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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n/a Posted - 04/07/2012 : 11:52:18 AM
Do you women feel the same about your erect nipples as men feel about their erect penis? I bring this to light being anything on the site or in general about anything erect is always about a penis being erect. Why does no one mention erect nipples? To me I feel they are one in the same just a natural human body function that should not be seen any different we can walk by see a womns breast with erect nipples no one cares, but walk by man sunning with an erection and we question half the time why is he erect is he having dirty thoughts etc.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Drewman Posted - 09/05/2013 : 01:51:46 AM
Originally posted by rabbitnbunny

Originally posted by dariuscollier1971

If nipples are not sexual, why do women get aroused if they are played with or liked or what ever? Why do the become erect if the women is sexually stimulated? And sometimes we men become erect for no real reason at all. I think that the reason erect nipples are largely ignored while an erect penis is not ignored is because some women just have naturally large or erect nipples and because most women claim to not be turned on by the sight of a nude body so people just ignore them, and while men are largely looked at as more sexual beings we are not ignored and believed to just be sexually stimulated.

Because that's not always true for starters. I've known people to get goosebumps during sex, so if someone at the beach gets goosebumps, they're sexually aroused? Geez, get real.

I've heard of men that have erect nipples when aroused. The point is, it doesn't happen without some form of stimulation. An erection can't happen without some message from the brain telling it to do so. Something happens that an individual's brain interprets as sexual stimulation.

I know this is an old post, however, for future reader purposes, Men, just like Women, can get arousal from non sexual stimuli (ie the feel of a warm sun and gentle breeze on the nude body). Just as women react to air, cold or pleasurable warmth, so too can a man. If something offends someone, take ownership and make it personal, don't claim to know what arouses a female is purely natural and physical in some instances but not possible for a male ... that is absurd to think
hernandocpl Posted - 09/24/2012 : 2:24:03 PM the message.

Live love and have fun
dariuscollier1971 Posted - 09/24/2012 : 12:12:22 PM
Troll!?, I'm no troll, why are people getting offended? I thought I could express my opinion like every one else, but I guess that's only allowed if it follows suit with what women think, I'm done with this topic, what real difference does it make any way, wow!!!!!
hernandocpl Posted - 09/24/2012 : 12:06:31 PM
anyone else hear the troll alrms going off?

Live love and have fun
dariuscollier1971 Posted - 09/23/2012 : 5:30:41 PM
And do women never ever get sexually aroused while at nudist beaches or resorts?
dariuscollier1971 Posted - 09/23/2012 : 5:28:23 PM
Well, I'm a man and there have been times when I've gotten an erection and didn't know why, there was no sexual stimulation at all, it even happens to little boys who don't even know about sex.
rabbitnbunny Posted - 09/23/2012 : 5:00:14 PM
Originally posted by dariuscollier1971

If nipples are not sexual, why do women get aroused if they are played with or liked or what ever? Why do the become erect if the women is sexually stimulated? And sometimes we men become erect for no real reason at all. I think that the reason erect nipples are largely ignored while an erect penis is not ignored is because some women just have naturally large or erect nipples and because most women claim to not be turned on by the sight of a nude body so people just ignore them, and while men are largely looked at as more sexual beings we are not ignored and believed to just be sexually stimulated.

Because that's not always true for starters. I've known people to get goosebumps during sex, so if someone at the beach gets goosebumps, they're sexually aroused? Geez, get real.

I've heard of men that have erect nipples when aroused. The point is, it doesn't happen without some form of stimulation. An erection can't happen without some message from the brain telling it to do so. Something happens that an individual's brain interprets as sexual stimulation.
dariuscollier1971 Posted - 09/22/2012 : 11:54:10 PM
If nipples are not sexual, why do women get aroused if they are played with or liked or what ever? Why do the become erect if the women is sexually stimulated? And sometimes we men become erect for no real reason at all. I think that the reason erect nipples are largely ignored while an erect penis is not ignored is because some women just have naturally large or erect nipples and because most women claim to not be turned on by the sight of a nude body so people just ignore them, and while men are largely looked at as more sexual beings we are not ignored and believed to just be sexually stimulated.
sailawaybob Posted - 09/12/2012 : 9:24:06 PM
carol they make nipple pumps that can probably un-invert them.
Carol62 Posted - 09/11/2012 : 10:44:32 PM
Mine are inverted. I would love to know what it's like to have them erect.

Carol Cole
nudieboy and jenni Posted - 08/24/2012 : 12:21:17 PM
My nipples are erect if I feel a cool breeze or come out of the pool. Nothing sexual about them, unlike a man with wood.
Bob Knows Posted - 05/28/2012 : 2:37:20 PM
Originally posted by rabbitnbunny

Some people can't seem to realize, that nipples ARE NOT SEXUAL ORGANS. So who cares if they perk up in the weather.

Yes, people never seen to realize assertions that fly in the face of every day reality.

rabbitnbunny Posted - 05/28/2012 : 1:42:13 PM
Some people can't seem to realize, that nipples ARE NOT SEXUAL ORGANS. So who cares if they perk up in the weather.
Warmskin Posted - 05/10/2012 : 9:19:32 PM
Hmm, a double standard. A man ought not get an erection, but a woman can. I guess that compensates for women not being allowed to be topless in many states, while men can get away with no shirt. What symmetry!!!

I do concede that a man's erection is far more noticeable than a woman's erectile state. A man's is more geared toward sex while a woman's erect nipples are geared toward nursing a baby. Of course, without the former, there would be no infant to be nursed.

I think I should quite while I'm ahead of where I'll be if I continue with this post. Most likely I'd end up confusing myself, too.

One thing that does prompt a male erection is playful physical contact with a woman at a nudist resort. Happened to me once, on a single occasion. Fortunately, I was in a conversation tub. I think the playful woman was a bit tipsy.

In that male erections are rare at nudist resorts, and female erections are not that noticeable, the whole problem (not using the word "issue") may be non-existant, and that is good.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Bob Knows Posted - 05/06/2012 : 09:53:28 AM
Just get a nice pair of rings on your nipples and they stay out permanently. No problem.

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