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T O P I C R E V I E W |
Louisa |
Posted - 04/04/2003 : 6:28:28 PM I am going to St Martin this with my parents in May. Some days, they just like to hang out at the hotel and I usually take the car and go off by myself. I have never gone nude but am thinking I would like to this year on Orient of course.
I was wondering how it would be for a 26 year old to be by herself nude? Are there any actions I should be aware of--meaning this--there seems to be a division between naturalists who are into it for the sex side (which is fine by me) and some into it just for the freedom of being nude (also fine by me).
That said, are there sort of unwritten rules that alert people as to what you are looking for, if anything?
This may seem silly, but I have been to a few swingers clubs and there are certain gestures, positions to sit in and so on that let people know where you stand so to speak--of you are there to watch, to play and so on.
So on a nude beach, are there any such things? I am not sure what I will be looking for that day- just a quiet day alone or something more... but I want to know how to act depending.
For example, I read something about sitting with your legs open vs closed. To sit with them open is to invite people to stare, often in a voyeuristic way. It is a hint and that if someone approached you then to chat, that it may be understood you are looking for something more than just a day at the beach, maybe later or to go off somewhere.
Similarly, if you sit with them closed, that means just here for the sun. And if someone approached you with a proposition, they would be out of line or it just wouldnt happen.
Is this true and are there any other signals, etc?
Thanks |
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
thornapplebison |
Posted - 06/05/2009 : 02:36:14 AM Oh, yeah. I misunderstood. I didn't comment on the man masturbating, as it seemed irrelevant to your behavior.
Of course, that's horribly wrong.
MissGreedily |
Posted - 06/04/2009 : 5:06:01 PM Oh geeze no, lol. I now see that I did not explain that well at all. He took a picture of ME. The man in question was behind us, yes, but to the right and way out of camera range. Sorry about the misunderstanding! There was nobody else in the picture besides me, we made sure of that. Besides, if we're talking about being rude, nobody is being more rude than the man using a nude beach as a place to jerk off in public! |
thornapplebison |
Posted - 06/04/2009 : 4:46:42 PM Let me get this straight, MissGreedily. Your boyfriend took a nude picture of you standing in front of a nude masturbating male that you guys didn't know?
Maybe he got upset because he didn't want pictures of himself having some "me" time on the beach in the hands of strangers?
Anyway, I think you guys overreacted. Who cares if you're welcome to a public beach? You have as much right to be there as anyone. I think you were too sensitive in packing up and leaving, and not sensitive enough in taking pictures with strangers behind you.
MissGreedily |
Posted - 06/04/2009 : 3:36:18 PM Well, now I have a question. My boyfriend and I were at Haulover a few weeks back, enjoying the weather. We went for a walk down the shore, both of us nude, and he took a picture of me. We were stopped by a man standing behind me (let me point out here that said man was masturbating, but we chose to ignore him) and told that if we didn't lose the camera, we would be asked to leave. Is that commonplace? I felt very put-off... he took ONE picture, and it was obviously of me and nothing else. We ended up packing our bags and leaving less than a half hour later because we did not feel welcome any more. |
lantageek |
Posted - 05/31/2009 : 08:44:18 AM Louisa,
Can't make any suggestions, but I would be careful going to swingers clubs these days (not to be judgmental) just to be safe that you don't get something that you might not want like STD's. |
lantageek |
Posted - 05/31/2009 : 08:40:45 AM never heard of kepping legs open or closed. Usually sex is a no-no although before haulover was open there was a time I saw a couple having sex in the water (it was obvious because the gal walked in with a bkini bottom and left without one and they were all over each other although I wasn't in the water witnessing the events). I really didn't care hey why not you're both naked anyway. |
fullmonte |
Posted - 02/16/2009 : 10:53:39 PM I haven't read all of the postings on this topic, but it was really on my mind, because of what I observed last wednsday at Haulover Beach in Miami. I don't get to many Nude Beaches,mostly resorts. Although people are people, and I've seen behavior not OK'd by the AANR, it is at a minimum, to nearly non-existent at AANR blessed resorts. Beaches are quite another thing. The rules of etiquette in Nudism, are very natural to me. By this, I mean, they make sense, and it is really really a matter of common courtesy and respect.
Back to Haulover....I was on a business trip, and only had about 3 hours to spend there. It was a blissful 3 hours! However, there was this man I'd guess to be in his upper 30's...I'll call him "Mr. Obvious". It was 80 degrees, and he walked out on the beach in a longsleeved workout sweatshirt, and bluejeans, complete with wide leather belt and work shoes! He stood looking around, and when the first woman arrived and took off her clothes, he very obviously and immediately turned and walked her way, and looked down at her with long gazes, as he passed, turned around, and walked past her again! This really pissed me off, to put it nicely, but what can you do? It is a public park! So, I have to say that gawkers are probably not going away any time soon. That is one thing I don't like about beaches. However, the ocean and sand are wonderful, and you can't beat the price!
fullmonte |
Posted - 02/16/2009 : 10:35:27 PM Ash, I'm responding to your posting, and telling you as a man. You are not too selfconscious. It is very obvious, when one of my gender, positions himself for the purpose of staring at you. And....I don't know, maybe the driftwood thought isn't too far out of line! Possibly just give him one chance to move, by telling him to knock it off! If he won't move, then hit him with driftwood! {:>)quote: Originally posted by Ashley
I was trying to find SOMETHING to post about today and this forum subject is something I have a grand total of five days experience in observing, so I'm far from an expert. However, not letting lack of knowledge stop me from making comments ever before, here I go. I'll mention "etiquette" from my personal point of view based on my one trip to Orient Beach. Whether normal rules of etiquette are similar, I have no idea: (1) Guys: If a girl is laying out on her beach towel, I find it very objectionable and irritating to have you come out there and place YOUR towel directly facing the "soles of my feet" and settling in. It's just a BIT obvious that you're trying to get the best "shot" visually and I really think you should "grow up" a little. It leaves us with the choice of having to move (which is unfair), lay with our ankles crossed to obscure your view (which is uncomfortable) or hit you in the head with a piece of driftwood (which is illegal). Be nice ok? (2) If you decide to introduce yourself to a girl who is sitting on the beach, I think it's much more considerate to sit BESIDE her facing the same direction she is sitting (so you are parallel) than to sit directly facing her while making your introductions. These were just things that made me feel a little less than comfortable when they occurred during the short time I was at the beach. I'd be interested in hearing if others feel pretty much the same way or am I possibly a little too self conscious and need more "nude time" to get over it?
Warmskin |
Posted - 02/16/2009 : 10:06:50 PM The rules for an unforgettably exciting time that the entire beach will never forget either:
1. Kick sand in everybody's face. 2. Play your ghettoblaster at full volume and make sure that your musical tastes dominate everyone else's. 3. Drink lots of beer and belch in a stranger's face. 4. Make it a point to comment on everybody's body features. 5. Bring along a dog; the kind that loves to jump all over people lying on their beach blankets, but only when the dog just got out of the ocean. 6. Make sure your cigarette smoke wafts over to the non-smoking folks next to you. 7. When you first arrive, remember to do a slow strip-tease in front of some folks, instead of simply taking off your clothes. 8. Be sure to leave plenty of litter behind just before you leave. 9. Go out of your way to stare at the opposite sex. 10. Sport an erection often and show it off to as many people as possible.
These tips should bring your lonely life to a halt. Most people on the beach will surely talk with you at some level if you stick to these rules. However, if you just want to have a nice day at the beach and ensure that you're doing your part to make your nude beach a great one, do the opposite of the aforementioned rules. Some people might need to see the absurdity of being self-oriented at public places to reform their habits.
"'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world."
George Washington
Meeshell |
Posted - 02/16/2009 : 2:58:31 PM "Safe" ways to compliment people in a nude environment~ My personal that you would engage in it as you would most other places~ with respect to you're intentions. I say most women love a compliment....especially if you share a common interest. If someone were to make a remark to ~ nice boob job, I would be offended. There's a difference. I've enjoyed the freedom of a nude environment for the fact that "most" people are there to be naked w/out the "typical" stereo types. A great way to give a compliment, is all about timing. I would bet your smile as that runner passed by ~ maybe said enough. quote: Originally posted by sea foam
I wonder....
Since I was born nude and prefer that even today, am I an originalist, or perhaps a purist? Maybe I am a bare-ist and would rather be em-bare-ist.
When I am clothed, I am still nude underneath. At those times, am I a stealth nudist? Am I engaged in a cover-up? If peeling off clothes makes me nude, does dressing repeal (re-peel) that?
Things that make you say, "hmmm...."
Here is an important general etiquette question: Can you describe "safe" ways to compliment the opposite gender on a nude beach? Example: Once I was at the beach without my wife (with her permission, of course), walking along the shore and reading a book, and I looked up and saw a lady runner. She was moving toward me with powerful, smooth strides, like a gazelle. I'm a runner, but not her calibre, and I wanted to say, "Nice form!" as she blew by. But I didn't, because I was there alone, and I didn't want to seem forward. I just smiled and secretly wished I had a stride and a cadence like that! Now, I definitely would have complimented her if my wife were there; in fact, I find it much easier to give a compliment that way. It just seems less likely that I'll generate suspicion of an ulterior motive.
So, what do you think (especially you ladies out there)? My wife tends to be a little more suspicious on the beach than off. Are the norms really any different there (or in the club) versus textile-land? There are obvious things not to do and say; I'm not talking about those. But I think guys in general might be more complimentary if they could receive a little help.
sea foam
...nothing is known, per se; all is a matter of faith...
Balto Bob |
Posted - 05/15/2008 : 09:31:09 AM The beach I visit has US park POLICE, who enforce most of the rules you listed. They cann't do much about the gawkers. But, they are VERY serious about the "wildlife habitat".
Bob Have a nice NUDE day !! |
n/a |
Posted - 05/15/2008 : 02:43:58 AM Since the posted question was asking about "rules/etiquette for nude beaches", let me share something I got off a web site recently. Sorry, I don't remember which one.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gawking or staring is rude, and quite conspicuous to others, despite the best attempts to hide it. Besides, it looks foolish.
Respect everyone's right to privacy, and allow them their space. It's okay to be friendly, but be considerate and courteous as well.
Keep the noise down. No boisterous shouting or profanity.
Sexual activity on nude beaches is illegal, offensive and inappropriate. If you experience an erection, keep it to yourself. Public displays of sexual arousal are inappropriate and unwelcome on nude beaches.
Respect the beach, and help control litter. Always bring a trash bag for your own litter, and take out more than you brought in.
If you wish to talk to children or minors on the beach, always introduce yourself to their parents and seek permission first.
Always ask for permission before taking anyone's photograph.
Nudity is permitted only in designated areas. Always get dressed before leaving the clothing-optional area, including trips out to the parking lot.
Theft of others' property is a crime. Beachgoers watch out for each other and their belongings; if you spot anyone committing an act of theft or other crime, identify the person and report it immediately.
Stay on trails. Keep out of vegetation, wildlife habitat and other environmentally sensitive areas.
Help educate others, and support our beach communities. Share these guidelines with others that may not be aware of them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'm NOT saying I agree ENTIRELY with all of the above, but I believe they do make good guidelines for someone new to nudism.
Just MY 2 cents worth.
Hiking the Cascades "naturally"! |
bigdfatboy33 |
Posted - 05/11/2007 : 3:57:33 PM My wife and I were in St. Martain a couple of years ago and were at Orient for a day it's a beach like any other very long with several different areas to rent chairs from different bars and resurants there was everybody there you can imagain familys, couples, singles, kids all in every state of clothing or non clothing everbody seemed to be respectfull of each other. Now what I would worry about is the crime down there do not leave anything in your car as they will break in to it in a heart beat, and be carful out at night stay with a group of people there was a lot of robbing of tourist on both the dutch and french side.
daniel kolbe |
EuroTim |
Posted - 04/23/2007 : 5:21:13 PM I'm with that. I consider myself a naturist; understanding that this means doing everything possible to live in harmony with nature. All the way from recycling even when it's a royal pain, to removing other people's trash from the beach when I leave to go home.
quote: Originally posted by nudeman72
Hmm- interesting, Kim.
I guess that might be the exact opposite, then, of what I understood. (Communing with nature might entail going out in the snow naked, etc.)
gregjhk |
Posted - 04/23/2007 : 12:01:05 AM ok well i think, the main ettiquette that seems to be common place is more aimed at men, i am new to naturism, and i have been told many times, that being nude is natural, but getting an erection for men although natural may offend some, and as such, due to legal issues, is frowned upon, so as not too offend anyone, the unwritten rule is for males to cover up or disdain from doin what ever they were doin that got them aroused, this is mostly to keep the spirit of naturism seperate from sexual acts and deviance, but then again i'm new to naturism and still learning my way too, but the way is to ask questions and your going the right way ask first, so you dont accidently offend someone
remember how you treat others, because its how they may treat you, if you dont do whats right |
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