces of clothing can be worn to stress some parts of one's body and drawing attention to them. Someone who is nude is in their natural state and unless they are behaving in a way that is considered to be inappropriate then they are less sexy. Clothes give the illusion that there is something underneath worth viewing and creates a curiosity as to what is underneath the clothing.
Little Fellow Posted - 03/01/2009 : 12:56:32 PM
Originally posted by mike7407

clothes are sexier. They leave something to the imagination.

Push up bras, lingerie, suspenders look alot sexier than nude women because the are designed to make women's assets stand out more, while leaving things to the imagination.

Seeing girls in bikinis is alot sexier than in the nude, but this doesn't matter in a non sexual nudist setting.

roger Posted - 02/26/2009 : 11:33:17 PM
In my opinion nude is more atractive than not but sexy is an attitude that one gets from being confident in there body and personality clothed or not. Someone who I would think is sexy nude is also the same person I would think is sexy clothed.

Anniebare Posted - 02/26/2009 : 3:34:26 PM
I believe it was C. S. Lewis who said that we never would have learned lasciviousness if we hadn't first learned modesty.

mike7407 Posted - 09/16/2008 : 11:23:03 PM
clothes are sexier. They leave something to the imagination.
balataf Posted - 08/28/2008 : 05:54:42 AM
This is a highly individual question, and each person's viewpoint will largely depend on how they were conditioned to clothing/nudity as a child. This includes the question of having siblings of the opposite sex as well as parents and all their behaviors. Check out the cultural anthropology of clothing styles. No definitive answer is possible.
Warmskin Posted - 08/28/2008 : 01:49:18 AM
Swimsuits, for one example, are much sexier. They have a combination of the seen and the unseen. The unseen is imagined, and the imagination always outperforms the reality of the seen. To illustrate that point, let's say you're going to the dentist for a root canal, tomorrow afternoon. All night long and all next morning your imagination is going to drag you through all the torture it can muster up, because imagination is not based on present reality. Then comes the actual procedure, which is far less of a trauma than your imagination had told you.

In that light, say you're at the beach and your a healthy young guy. You see all the young women running around in their bikinis. Your imagination makes these young girls sexier than they really are. The contrasts between body parts and bright colored bikinins are sharp. At a nudist resort, these contrasts and objects of an imagination are all gone. The young ladies have a monotone appearance. It's almost kind of dull, without the swimsuits capitalizing on the female body.

That has been my experience, that all those women are fairly monotone, as are the men, for that matter. Also, all is revealed, so there is nothing symbolic to "celebrate." The nude people might as well be porpoises for all the effect they are having one a person at the nudist resort.

So you have Madison Avenue on the one hand, and dull nature on the other. If you want contrasts in nature, look for colorful birds, and you'll have better luck.

That government governs best, which governs least - Thomas Jefferson
Calbob Posted - 08/04/2008 : 6:56:01 PM
Then, of course, we have situations where we mix clothing or costumes with nudity such as at theme parties or dances. I remember one Bare Necessities cruise where a costume night was scheduled. The cruise director, who knew nothing about nudists, had said that he couldn't imagine what kind of costumes nudists could come up with. Boy, did he get an education! (One guy came as a bottle of tequila. I probably don't have to tell you what the worm was!)

CuriousKat Posted - 08/04/2008 : 12:45:49 AM
ok so I'm going to go against the grain here. Stating first that I am what people would consider a healthy 20 year old female, curvy but I take care of myself well. IMHO I believe that sexy is confidence, and confidence is not having to worry about where your bikini is being wedged. I feel 100% more sexy when I can sport a nice seam free tan and nothing else. I had to get my boyfriends opinion on this one and he agrees that even in a corset and heels I still look better at the beach. On the other hand this weighs strongly on the woman. If you are not happy with your shape and curves you may appear more confident when armed with some "restraints", but not me.
Brn2bn61 Posted - 07/06/2008 : 9:46:12 PM
All y’all make some really good points that definitely show your opinion. While everyone's opinion may be slightly different I can agree with all.... Is it sexier to be clothed than not? IMHO, it really depends on you... personally, when I see a fully clothed "morbidly obese" person, I feel like I could cry for them when I see them struggling to move about. I think to myself "how on earth could someone let themselves go that far?" Yet, when I see someone similar at a nudist event I don't necessarily see them as morbidly obese (Health wise, I think it may be a problem). As far as clothing goes, I think it is designed to make people look more 'desirable' to the opposite sex. So in that sense, clothed people are sexier than nudist; but nudist, IMHO, are more beautiful.
OLD BUZZARD Posted - 07/06/2008 : 8:05:01 PM
I tend to agree with Jennifer on this subject.If beeing a nudist then be when at a nudist org be nude,when out in the textile world be dressed.........old buzzard

not as good as i once was..........DAMMIT
CathyK Posted - 05/11/2008 : 3:43:19 PM
I think that originally clothing was meant to cover the naked body, but then it began to lift and support, and enhance, and colorize, and flatter, etc. Clothing then became much sexier than nudity. The nude body in and of itself is not sexy, as most nudists will attest to, a nudist resort is not as sexy a place as a clothed resort. Society has sexualized the naked body by clothing it in a sexual way.

beths1957 Posted - 05/04/2008 : 1:36:02 PM
I totally agree with what you said and I tell people the same thing. I have been into nudism about 6 years now. Even those with great bodies have flaws when nude. I have to say I have been to my resort many times and was never sexually aroused by it, even though I am a very sexual person.


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