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 where to go topless

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
iamanudist Posted - 07/24/2007 : 01:39:36 AM
In Spain is it legal to go to the grocery store topless in some areas and if so where and how is it most accepted? Could I be in just shorts and topless or in an athletic bikini bottom and topless. In other words how much can one get away with and where. Also is going topless in other stores, local restaurants, and tourist attractions not looked down on in certain areas of Spain and if so where is it most accepted? My biggest question is where in Spain can one just wear a minimal bikini everywhere, to movies, games, restaurants, all stores, grocery shopping, and other attractions. I live in Florida and need to know more about Spain having never been there. I want the best place in Spain to go everywhere in no more than just a bikini and sandals and preferably topless in just a bikini thong and high heals.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cookie Posted - 03/29/2008 : 2:18:27 PM
Last year we went to the Dom. Rep. and had a great week. We stayed at a resort at Porta Plata.

Upon arriving and getting settled in, we went down one of the many pools in the resort and approx. 70% of the women were topless.

Needless to say we were quite surprise, but my wife was very pleased.

The entire week, she was topless. As soon as we arrived at the pool area, or at the beach. she would take off her top. She also realized that the women wore nothing by G strings and once again it was as close as to being in the buff.

We would be at the beach or pool area at 9 AM and the only time she would put a top on was when we had lunch. She was elated.

Try it you will like it.

sailawaybob Posted - 08/02/2007 : 12:23:33 AM
I would just like to be able to enjoy my yard and maybe get the mail nude,oh well we maybe might not be as free as we think in the USA,our government need to cut back on half of its lawmakers than we can do away with half of these stupid laws.
agde Posted - 08/01/2007 : 3:43:56 PM
In Spain, casual nudity is no longer a criminal offense (makes sense!) and the rest is left to be regulated by custom. So you just need to be alert to how others are clothed in a given situation, and be prepared to toss on a t-shirt or whatever if someone indicates that your "fashion choice" is causing discomfort. It is not like Cap d'Agde -- commercial and other establishments in particular often still have informal dress codes.

The current legal framework in Spain depends, on the one hand, on people respecting each other's feelings and, on the other hand, on people being tolerant of each other's choices. Naturists consequently are being careful to avoid confrontation, even while gently expanding areas where nudity can become commonplace. Naturists in other countries love to point to the Spanish legal framework as a model, so it is in all our best interest if the gradual transition there to wider acceptance of public nudity goes smoothly.

That said, any of the resort towns along the coasts are already much more easy-going about toplessness or nudity than large urban centers or inland villages. Recreational activities -- playing tennis, cycling, etc -- should be fine. Also, smaller stores are more likely to accept you "as you are" in contrast to larger or crowded ones. Overall, the default is "nudity is ok" and, unlike Florida, municipalities are not allowed to enact stricter laws than national laws. So enjoy, be alert to others, and, secure in the knowledge that non-sexual nudity is not a crime and that nobody is going to jail, just be friendly, cheerful and responsive if confronted (in the sense of adjusting and maybe finding out why in a given situation someone cared).
b4dger Posted - 08/01/2007 : 11:31:35 AM
If you change country and go to France, in particular Cap d'Agde. This is a totally nudist holiday town that caters for up to 50,000 visitors in the height of the season.
Here you can be nude 24/7 if you wish, go shopping, hairdressers, bank, fill up with petrol ( gas for you over the pond ) as well as the obvious of lying on the golden sand beach or by one of the many pools. In the evening there are bars and restruants and more than one night club.
From the marina you can go on nude cruises for the day. A lot of folk do wear sensual clothes in the evening when going to the night clubs but you can see thru most of them so you know they are nude underneath.
When my wife and I have visited Agde we had small children so didn't go in to the night clubs so I cannot say whether the clothes came off once in there.
All I can say is that it is a great place where you can be nude all day without a care in the world.

Spread the word.. nude is best. Bob..
Rodders Posted - 08/01/2007 : 05:37:01 AM
Nudity is a beach thing in most of Spain. There are places like the Vera complexes (almost a small town) where can you go nude or topless etc anywhere. I doubt if many men or women would want to go walking along city streets topless or nude as they, apart from anything else would feel very lonely. As for theatres, cinemas, churches and public building well I don't know of anywhere in the world that this is the norm or anything like it. Spain has adopted nude beaches and resorts in the recent past. Fifty years ago men could not go topless on beaches there and bikinis were frowned on going into the sixties. The political changes in Spain have turned all this round but nudity being the option everywhere is a very long way off I suspect and probably just a pipe dream. The Germans, Swedes, Danes, Dutch & French all have a very relaxed take on nudity but although the parks of Berlin & Munich might have nudists taking the rays on the lawns I doubt if there will ever be topless women let alone nude going around the streets of the city. I know there have been cases of nude people jumping on trams in Munich but that is hardly the norm. So no universal nudity in Spain or anywehere else in the parts of Europe I've visited. Sure we'd all have heard about such a place if it existed unless someone on this forum knows of such a Garden Of Eden. If only...

spiceant Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:13:45 PM
You can walk around on the streets of the citys topfree or in a bikini and you will most likely be the only one to be seen nude by everyone (on that particular day). Im in Barcelona around here and in the arcade they didnt tolerate me wearing just shorts (no shoes and shirt). I suppose you can wear bikinis in small grocery stores but dont be surprised if people make it a hassle in any textile building.

You can be legally nude in public in Spain but you will be bothered if you enter almost any urban structure and some public transport employees will not let you use their vehicles. (Altough some have tolerated my no shirt&shoes.)
I´m male though, i suppose urban citizens will be very biased against toplessness. Police can bother you for doing anything but they probably won´t. If a police officer still wants to legally prohibit you he can play the ID card or passport trick. keep it or a photocopy of it handy and keep your cool and legally youll be safe. there isnt much keeping you from even going nude or as you want topless. (But i suggest nude because thats what i want the people inspired with.)

Have enjoy barely the truth

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." -Mat 19:26
Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were aproved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular. -Lu 6:26

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