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 To Catch a Predator??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
go n nude Posted - 03/06/2008 : 12:57:18 PM
Msnbc. Dateline's live sting operation on TV, has visited 8 States so far and a number of deviate individuals are lineing up they say in hopes of molesting an 12 or 14year old girl(undercover policewoman)they met in chat rooms men 20-30-40 years senior arrested live after a short interview, prepared to have Sex, but soon sing a different tune when arrested. More than 200 arrested so far, 117 convictions and one that repeats his appearance a second time. I don't know if their defence might be entrapment or just sick. This should serve as a warning everywhere,anyone, know where your children are, monitor their internet/chat use and they never agree to meet strangers or share their identity ever. Thats just the tip of an Iceburg!

go n nude
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CalTom Posted - 03/25/2008 : 7:04:31 PM
Somewhat surprisingly, I've received emails from people requesting the episode of To Catch a Predator Stanley Stover starred in. The answer is: none.

Stanley was a character in Dragnet 1969 played masterfully by actor Tom Donnelly; a pathetic superhero who wears a homemade costume and carries a bag filled with miscellaneous gadgets (notably a grappling hook.) To quote an old TV Guide caption: "What does Stanley Stover become when he dons the green cape? Why the Crimson Crusader of course." Enjoy-they don't write 'em like this anymore.'s/video/xr3uz_dragnet_1969-crimson-crusader-part?from=rss
go n nude Posted - 03/24/2008 : 12:04:11 PM
Yes this show has its short comings and leaves much to be desired although this topic is of grave concern,our RCMP like your FBI has issued alarming facts over 2,000 cases of this type of activity on the net with minors and grown (MEN) that have molesting ideas in mind,sounds like an epidemic as this is, only the ones caught before the damage is done. The web is wide and dangerous.

go n nude
CalTom Posted - 03/23/2008 : 2:00:13 PM
To Catch a Predator is our society's abhorrent take on Candid Camera with Chris Hansen in the role of the late Allen Funt. We seem incapable of finding Osama Bin Laden, stopping Al-Qaeda or preventing street gang members from killing a beautiful and talented student body president like Eve Carson, but by golly we can stop Stanley Stover and his psychologically immature mind from reeking havoc on our nation. Of course it helps that Stanley is a forty year-old adult man still living with mommy, can't shoot back and is great entertainment value in a reality-based television world that doesn't have to pay scriptwriters. After all, there are fewer and fewer people around who can recall brilliant episodes of Columbo like By Dawn's Early Light.

The show's modus operandi is to have Chris Hanson in a house out in suburbia with a crack team which includes a policewoman (with absolutely no future as a convincing voice-over actress) posing as the lollipop girl, half the SWAT officers of Cuyahoga county and every light fixture and ceiling vent wired with video and audio equipment. Occasionally the show goes beyond the scope of expectation such as the time they wired deck chairs and sea shells on the beach to catch a pervert looking to date a 13 year-old surf bunny Lolita. Then it's on to the fun!

Scene one: The target pervert drives up and opens the door to the house looking every bit like the guy who couldn't get a date since Junior High. He's generally greeted by the voice of the policewoman- sounding like a large lesbian PE teacher imitating a child- telling him to go into the kitchen for milk and cookies and then wait for a big surprise.

Scene two: The big surprise arrives in the form of Chris Hansen who then attempts to shame the pervert like the teacher out out of the movie A Christmas Story. "Don't you feel guilt? Don't you feel remorse?" Hilarity at home ensues as they stutter and back-pedal in the attempt to explain how insanely stupid they were to fall for a sting operation everybody on all continents including Antarctica have full knowledge of.

A YouTube link with a sample. No, Chris Hansen is only about 6' 4"- the guy is really is a dwarf:

rooftopwilly Posted - 03/20/2008 : 03:22:55 AM
My cousin was on that show. No, he wasn't one of the perverts, he was one of the people on there that was part of the organization that helps the police catch these sick individuals. He was only shown on the tv for a few seconds, but I love what he's doing to get these scum off the streets.
Phydeau Posted - 03/16/2008 : 4:13:58 PM
Old hippie has a point. We tend to think of criminals as masterminds because of shows like Columbo and CSI. The truth is that most criminals are pretty dumb. Dateline has only caught less than 200 of those morons. And the others are now aware of the tactics. Moderately intelligent perverts can avoid what ends up on that show. Stay vigilant, and teach your kids (and yourself, for that matter) to only share what is prudent.
old hippie Posted - 03/16/2008 : 2:43:11 PM
Dateline must be loving the furor over this feature; it began as a one-time expose' and has now become almost a cliche in our culture.
There must be a special place in hell for the creeps who would prey upon pre-teen or young teen children for jollies. But it is starting to look like this TV show is doing as much to popularize the activity as it is to discourage it.

For myself, after seeing one segment of one show, I knew I had seen all they had to offer, and have not watched a minute of it since, Creeps are out there; not all of them are smart (nor are they all stupid enough to be caught); and only a few will end up in jail.

You are right, the basic advice is still: watch out for your own.

ol' hippie

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