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 To all who have a P.A.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dave Posted - 05/07/2004 : 5:53:17 PM
Just wondering if anyone who has a Prince Albert can tell me if when you urinate does the piercing cause it to spray in different directions?? Dave...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
balataf Posted - 10/10/2005 : 8:32:05 PM
The "Prince Albert" came from extra-tight temporary clothing styles that required binding the penis downwards in some fashion.

I do have a Prince Albert since 1995, altho I have not worn rings or sstuds at any nudist functions so far, and in fact, seldom wear anything in it now outside my own house.

The ring itself prevents a "backblow" when ordinary pressure is put on it, altho the forward flow of urine becomes a directed spray because some of it runs along parts of the ring before escaping from momentum.

Having the PA piercing without the ring being worn does create a strong backwards flow that must be closed off with finger pressure to avoid spraying your own lower body half.

See you at next Phi Nu get-together.)

John Froelich
NaturistDoc Posted - 10/05/2005 : 11:03:09 AM
Way more!
SingingSabre Posted - 10/05/2005 : 02:24:49 AM
Naturist: first off it's not technically "mutilation" as it isn't disfigured after being pierced. It is called the "Prince Albert" because, as legend has it, Prince Albert got the first recorded piercing there so he could tie his penis down as to avoid unsightly bulges in his tights. Another is that it was to keep his foreskin retracted as to keep his penis "sweet smelling" for his queen. Neither of these can be substantiated or confirmed.

Truth is that this piercing is old...really old. In fact, the penis can be pierced in more ways than an ear -- and mankind has been doing it since we discovered sharp objects.

Now was that more information than you wanted, or what?! :)


"Son, crying in your milk is bad enough. Crying in your hot fudge sundae is just disgusting." R.A. Heinlein.
NaturistDoc Posted - 10/04/2005 : 6:17:13 PM
Can anyone tell us how this particular form of genital mutilation (not that there's anything wrong with that!) came to be known as a "Prince Albert"? I agree with MikeD that "there is no useless knowledge" ... but this comes pretty close!
GeeWilly Posted - 10/04/2005 : 5:48:51 PM
Do you suppose anyone ever gets a P.A. knowing that no one else will ever see it?

Kinda like the advice we used to get as teenagers: Keep it in your pants.
SingingSabre Posted - 08/27/2005 : 05:33:42 AM
Originally posted by Dave

Just wondering if anyone who has a Prince Albert can tell me if when you urinate does the piercing cause it to spray in different directions?? Dave...

Occasionally. It's known as the "shower head effect" for good reason.

"Son, crying in your milk is bad enough. Crying in your hot fudge sundae is just disgusting." R.A. Heinlein.
buckmagnolia Posted - 05/17/2004 : 3:21:48 PM
I thought it was "Personal Assistant".

"Does your PA plan your meetings in the nude?"

Buck M

"If it`s so dirty to be naked, why do we get naked to get clean?"
- Bryan Maloney
nudeguy Posted - 05/17/2004 : 02:30:13 AM
Dave I have to admit, when I read your question I thought another teenage kid got onto the board and was playing a prank.

And Cheef, you busted me up with that answer. I saw the subject and thought the same thing, visualizing a microphone and bullhorn speakers. The latest piercing trends have obviously passed me by.
Dave Posted - 05/16/2004 : 08:31:24 AM
Originally posted by cheef

I have a P.A. It's a mono system, with a single 750 amp speaker. I use it primarily for public speaking, although I do have an 8-channel mixing board for small musical performances....

OOOPS! I see you meant "Prince Albert". Sorry, I don't use tobacco.

Great responce,I like that!Dave...
spadoc Posted - 05/15/2004 : 7:13:55 PM
Do you have Prince Albert in a can??

Well, let him out!!!
cheef Posted - 05/15/2004 : 3:20:00 PM
I have a P.A. It's a mono system, with a single 750 amp speaker. I use it primarily for public speaking, although I do have an 8-channel mixing board for small musical performances....

OOOPS! I see you meant "Prince Albert". Sorry, I don't use tobacco.
Dave Posted - 05/11/2004 : 06:13:40 AM
Corasol,read the reply from Flash tattoo! we learn stuff all the time even if we don't want to!!Dave...
papapalmesdixon Posted - 05/10/2004 : 1:26:22 PM
I expect most of the hits were by people who clicked to find out what a P. A. in your Topic was. Reading Prince Albert didn't help me much, but the question of urination and piercing did answer my question. I don't know what I will do with this information, but there is no useless knowledge.
flash tattoo Posted - 05/10/2004 : 12:43:46 PM
i have a p.a. and yes it is a little more work to accomplish the task . best way is to sit down when you go or it could be tricky..later shane
Dave Posted - 05/10/2004 : 06:04:20 AM

If no one answered, must be that your question is out of context.... try something in regard with the forum....

Born to be free


All my questions are on the odd side!!!Dave...

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