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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudist-teen Posted - 03/01/2008 : 07:05:31 AM
Hi i found out my neibour and his wife are nudists. They don't knw i am as yet. what shall i do?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nomad6 Posted - 03/31/2008 : 11:40:49 AM
we have this neighbor who says he cant stand to see a naked man whenever we sunbathe nude in our privacy he always seems to be having a lot of business on his rooftop humm imagine that
rooftopwilly Posted - 03/20/2008 : 1:22:57 PM
Sounds good nudist-teen. Glad it all worked out. My wife has no problems with nudity, but for the most part, doesn't really participate. She'll go to a c/o beach, but only go topless because she doesn't like the looks she's gotten from a lot of men before (one guy started getting an erection while looking at her at Black's beach in SD). Anyhow, when we moved down here to Florida, we have an almost completely private backyard (in the back corner is a gate leading to the alley that you can see into part of the yard), so I'm nude out there all the time. But my wife mentioned it to the neighbors in casual conversation one day. I was hoping to hear them say that they were too, but I had no such luck. But at least they had absolutely no problems with it. I know they've seen me out there before, and the wife next door came over to the house one day while I was on the couch nude. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, so I just grabbed a little couch pillow and covered myself a bit, but it didn't seem to faze her one bit.
Usually whenever my wife brings someone over to the house, she'll tell them first, and then ask me if I'm clothed or not before bringing them into the house.
Balto Bob Posted - 03/20/2008 : 08:01:51 AM
THANK YOU! We tend to hear from the failures here. Most of our success stories are too busy enjoying them selves to post.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
nudist-teen Posted - 03/20/2008 : 07:48:53 AM
hi, just to update. i have visited my naturist neibours quite alot recently.

we are good friends now. i can strip off and be nude all day long there and its only across the street.

i cant be nude infront of my family because they dont approve so its nice to be able to go nude in their back yard and enjoy being free more often.

txvic Posted - 03/07/2008 : 6:33:55 PM
how lucky you are to have neighbors who enjoy nudism and share it with you. lucky dog
nudist-teen Posted - 03/07/2008 : 6:13:41 PM
Hi, i got a call earlier this evening from my neibour and invited me over for some dinner.

I shortly went over in shorts and a tank top. They guy answered the door nude. Bit shocking as i havent seen any nudists since the beach.

He invited me in and made me feel very welcome.
I met his wife also in the nude and sat me down. Asking questions such as how long have you been a nudist etc etc.

Shortly after, they asked if i care to join them in the nude, so i went in the bathroom and took my clothes off. What a nice feeling it was to be nude again infrot of others. Anyway we sat and had a chat about how and why we hadent done this sooner.

Shortly after we had dinner and had a nice long chat for some hours. Hoping to visit again soon.
nudist-teen Posted - 03/07/2008 : 1:00:25 PM
thanks guys ill try this soon
agde Posted - 03/07/2008 : 12:40:18 PM
Originally posted by nudist-teen: Whats the next step. I might feel a bit strange being naked in someone elses house.

LOL! That's the thing about naturism -- once past the clothes-free thing, it is all about people, common interests, compatibilities, etc, exactly as if you were clothed! So "the next step" is frankly just to get to know them better, see what hobbies or interests are shared and can naturally incorporate clothes-free time. We exchange dinner invites with our neighbors, but usually do the cooking together. On nice days, we might share afternoon tea on the balcony or of course go to the beach. We also share an interest in landscape photography, which has made for some fun naturist outings. As for feeling "strange being naked in someone else's house," of course after about 5 seconds you'll forget you aren't wearing anything, and after that it will just become the routine way to be. The real challenge is remembering to do the little things that build friendships.
DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 03/06/2008 : 09:07:44 AM

You got what u wanted and now u don't know if u will be comfy in their home? U should have considered that way before this point! Buck up and be a man! U go 2 the beach and don't feel un comfortable there so meet them there instead then get 2 know them better. U will get more comfy once u know the couple better and the beach is more nutural then thier home.
P.S. Think things thru before u act on things u will get furthur in life.

Skinny Women are not Evil
nudist-teen Posted - 03/06/2008 : 04:41:26 AM
hi thanks for replies.

i have been more friendly and sociable to my neibours lately and happend to ask me in for a cup of tea.

They were asking about my life and what i enjoy. So i mentioned my hobbies and then mentioned i am a nudist. Bit embarassing but then they both said to me, they are nudists too.

Sounds unreal but as people had suspected they were.

I said thats great and they visit the same beach as me, although i have never seen them there.

They also mentioned that they would be happy for me to visit in the nude some other time. This is great so thanks for peoples help.

Whats the next step. I might feel a bit strange being naked in someone elses house.
DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 03/05/2008 : 11:39:03 AM
Agde had a ggod point.

The best way 2 get 2 know your neighbors is to find an opp to chat on a nice day and hopefully you have something in common and let them get 2 know u first.
I don't know how old the couple is but they may also feel uncomfortable discussing there lifestyle indoors with a younger person. With so much crap about preditors etc. worries now a days.

Skinny Women are not Evil
agde Posted - 03/05/2008 : 10:29:37 AM
I've always found the best way to open a dialog with likely fellow naturists is not to talk about them, but to talk about us.

If you were an enthusiast about cultivating roses and you heard your neighbor might have a special rose variety hidden in their backyard, you wouldn't go running over to demand to see it. Instead, you'd probably watch for a friendly conversational opportunity to say something like, "Spring is coming and I am so hopeful for my yellow Agnes rugosa roses!"

Similarly, the next time you are chatting with the neighbors, why not just remark that you are looking forward to summer and ask if they mind if you occasionally sunbathe au natural in your backyard to avoid tan lines? Another approach could be just to thank them, in case they've noticed, for being understanding about your occasional clothes-free air-bathing time around your house and garden.

Having done this with suspected naturists might even be good practice for raising the subject in the same way with non-naturist neighbors!
Balto Bob Posted - 03/05/2008 : 10:13:52 AM
I didn't say what to put in the note. My thinking was a note (Hi I live in the area. We may share a common interest in nudism) would be less direct. If they call/email great, if not you tryed. You may have a much better idea.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
FlCpl4NewdFun Posted - 03/05/2008 : 12:26:43 AM
Balto Bob: I must say that is the quintessential "creepy-guy" approach. What's the kid going to say "Hey I'm your 18 year old neighbor, word on the street it you and the wife are nudists because some of the folks on the street have seen you naked in your home through the windows. I like being naked too. Here's my email and phone number." I can't image what they would think when they received such a note.
Balto Bob Posted - 03/03/2008 : 10:19:59 AM
You could send them a note. You know their address. Include your phone, email etc. If they are interested they will contact you.

Have a nice NUDE day !!

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