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T O P I C    R E V I E W
youngmn23 Posted - 08/06/2005 : 10:16:03 AM
Well i was thinking about moving out of my state, ive been all over my state and just ready for something new.

I want a nudist opinion on different states and citys.

I was thinking Colorado or Oregon
Colorado being choice #1

can some of you give me some perks and ideas about different areas, i never really got out of MN, just when i was young
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Edward Ludwig Posted - 08/07/2005 : 4:05:56 PM
How do I live on the dry side right on the north edge of the great basin (a high altitude desert much of it 3,000 ft. and higher that runs from central Oregon to southern Navada and over into Utah) I run the desert in the winter and the Cascades in the summer, there is lots to do if you like getting away from other people.

NudeAl Posted - 08/07/2005 : 11:36:43 AM
I'm originally from Oregon and I just returned from a visit to see my family. I also squeezed in a couple of days at two of the landed nude resorts up there. One was Willametans near Eugene, very nice, good facilities, very friendly in a nice forest environment. We were there on a weekend so not to much was going on. The second place was Restful Haven, about 20 miles west of the city of Portland. Again very nice people the resort was a bit more rustic but they have and outdoor pool and an indoor hot tub. Almost 200 acres in a pristine forest setting with miles of well maintained trails, everything is either up or down though as it is on the side of a mountain.

I have also been to both Rooster rock and Sauvie Islands Collins beach. Both were good but I preffered Collins as it was more family oriented. I have also been to quite a few hotsprings. Oregon has many opportunites for social nudity but remember it rains in Oregon! It rains a lot! In fact we have a saying we don't tan we rust. In Oregon it is unusual to have a period of 3 weeks without rain. This is all west side of the moutains in the east it is less rainy but not as many nude locations. Of course if the winter is getting too much for you, you can always head south to Cali for a break. Hope this helps some in makeing up your mind.

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
Edward Ludwig Posted - 08/06/2005 : 4:20:15 PM
Oregon has lot's of hot springs that are nude frendly.

youngmn23 Posted - 08/06/2005 : 2:59:45 PM
colorado also has a few hot springs and nude pool places to go
its not just nudism im looking for when moving, the people, climate, jobs etc
Cheri Posted - 08/06/2005 : 12:08:09 PM
Colorado has fewer opportunities than OR. CO has only one landed club and 2 nonlanded clubs. OR has 2 nude beaches, 6 nonlanded clubs, and 3 landed clubs. The weather in both states is limited to the warmer seasons. During summer, the nights do get chilly in OR.

The southern climes have better-year 'round opportunities. It depends on your employment situation.

Columbia, SC is the only place in which I live that really feels like home.

Regards, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

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