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 No Topic Needed - Just Chatting - December 2006

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 12/05/2006 : 11:49:55 PM
No Topic Needed In This Thread - Topic-Free Zone

There was a good suggestion for an "off topic" topic, where the Admin won't gripe at you for ignoring the subject!

And so, drum roll please, the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! In this thread, and this thread only, it matters not what the subject is, nor if there was a subject in the first place. So, what's new with you?

Add your comments here by logging on and clicking Reply to Topic.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jim19452 Posted - 01/11/2007 : 5:02:14 PM
Originally posted by smoothy

Did anyone see the Bill Oreilly show last night? They were talking about nude parties at Yale University. The perspon being interviewed said it is very common on many campuses for students to have nnude parties. She said they were not orgies. They were like any other party except everyone was nude. I guess I went to college to soon.

Smoothy, I know I went to college way to soon!

Best Wishes, Jim
smoothy Posted - 01/11/2007 : 4:15:07 PM
Did anyone see the Bill Oreilly show last night? They were talking about nude parties at Yale University. The perspon being interviewed said it is very common on many campuses for students to have nnude parties. She said they were not orgies. They were like any other party except everyone was nude. I guess I went to college to soon.
gospel Posted - 01/03/2007 : 9:37:03 PM

All I can say is thank you for your support. I rather expected the violently peaceful to come after me with a vengeance. But who knows, the day is young.

Well a little time has passed and so far the "violently peaceful" (LOL) has fallen silent. I suspect they realize that you have spoken correctly.

nudeisntlewd Posted - 01/01/2007 : 9:11:15 PM
There is no topic here. This is the no topic required thread. The only place we can sound off or talk about anything we want to without getting our wrists slapped by Admin. (But he is nice about it.)
I personally can’t report on San Onofre. Other side of the country for me. But search around, I think there is a San Onofre thread here somewhere.

All I can say is thank you for your support. I rather expected the violently peaceful to come after me with a vengeance. But who knows, the day is young.

gospel Posted - 01/01/2007 : 8:40:53 PM
Originally posted by nudeisntlewd

Sorry folks, I found another soapbox.
I’ll say it for you: Here follows yet another lengthy dissertation from the outspoken Randy.

Randy I agree with every word that you said in you "dissertation". Unfortunately alot of us who agree these days are keeping quiet and the louder media has carried on this barrage of non-truth for a long time. Thanks for your very articulate presentation of truth.
mike37 Posted - 01/01/2007 : 5:10:02 PM
hey this was off topic of qhat all yall talking about but does anyone no how many people go to san onofre nude beach this time of year?
nudeisntlewd Posted - 01/01/2007 : 4:06:12 PM
Sorry folks, I found another soapbox.
I’ll say it for you: Here follows yet another lengthy dissertation from the outspoken Randy.

Read it if you like or go ahead and scroll past. I think most people would rather not bother with the facts, when the easier course is ignorance, or what just seems “nice”.

Originally posted by Enjoyit1961
As a citizen of a country that is a staunch ally of the US and owes its liberation from nazi-occupation to the Americans, I nevertheless would like to say that the best service the US can do to its brave men and women ovethere in Iraq is to bring them home without any delay.
The war in Iraq was wrong from the outset: Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Blair but also our pm here lied about their intentions right from the beginning.

At the outset, let me say that I don’t mean to be confrontational, but I do try to be informational and accurate. And I will do my best to be as diplomatic as I can. Additionally, I do appreciate your good wishes towards us and to our troops. I respect your opinions and your rights to them, although I don’t entirely agree with them, so please don’t be offended by my remarks.

All that being said, since you categorically state your opinion as fact, I reserve the same privilege.

My opinion is that the war in Iraq was NOT wrong from the outset: Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Blair and also your pm there DID NOT lie about their intentions right from the beginning. As jim19452 clearly stated,
Originally posted by jim19452

I am not aware that Bush and Blair lied about their intentions from the start. Both intended to remove Saddam Hussein and implement a more truly representative democratic form of government. Hussein is gone and a representative democracy has been implemented. How long it lasts is uncertain.

All sixteen of the US intelligence agencies opined in their National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002 that Iraq possessed WMD. The Robb (USA) and Butler (GB) commissions concluded that neither Bush nor Blair had attempted to alter intelligence thinking on this issue.

The estimate is that Hussein killed 140,000 Kurds with WMD and possibly a total of 300,000 Iraqis through various means. Hussein refused to comply with the resolutions he had agreed to at the conclusion of the first Gulf War.

The UN continues to be a sick joke in such matters.

Best Wishes, Jim

It seems to me that’s some pretty compelling evidence of what Saddam was capable of and of the threat he was.

The “lies” you elude to no doubt being the WMD issue. Well, so much has been said about supposedly not finding weapons of mass destruction. Much has been said, and subsequently ignored, about what has been found. And plenty has been found. Hidden shells with mustard gas and sarin nerve agent. Saddam’s regime used chemical agents to kill countless thousands of his own countrymen, women and children in the people of the Kurds, to both damage their population and to test the weapons. Decades later, this testing ground has shown devastation beyond the immediate deaths. Severely injuring the society with hideous birth defects, blindness and cancer and other disease rates many, many times the norm in other communities of the region. How many does a weapon need to be able to kill, or how many need to be killed before it<
jim19452 Posted - 01/01/2007 : 09:25:35 AM

I am not aware that Bush and Blair lied about their intentions from the start. Both intended to remove Saddam Hussein and implement a more truly representative democratic form of government. Hussein is gone and a representative democracy has been implemented. How long it lasts is uncertain.

All sixteen of the US intelligence agencies opined in their National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002 that Iraq possessed WMD. The Robb (USA) and Butler (GB) commissions concluded that neither Bush nor Blair had attempted to alter intelligence thinking on this issue.

The estimate is that Hussein killed 140,000 Kurds with WMD and possibly a total of 300,000 Iraqis through various means. Hussein refused to comply with the resolutions he had agreed to at the conclusion of the first Gulf War.

The UN continues to be a sick joke in such matters.

Best Wishes, Jim
Enjoyit1961 Posted - 01/01/2007 : 04:59:29 AM
Originally posted by balataf

For the Holidays, I'd like to ask everyone to remember the men in Iraq, and the job they are doing in protecting American interests in an increasingly complex and thankless situation.

It is hard just keeping a lid on, protecting, when the lives of so many children, women and men are at stake, and so many fanatics want to kill each other.

As a citizen of a country that is a staunch ally of the US and owes its liberation from nazi-occupation to the Americans, I nevertheless would like to say that the best service the US can do to its brave men and women ovethere in Iraq is to bring them home without any delay.
The war in Iraq was wrong from the outset: Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Blair but also our pm here lied about their intentions right from the beginning.
They should stand all trial for warcrimes as starting a war under false pretexts is indeed just that: a warcrime.
By the standards of the Nuremberg-trials of 1945 I am sure the gentlemen mentioned here would be condemned as such: warcriminals.
And in that case it is a good thing I am against the deathpenalty no matter what.
Otherwise I would have to plea here for erecting the gallows immediately for the accused.
nudeisntlewd Posted - 12/12/2006 : 2:41:06 PM
I've created a new homepage on, which deals with another aspect of my personality. My artwork. It's a work in progress, and I hope to be adding much to it as time goes on.

I invite you to have a look and tell me what you think. I hope you find it enjoyable.
You'll find it here:

Cheri Posted - 12/12/2006 : 1:13:55 PM
Hope to see many of you in chat tonight at 8pm Eastern time using PalTalk.

Hugs & happy holidays,

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
nudeisntlewd Posted - 12/12/2006 : 02:24:01 AM
Originally posted by Admin

...the forum is viewed by a total of 3 million visitors a year, and showcased by Google Video.

That has to help the nudist cause.

Best Wishes to all, and Happy Holidays!


You're welcome. You two deserve it.

Admin Posted - 12/11/2006 : 11:16:49 PM
Thank you, Randy and Tuffers, for your kind words.

Without the great people here this forum would be nothing.

Because of all your insightful and helpful contributions here, on-topic and spam free, and the efforts of our untiring Moderator, the forum is viewed by a total of 3 million visitors a year, and showcased by Google Video.

That has to help the nudist cause.

Best Wishes to all, and Happy Holidays!
Tuffers Posted - 12/09/2006 : 06:56:45 AM
Here, Here, Nudeisntlewd. Its the best and most pleasurable forum site I have come across and long may it continue to cater for genuine nudist folk!!

nudeisntlewd Posted - 12/09/2006 : 03:38:34 AM
Changing gears for just a moment, I had a thought about this forum.

I think it has been too long since the folks running this forum have been acknowledged for the great job they do.

When I joined just a few years ago, there were 2 or 3 thousand members. Pretty huge then, I thought. But as of this writing the forum has grown to 11,314 members. This has got to be the largest forum of it’s kind in the world. And yet, there is nothing pornographic about it. It isn’t allowed. Of course, a few characters try to get in from time to time, but they are sunk quickly.

The way Admin and the Moderators keep it clean is heroic and nothing short of amazing to me. Reasonable people who visit here and witness the friendly, intelligent, sometimes serious, sometimes light hearted discussion should plainly see that we aren’t a group of sex crazed freaks, just good people who enjoy the pleasure of harmless nudity.

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