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 so ive been wondering

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudistmormon Posted - 01/11/2017 : 03:27:25 AM
not long ago i saw some photos taken anywhere from the 30's to the 60's of people on nude beaches or in general practicing nudism. some of these photos are regarded as classy and so on, why is it that these photos are ok but a simple modern nude photo ends up online and there is an uproar, heres the attitude of "oh it will ruin your life" or "oh no! people around the world know what i look like naked now! im so embarrassed!) i mean seriously the human body hasnt changed so why do people act the way they do? to be honest i guess i am strange because i dont care that there are nude photos of my on the internet, im not ashamed of my body, im not ashamed to let people see how i live my life.

Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
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Warmskin Posted - 03/16/2017 : 11:51:47 PM
A remote possibility is that photos from the 50s and 60s were "way back then," thus are more irrelevant to today, and thus are more harmless. Just guessing.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

soonbnude Posted - 01/13/2017 : 3:40:26 PM

I agree with whats been said, circulation of nude pictures is fast and can be miss used / abused. However photos of ordinary people enjoying the beach or camping or resorts etc, and men not sporting erections to try impress or pick up and people not having sex may be good for the nudist image generally. To try to normalise nudity with others in public places etc. without sex would be good (there is a time and a place, don't get me wrong) and would help I think with all the body image problems in society.

Cheers, SBN.
nudistmormon Posted - 01/12/2017 : 12:53:43 AM
i know i see things differently as a nudist (much like the rest of the REAL nudist community (im not counting those claiming to be nudist but really only looking to see nude people or exhibitionists thats why i say REAL nudists)) but i dont think there should be such a threat or fear, to be totally honest when i am clothed, that is where my shame comes in, i am telling the biggest lie i know when im clothed. i have said many times that clothing is where a lot of the problems humans have,begin and the threats to ones livelyhood etc is a good example. to me clothing is a way to control the human population.

Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
Nudony Posted - 01/11/2017 : 11:58:49 PM
In a word: circulation.

Back in the 60's nudist pics were only in nudist magazines. I wasn't around at that time, but even in the 70's, in Europe, nudist mags were hard to come by. Buying a nudist mag - much less recognizing someone who had posed in a nudist mag - wasn't exactly commonplace.

Today, pics from a nudist magazine or posted online can be scanned, re-posted, shared, re-blogged and so on, on a global scale. A nudist who posed nude - even just once - can find him/herself "viewed nude" a million times over. The internet has challenged the concept of "nudist anonymity." For the teacher, government employee, parent or executive: this can present a threat to such a person's livelihood, reputation, credibility or community standing. Unfortunately.

For those who have no such fears or concerns, I think it's great! The more "genuine" nudist pictures are out there, the more the chances of someone seeing how nudists live and being inspired by it. But I would not begrudge someone who - like me - would stand to "lose out" on nude pictures being readily accessible. A teacher friend of mine went through a real negative backlash when some nude beach pictures of her were "discovered" by one of her students and subsequently shared. She had to make a public apology in front of the school board to keep her job.

Nude in AK Posted - 01/11/2017 : 1:10:34 PM
Interesting thought! I guess that maybe there is so much negative press on being nude, that any of us that practice it are portrayed as being 'out of tough' with todays world! Well I am of the mind set, that being nude is good and willing to discuss it when the subject comes up.

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