T O P I C R E V I E W |
yitfs |
Posted - 12/13/2008 : 2:31:00 PM so I'm a nudist around the house. i usually keep a pair of shorts next to the door in case someone knocks. usually delivers ring only: fedex, ups, ... i put my shorts on and open the door. what do u guys do??? |
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
sailawaybob |
Posted - 10/16/2020 : 10:24:26 PM several years back i was up at the nude camp i was a member of sunning by the pool when i heard a vehicle coming up the hill beep a horn being a weekday i was the only one there even the owners weren't around so i guess it was up to me to investigate and as i got to the gate a female fed ex driver appeared , she didn't look surprised by me being nude i figured it was her route and she had figured out how to get through the main gate . she had a delivery for one of the members who lived on the property so i told her the owner lived up the other hill and off she went. next day of my little oasis yeah where is everyone and again vehicle coming up hill beeping horn this time i stayed put and again through the gate my friendly fed ex gal so i got up probably because she was dressed in shorts today,another package and she beg me to sign for and put at the office so i gave in enjoying the company . we exchanged names since this seemed to be getting to be norm in meeting i even invited her for a swim which i think she had to think about for a second but than said she was running late maybe next time. i imagine delivery people see lots of stuff at home i'm nude or bottomless with just a tee if the doorbell rings i don't dress but use the door as a shield which only works if they don't hand me anything but hand me something exposes me if i have to open the screen door agin seems to be no big deal for delivery people and mail carriers
Daretobare |
Posted - 09/23/2020 : 05:38:08 AM It's like people are guided by social acceptance. My point is at our home in Florida many of you know we live next door to a nude resort. The same UPS and Amazon delivery people do the resort door to door and site to site there that deliver in our textile community where we are. Yet twice now in three years delivery drivers voiced a complaint to our office about people they delivered to were nude and they would prefer to deliver to the office. I remember a few years back when we bought our golf cart and had it delivered. The driver said had our address been next door with nude people he would have refused entering and taken it back to his store. |
HomeRules |
Posted - 09/22/2020 : 12:56:52 PM I think it's because the types of people who object. In other countries, they don't have problems. Here, some will have you arrested and sent to a psychiatrist. My dad, for instance, had zero tact about the issue and tried to shame me at a young age. It didn't work, I just didn't go nude where he could have found out. But others might have the expected result.
-*-*-*- If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance. -*-*-*- |
FireProf |
Posted - 09/22/2020 : 12:40:02 PM Not holding my breath on that one! hahahahaha But... at least more and more people seem to be admitting to wearing much less to nothing at all and preferring it. Some of those we know well have admitted to it and will say, "NOW, we know why you live that way!" Will they begin living that way, who knows, they aren't sharing.
It's strange to me that people have no problem admitting to and being so open about their sexual preferences but are so afraid to admit that they live nude, visit nude beaches, clubs and resorts and hang out with others who feel the same way. Just seems weird to me. 
Loves being naked. Plays well with others! |
HomeRules |
Posted - 09/22/2020 : 11:46:51 AM I'm wondering about the numner of people accepting nudism as a lifestyle. We may start to see an attempt at normalizing it, like LGBTQ.
-*-*-*- If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance. -*-*-*- |
FireProf |
Posted - 09/22/2020 : 09:24:30 AM I wonder if some of these delivery people are seeing more and more naked people since Covid. Apparently, there is an up tick on more people admitting to not wearing clothes at home and some stating that when they are on conference calls on the computer, with a camera on, they will don a top but be bottomless. A suggestion that an increase in home nudism has also been on the rise has been written about in the news. It's possible these drivers have seen much more, nowadays.
Loves being naked. Plays well with others! |
HomeRules |
Posted - 09/22/2020 : 05:51:21 AM quote: Originally posted by FireProf
We tend to get many more deliveries from Amazon, nowadays, since this UPS thread started. Those packages arrive via different carriers/deliverers some times and when the Amazon truck delivers, it's never the same people.
We had a delivery of a Air Fryer a couple months ago. It was a bigger box and about 2 steps away from the front door. Neighbors across the street had their windows and shutters shut tight since it was a hot one. Coast was clear to retrieve the package without doning my usual sheer shorts.
The Amazon delivery driver put the package on the porch and then moved the van about 25 ft to the very end of the cul-de-sac. Driver was facing away from our front door so I opened the door, stepped out and retrieved the package.
Forgot that I could and was seen in the side view mirror! I looked over and could see a face in the mirror looking back at me. I waved, she waved back. I turned and began to step inside. As she began to drive off, she honked her horn twice and waved again. I stepped inside, turned and waved and she drove off. I guess a shot of my butt was okay with her! 
Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
It's always surprising how often people seem tonhave no problem with it, or even like the idea. Too bad it's not more mainstream.
-*-*-*- If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance. -*-*-*- |
FireProf |
Posted - 09/21/2020 : 09:03:16 AM We tend to get many more deliveries from Amazon, nowadays, since this UPS thread started. Those packages arrive via different carriers/deliverers some times and when the Amazon truck delivers, it's never the same people.
We had a delivery of a Air Fryer a couple months ago. It was a bigger box and about 2 steps away from the front door. Neighbors across the street had their windows and shutters shut tight since it was a hot one. Coast was clear to retrieve the package without doning my usual sheer shorts.
The Amazon delivery driver put the package on the porch and then moved the van about 25 ft to the very end of the cul-de-sac. Driver was facing away from our front door so I opened the door, stepped out and retrieved the package.
Forgot that I could and was seen in the side view mirror! I looked over and could see a face in the mirror looking back at me. I waved, she waved back. I turned and began to step inside. As she began to drive off, she honked her horn twice and waved again. I stepped inside, turned and waved and she drove off. I guess a shot of my butt was okay with her! 
Loves being naked. Plays well with others! |
Nude in AK |
Posted - 09/19/2020 : 09:56:40 AM Like several others here, I keep a pair of shorts handy for that 'just in case' time! The times that I did not make it to the shorts, did not seem to bother some. In fact the same gal has been back several times, and has commented about me having shorts on! |
HomeRules |
Posted - 09/18/2020 : 11:44:31 PM Depends on the delivery person because I live in a house that can't be seen from the road. I have a pair of soccer shorts I slip on if I need to.
-*-*-*- If clothing didn't exist, everyone would have a lot less worry about our appearance. -*-*-*- |
Diger |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 10:36:54 AM Jason, I'm sure the Tampa area is loaded with nudist families so it would be a safe bet that your mail person has seen other naked bodies on his route.
I was a paperboy nearly 40yrs ago in Tennessee and I saw a few naked or nearly naked people when I went to the door to collect my money. None answered the door that way but had to duck for cover when came to the door that had a window. LOL
Diger |
Hawk TK-9401 |
Posted - 09/25/2012 : 5:23:05 PM Our little dog, Padme', got pepper sprayed the other day by the mail-man.
My wife was naked in the living room, so she didnt want to answer the door. So she sent one of our kids to answer the door instead. Well, our little Pug/Chihuahua mix ran out after the guy. So he sprayed her (the dog) in the face.
My wife is afraid of being sued or having our kids taken from us or something like that by some stupid person. So she wont answer the door if she's not dressed.
Of course in all fairness, she didn't expect our dog to get pepper sprayed either.
I told her in retro-spect, she should have either not answered the door (our mailman usually just rings and leaves the package), or just answered it. I doubt a guy is gong to get too upset about my wife (who is a slim attractive 29 yo) answering the door in the buff. Worse comes to worse, it might have made his week. lol.
Maybe we should post a sign or something... Ive thought about it, but Im not sure how our other family and friends would react. (most know anyway, but they might think it a bit much if we post a sign) Its sort of one of those things they know about us, but we dont really talk about. (well, some of our closer family members and friends will mention it in light hearted ways from time to time, but none of them would do it themselves) They are all too "societized" to be nudists. :)
What man is a man who does not make the world better. |
n/a |
Posted - 09/25/2012 : 12:50:42 PM True but they have that choice if they didnt have the make you come pick it up option lol then she would be happy to bring it to you while your nude even if it might gross her out :) |
Bob Knows |
Posted - 09/25/2012 : 11:18:52 AM quote: Originally posted by renobiker
Yeah not shocked she chose to no longer deliver to you.
I'm not surprised, but I don't find it acceptable. The government should not be refusing service to individuals based on how someone chooses to dress or other irrelevant reasons. |
n/a |
Posted - 09/24/2012 : 6:43:59 PM Yeah not shocked she chose to no longer deliver to you. |