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 San Onofre Beach, California

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bare in the Desert Posted - 08/03/2005 : 10:30:54 AM
My family and I are gonna be passing by San Onofre on our way to Oceanside from LA this weekend and were thinking about stopping by. We've never been to a nude beach before or anywhere else for that matter.Thought this would be a good place for a our first experience.

Was hoping those who have been there could give us some feedback on the area and if it's family friendly.

Dare to be Bare
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bare in the Desert Posted - 08/10/2005 : 4:08:05 PM
Ok, we're back and had a great time!

The directions on the website were easy to follow and found the place real easy. Nice area.

NudeAl, we stayed pretty close to the volleyball area also, just a few steps from the beginning of the nude area. It sounds like we just missed ya by a day.

Thanks for everyone's help! I will put the rest of my report in the "Post your first time experience story here" thread.

Dare to be Bare
NudeAl Posted - 08/07/2005 : 10:19:27 AM
It's my favorite beach I was there yesterday good beach just stay on the state beach side and don['t cross on to the Marine base they have been ticketting for tresspass. Great place very crowded if you go on a weekend I like to stay near the volleyball area let me know if you want and more info

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
Bare in the Desert Posted - 08/06/2005 : 11:36:32 AM
YES! Thank you both for for information. Got lots of printout from the website. Im glad to hear its family friendly, we have our 11yr old and 5yr old going with us.

This will be a first time for us all, Im sure it will be great.

I'll be sure to give a full report when we get back.

Dare to be Bare
bornnude Posted - 08/06/2005 : 08:49:23 AM
Originally posted by Bare in the Desert

Thank you Bornnude, this is a good start. It confirms that its a real place. If I hadn't gotten any replays we were not even gonna try looking for it.

Dare to be Bare

For a very old trip report(s). The year was '94. I was in Southern California on business. The first time I was there was my second nudist experience (unless you count the hot springs a few years before). I went alone and was somewhat concerned that I would be considered out of place because of that. I parked my towel close enough to the volleyball net to be able to enjoy watching the game and actually got to play a game. As this was the second time at a nude beach, the one thing I still think back to was the quite attractive young woman playing across the net and feeling no particular attraction to her or (in response to the always present "male problem" topics) no arousal. There were singles, couples and families in attendance.

I was able to visit a few other times that year as my schedule permitted.
CopperQuail Posted - 08/05/2005 : 7:52:06 PM
Have you tried this site? It seems to contain a lot of information on San Onofre Beach:
Bare in the Desert Posted - 08/05/2005 : 12:45:11 PM
Thank you Bornnude, this is a good start. It confirms that its a real place. If I hadn't gotten any replays we were not even gonna try looking for it.

Dare to be Bare
bornnude Posted - 08/04/2005 : 11:18:54 PM
I've been there but it has been many years.... Not recent enough to be of any help.
Bare in the Desert Posted - 08/04/2005 : 10:09:15 PM
Mmm, no feedback.

Has anyone even heard of the place? I'm starting to wonder if it actually exists.


Dare to be Bare

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