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 If nudity was legal in your town...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jimfuturenudist Posted - 12/13/2010 : 3:19:35 PM
Perhaps this topic appears elsewhere, and I wasn't able to find it!

Anyway, I would pose the question:
"If public nudity were legal in your town, would you go nude?"

As for me, I would, as long as the outdoor temperature was at least 60 degrees Farenheit, and there was no wind chill!

And I wouldn't mind people looking at me! I would enjoy it!

What do you all think?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
agde Posted - 07/24/2019 : 07:07:38 AM
"If it were legal...."

I already think of this the other way around. I put on cover for a reason -- coat when cold, shoes for gravel, brimmed hat in the hot sun. Some rules just don't make sense -- like getting dressed to get wet -- so I have to be careful to double-check myself when leaving the undressing room at the pool.

Decisions, decisions. Right now there is a big "decision-free zone" because of an overreaching general public dresscode. If that were gone, I for one would merely be back to normal activity-based decisions -- like shirt/blouse, pants/skirt and shoes on public transport for hygiene convenience, or an arctic jacket in air-conditioned malls to prevent frostbite.

"If it were legal..." For one thing, I would enjoy the simplicity of being able to respond "Why?" if challenged about not wearing something.. "But, boss, what clothes are required to operate a computer?" or "But officer, I AM wearing a bicycle helmet!"

Sometimes I might wear something when taking out the trash, sometimes not. My body, my decision. Same for everybody. Overall, nudity decisions would become more granular, more personal and, like in Spain, more social.

The real challenge is not just to make nudity legal -- it's a good start! -- but rather to move and redefine the line where personal choice becomes protected and thus can no longer be challenged by social pressure or majority norms.

That's why I remain optimistic that it is not a pipe-dream and that the line can be moved toward personal sovereignty and choice just by relentlessly asking "why?" and following up with coherent arguments about judging normative behavior, not state-of-being. Did I behave differently collecting the mail nude than if I were clothed? What protective gear is required to take out trash?

Look what the LBGTQ community has done so quickly to challenge the definition of gender, changing the discussion from binary physical gender to gender based on a combination of physical gender, gender identity and gender preference. We can likewise challenge the "baseless illegality" of fabric-defined norms, moving instead toward fabric-neutral behavioral norms.
Nude in AK Posted - 07/21/2019 : 01:25:27 AM
Nude town sounds good! I would be happy with a neighborhood that one could be nude when ever!
sailawaybob Posted - 07/20/2019 : 11:22:29 PM
a nude town has always been my dream it would have to be a beach town imo somewhere in the keys would be perfect . I think i'd sell my car and all my clothes buy a bicycle and be a nude hippie lol.
speedy123 Posted - 07/15/2019 : 2:31:41 PM
I would take advantage, to an extent. As other posters have said I'd get the mail, take out the trash, water plants, etc. I'd probably still feel funny just walking down the street. I'm sure I could get used to the idea!
Warmskin Posted - 03/05/2011 : 04:58:28 AM
Originally posted by sailawaybob

sheets and towels only warmskin..

You got me on that one, Bob. And here I wanted to dress up like Liberace!!!

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
sailawaybob Posted - 03/05/2011 : 01:38:57 AM
sheets and towels only warmskin..
Warmskin Posted - 03/04/2011 : 02:04:13 AM
I have to say that if I could walk around nude in my town, it would be mucn more pleasant to walk to the laundromat.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
david nichols Posted - 03/03/2011 : 9:15:51 PM
i would be a lot wealthier. my wife and i wouldn't need 6 closets of clothes
Rodders Posted - 03/03/2011 : 05:35:48 AM
If nudity was legal in our city, I'd love to go and sunbathe in the local park, like they do in Berlin and Munich. I'd like to be free to cut the grass at the front of the house and greet people I know including the postman at my front door naked without being bothered by any passing cars. I'd love to go swimming at the local pools taking only a towel to dry myself. I hate swimming in any clothing. But these are just pipe dreams and I gave up smoking many years ago!

Diger Posted - 02/21/2011 : 4:31:39 PM
I would be more open around our property and even try to organize some local nudist at public places to spread the word about the benefits of the nude life. You would find it much easier to have the courage to convert others if you don't have to worry about going to jail.

I believe you would find others coming out of their closets everywhere.

nakedmodel Posted - 02/20/2011 : 9:07:52 PM
Yes. I would go naked as often as possible as long as the weather would be warm. Then when I do yard work & work up a sweat, I wouldn't have my clothes sticking to me.
jbsnc Posted - 02/19/2011 : 10:59:36 AM
Tough decision. If I lived in a much smaller town the decision would be easy, heck yes, I would wander all around town naked. The population where I live is far above 100,000 and I doubt I would have the courage to go naked anywhere outside my neighborhood.

Happy Nuding.
sailawaybob Posted - 02/19/2011 : 01:11:28 AM
well balataf i think a easier way would find a small town maybe in vermont where nudity is somewhat legal and advertise it to the nudist community as the future nudist city after you get a large population of nudist in the city you pick candidates to run for local public office who in turn draft legislature to make it legal to be nude outdoors in the city of course with some laws on conduct attached and presto nude city, vermont zip code 00000. or wherever else a city may be established.
balataf Posted - 02/18/2011 : 11:05:54 AM
Previously, I posted an extended analysis of the ideq of a Nudist town's feasibility. This was maybe, two years ago.
Anyhow, the main problem is gathering enuf jobs and economic heft with which to support the project. Initial cost for a small community might be onthe order of $10 million for land alone.
rooftopwilly Posted - 02/18/2011 : 02:48:28 AM
I trick my wife all the time, but the opposite of how bqdude did. I'll grab a pair of shorts and put them out to go get the mail, garbage cans, etc, but then I'll take them off as soon as I walk out the door. I do what I have to, then I come back in, pretend I'm taking them off as I'm in the doorway, and she's never the wiser! My wife doesn't mind my nudity at all, she's just afraid I'll get caught and arrested.
If my town were legal to be nude though, I don't know if I'd go just anywhere naked, but I'd definitely hang out more outside my house, and drive around naked more openly.

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