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 Nudism and The Law / Laws Concerning Nudists
 Nudity at home/unlawful?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jjusthary Posted - 09/29/2010 : 7:04:54 PM
is it unlawful to be nude in your home w/doors and windows open day or night?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
go n nude Posted - 10/03/2010 : 08:07:33 AM
A weekly one hit wonder, it never ends..
It would be unlawful, exposing ones self where you could be seen by the general public at large,clearly a real lack of common sense, exhibitionism, asking for more trouble than one so desires, as noted above, and lawyers get richer from defending those who choose to be wanton and possibly perverted, on private property keep it private, and enjoy your freedom and your right to do so..

go n nude
sailawaybob Posted - 10/01/2010 : 12:32:18 AM
from the laws i have read about the only place in the usa maybe would be vermont and possibly oregon but would definately read the laws of your jurisdiction.
Nudesuncpl Posted - 09/30/2010 : 5:34:19 PM
Besides which, it is just plain silly. Are you a nudist or an exhibitionist? There's a difference. We're constantly nude at home and in our private backyard. We have blinds on the front windows and a privacy fence and we enjoy our comfortable lifestyle without exposing ourselves to others. We don't want people in infringe on our life, and we don't want to infringe on others. Actually, jjusthary, you know the answer: all it takes is a little respect.
FireProf Posted - 09/29/2010 : 11:45:24 PM
I would venture a guess that just about anywhere in this could be visited by the police, warned by the police, cited by the police, sat in the back of a police car for a while, hauled off to jail and end up in court and possibly with a criminal record and or placed on a list of sexual preditors...or anything in between and a combination of any!

If the inside of your house can be seen clearly from a public street, road, neighbors..etc., why would you want to take that chance?

Better to be safe than sorry. Do your nude time with windows and doors open when you are absolutely sure no one will see you!

JimmieMac51 Posted - 09/29/2010 : 11:17:19 PM
Depends on your local laws and just how visible you are from the outside world. Also, what you do to protect yourself from being seen, curtains, shades.

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