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 For the Conservative Nudist - Resorts to Relax
 Towards A Kids-Free Vacation - Quiet Locations
 Listings for quieter destinations for the nudist

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 07/09/2002 : 5:27:05 PM
Here is a place to list your favorite nudist destination for relaxation, meditation or yoga. Do you know of a kids-free location for folks seeking quiet vacations? Hit Reply To Topic to post your favorite relaxing nudist destination.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FireProf Posted - 02/25/2018 : 10:55:57 AM
One should also consider the new Terra Cotta Hotel in Palm Springs. Though there are occasional theme parties it really isn't a "party" place. It's quieter than many other resorts with great clientele.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
free2be Posted - 02/24/2018 : 8:38:43 PM
Welcome to the site Petri!
You will find “Active Topics” when you log in. These are the ones where someone has recently posted since the last time you were logged in...that’s how I found this thread. Some threads are old but there is no problem posting something new...sometimes it will revive a topic...sometimes not so much. But keep at it as we enjoy looking back at topics we haven’t seen in a while.
To get back on topic...I haven’t been outside the US, so my favorite place so far is Gunnison beach in Northern NJ.
Petri Posted - 02/24/2018 : 6:46:02 PM
Very quiet here... Would assume there to be lots of people looking for this type of place. Previous post is already 5 years old! Adding my 5 cents: if you are able to go to France, there is one amazing place for a kids-free vacation:

For you record: I am involved with the web site, but this is not my property. But it is such an amazing place I really want to share it here. Have a look.
NaturistDoc Posted - 11/02/2013 : 01:47:35 AM
MrsAzLagoon no doubt refers to Alpenglow Ranch near Bend, Oregon. 'Tis indeed a wonderful and quiet place, and it's well described elsewhere on this site.
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 10/31/2013 : 11:51:30 AM
NaturistDoc...can you tell them about YOUR experience at a quiet, relaxing naturist B&B you went to recently?

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
edward329 Posted - 10/31/2013 : 11:02:48 AM
Berkley springs, W.Va. baths

retired from the telecommunications industry
Dcleatr Posted - 10/30/2013 : 4:35:49 PM
For a quiet place near Tampa, Florida, we would suggest The Woods RV Resort in Land O Lake. No RV, there are park models for rent. Nice pool, hot tub, conversation pool and club house. Very friendly people and the developer/owner lives there most of the year. If you want to secure a place go anytime, the lots are for sale. I know we'll be back.


Don't let them take away your right to bare butts!
Warmskin Posted - 07/16/2011 : 04:16:18 AM
Out west, there is also Harbin Hot Springs near Calistoga, Calif. Very quiet, especially in the warm pools where no talking is permitted, or is highly discouraged. If you go there from Calistoga, make sure anyone who can get carsick easily sits in the front seat of the car. It's a very winding route for a while. Harbin is a new age kind of place. For some folks that is fine. I don't relate to that aspect of it, but it's still a nice place to go.

"How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
harrier Posted - 04/19/2009 : 09:48:37 AM
My wife and I have been to Terra Cotta Inn twice and love it, but we live north of San Francisco and Palm Springs is pretty far away.
We have gone to Orr Hot Spings outside of Ukiah and found it pleasant, but our favorite is Wilbur Hot Springs in Calusa County near Williams. It is Old world with an old hotel with toilets down the hall and a large communal kitchen and recreation room. It has clothing optional only in the pool areas but you rarely see a swimming suit. The flumes and the swimming pool are first class. Three hot mineral water pools in the "quiet area" of warm medium and hot temperatures and a talking pool outside the quiet area. Plenty of sunning space and plenty of lounge chairs available. Mostly visited by couples of various ages. Children are allowed, but there are no play areas and they are rarely brought to Wilbur. There are yoga classes on weekends, but I don't participate.
FireProf Posted - 07/28/2008 : 01:36:58 AM
Originally posted by FlCpl4NewdFun

Fire Prof: I'm surprised Jeff was running the paint gun while you were there. Both Jeff and Judy are extremely conscientious of their guests.

Don't want to get into THAT situation here. Let's just say that our first impression of Jeff was not favorable and he wasn't as welcoming as he has been to others that have posted positive things.

Late in the day and only after some of our friends arrived, the only couple staying there that night, he changed his tune and became a lot more "friendly" towards his DAY guests.
pilot Posted - 07/28/2008 : 12:25:46 AM
We'll second the recommendation for Living Waters Spa. When we want nude and peaceful, but with likeminded people, LWS is our destination of choice. It is absolutely G-rated but equally absolutely adult. We use it as a base camp to explore the Palm Springs area. It is also the perfect place to recommend for first-timers. We have brought along newbie-couples who felt relaxed and at home more or less the moment they arrived.
FlCpl4NewdFun Posted - 07/27/2008 : 9:26:46 PM
Fire Prof: I must say, Living Waters Spa is an excellent place. We love it, just can't get there very often since we live in FL. I'm surprised Jeff was running the paint gun while you were there. Both Jeff and Judy are extremely conscientious of their guests.

But as far as relaxation goes LWS is ideal. No TVs, radios, phones, in the room, you can't get anymore relaxing than that. I actually pulled out the old "crackberry" last time we were there and was politely asked to take it back to the room.

If you want to truly relax that is the place to go.

For those unfamiliar with LWS it is for adults only due to the spa atmosphere, but unlike Terra Cotta it is singles friendly. Terra Cotta only allows couples.

FireProf Posted - 07/27/2008 : 7:59:49 PM
Our absolute favorite is Terra Cotta Inn, in Palm Springs. If we're unable to visit there because there is no vacancy.....

we'll try Living Waters Spa in Palm Desert. We've visited there once and it was very quiet and very relaxing except for the air compressor and spray gun while the owner was painting.

In all fairness, it's a nice place and should also be considered.

rabbitnbunny Posted - 07/27/2008 : 3:41:18 PM
Kiva Retreat in Santa Cruz. Absolutely awesome. $20 per person for an all day pass. A community area and a quiet meditation area. The community area has a very large hot tub, and a cold splash, a lawn for sunbathing, and tea is provided. The meditative area has s smaller hot tub, very large sauna, and massage tables.

All packed into a small area!

You can go to one of the nude beaches north of town, and come back to the retreat, it's open till midnight on Fri-Sat. Open all week, and special women's only mornings on Wed and Sun..

geojo Posted - 10/28/2002 : 8:25:44 PM
One of these days we will make it to the Terra Cotta Inn. It looks very pleasing.


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