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 America Is Afraid to Be Nude

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Warmskin Posted - 05/01/2016 : 04:24:08 AM
Interesting read on America's gymnophobia

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nude in AK Posted - 03/28/2019 : 02:24:44 AM
Too many things have changed and not for the better.
jbsnc Posted - 03/27/2019 : 1:38:19 PM
I've read that the once common nudity in boy's locker rooms in the USA is far less common than it once was. When I was young nude swimming was the standard in YMCA pools but nudity rare in movies. That has reversed.

I am curious as to what has happened in Japan. In the 50s family nude communal bathing was widespread. In the late 60s still wide spread but less common in some big cities. Curious about today's standards. Have they 'caved' too?

Happy Nuding.
ES_DW Posted - 02/25/2019 : 8:13:13 PM
The experience I'm about to describe was conveyed to me by my son, who was 10 years old at the time. We were in Barcelona for a soccer vacation. His team traveled there to train with the European coaches. The resort we stayed at had a spa and sauna. One day after practice, the whole team went to the spa to play in the pool. In the locker room was a naked man walking around. My son said he thought the man was German based on the way he spoke. Later that evening at dinner, most of the boys could not stop talking about how weird it was to see a naked man. I asked my son what he thought about it and he replied it was no big deal. It was no different than seeing us naked when we get out of the shower. My wife and I were pleased to hear his response making us realize he did in fact listen to us when we taught he nudity is not a big deal. We had a similar situation when the boys saw a bronze statue of a naked lady.
soonbnude Posted - 02/22/2019 : 3:55:00 PM
Just re-read that article, it is still relevant here. And to add to Rooftopwilly above, yes young guys in the change rooms here are equally afraid to be naked. Most older guys don't care. The media more broadly seem to set the standards, here and it seems the US. A more european approach would be great as many countries there seem to have a very liberal and reasonable approach to nudity.
rooftopwilly Posted - 02/21/2019 : 11:43:26 PM
I’m seeing this note and more at my gym. Us older guys have no problem getting naked in the locker room, but the younger guys will either wrap a towel around their waist and then slip their underwear or slip it back on after the shower, or else they get into the showers fully dressed (partitions between the showers with a curtain for privacy) and get undressed and redressed in there.
soonbnude Posted - 06/20/2016 : 08:00:02 AM

So what to do? In Queensland here in OZ it has a beautiful warm climate most of the year, lots of beautiful beaches, islands etc. and NO official nude beaches. All the beaches you may have heard about are unofficial which is code for being not legal and you can be arrested for getting your gear off at any of these places. I've not had the pleasure yet of disrobing totally at a QLD beach but maybe soon. At Alexandra Bay (near Noosa Heads which is one of the most beautiful places in Qld) there is an annual nude Olympics (which I plan on getting to one day) but the police occasionally arrive and arrest people who are nude at what is well known as a nude beach. Qld has a reputation of having exceptionally conservative (some might say backward) State governments so there are no legal CO beaches. Textiles sometimes use the other end of the beach knowing that nudists use the other end and seem to cause some of the police action also. So again, what to do? Nude beaches seem not to be popular among people in their 20-30's here (I'm 50+ as are many of my fellow nude beach goers) so as we are aging and maybe have less impact to changes in society or politically is there a future especially if men and some women go there to pick up and for casual sex in the dunes etc. Maybe I'm just not enjoying winter, its cold here but at least tomorrow is the shortest day so hey I can look forward to the warm weather coming back. SBN.
baie rouge nudists Posted - 06/17/2016 : 4:01:45 PM
Unfortunately the comments many of you mentioned at co beaches is right on. Here in Fun City N.Y., there is a hipster invasion at the local beaches which is on federal land where topless is legal. Many of these people comment about guys in speedos and topless women. Don't come here if you're going to complain in your hipster language about people's "junk" hanging out or being exposed. On Fire Island which used to have a nude beach until 2013, men have taken to wearing c**k socks and women wearing p***y patches which is ridiculous when you think about that it is legal to expose the rest of ourselves. According to government park officials the ban was put in place because of sexual misconduct which has never been substantiated. AANR and the Naturist Society have been working on legal arguments to counter the governments claim since the ban went into effect. Still nothing has been done for nudists. Too often we hear stupid comments from people who are small minded about what is perfectly natural. Unfortunately, there is no cure for stupid.
FullSun Posted - 06/17/2016 : 11:44:44 AM
Nudony, your note about beaches of France just show another area where Europe is ahead of the US. We think we are the leaders but a lot of Europe is lightyears ahead of us in transit, green energy, and even credit card processing. Here in the US we are just now getting around to Chip and Signature Credit cards while Europe has been on Chip and PIN for years which is more secure. We spent three weeks in the UK, Germany, and Switzerland last summer and I've been to a few other areas in recent years and each time I'm blown away by how far ahead of us we are. I hadn't thought about it but body acceptance is another area.
Nudony Posted - 06/16/2016 : 5:44:23 PM
Whenever I go to France in the summer, I get a bit of nudity-culture shock. One the public beach, naked toddlers. Topfree girls and women. Moms breastfeeding topfree. A little stroll down the end of the beach: nude people. With the occasional textiles hanging with the nudists without a care.

Then I come back to America and have to readjust to the lack of nudity. It's actually quite disheartening.

FireProf Posted - 06/16/2016 : 1:23:46 PM
One of the reasons we ended up stopping going to church ... I've had some pretty open discussions with a few Priests that have suggested I revisit my loyalty to the church. I've, in return, told them that they should revisit what being a "Christian" truly is and live by what the Bible states and not put their personal spin on it.

We stopped going to church after that!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
FullSun Posted - 06/16/2016 : 11:33:21 AM
I agree, the conservatism about bodies and nudity is definitely being fed by the media telling us what looks good and what does not and what the 'perfect' body is. The Fashion industry as well because they market things to be 'sexy' or what looks good even for those that do not have the 'perfect body' so they can sell their products. It bothered me a lot when a pastor got up in front of the church and is telling a story and makes comments about seeing old guys and other people in either skimpy swimsuits or even naked and says no one needs to see that, making faces, and other comments that essentially said it is disgusting. So a paster is calling God's creation, the human body, disgusting!? Who are we to say God's creation is disgusting and for a pastor to say so is just wrong. Where did this pastor get the idea that God's creation is disgusting?
soonbnude Posted - 06/16/2016 : 09:06:54 AM

I'd like to think some of the people who come to a CO or nude beach clothed are thinking about doing it but are scared of doing it the first time, or alone or with someone they know or getting "caught". Some but not all.

In OZ the vast majority of beach goers are men, I think many single or individual women are mostly scared of being hassled.

Plenty of men swim in speedo's and some girls topless , think its a gradual thing for some.

I think we in Oz have become more conservative about bodies and nudity, maybe because of the constant rubbish in the media about having to have the "perfect" body, whatever that impossible concept may be.

My observation of nudists at the beach is that most don't really care. Certainly there are all shapes and sizes often at the beach, maybe that is what many textiles don't understand.

It's that feeling of freedom, being liberated of clothes and enjoying sun all over your body. I think most textiles don't understand that or think they are unattractive nude or think nude = sex.

It's a lack of education or close mindedness on behalf of many. Yep, some are probably afraid, some ignorant, some with strong religious beliefs that think precludes them .

There is a thesis in this topic.


FireProf Posted - 06/16/2016 : 12:57:48 AM
I've made mention of this before but not sure if it was here on this site.

We've been intimately involved and present during the last several days of family members lives before they passed. Changing diapers, daily cleaning, clothing, disrobing, assisting into the shower, on and off the toilet ... all kinds of situations where they were naked.

Some of the other family members took off running when these times came about but The Prof and I stood there and took control. Sisters and brothers asked ... "how can you see them naked?" Our response was always ... "it's now our turn to take care of them like they took care of us when we couldn't do it ourselves. We'd prefer a family member did these things instead of a complete stranger, no matter what their title or qualifications."

After they thought about it, they agreed but still couldn't muster up the fortitude to help their loved one in a time of need because they couldn't get passed the fact that in some instances ... they were naked.

Pretty sad when you think about it!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 06/15/2016 : 11:05:38 PM
Our Youngest son once had a girl friend that told him it was weird that he went in the bathroom to talk to his mom while she was naked in the bath tub. She knew we were nudists and still said that but he made me proud of him for what he told her. He said, he had always seen his parents naked and there was nothing wrong or weird about it.

free2be Posted - 06/15/2016 : 8:57:05 PM
Originally posted by FullSun

If I ran into someone that said, "this is weird. Why do you people do this?" I think my answer would be something like "what's weird is wearing clothing to go swimming...Do you wear clothing in the shower or bath?"

I agree FullSun...when you put it like that, it really does seem weird to put clothing on to get wet.

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