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 The Fear of the Photo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
McNigel Posted - 02/20/2009 : 08:56:49 AM
In lots of topics there seems to be a recurring theme of being photographed while naked, to the point where there are threats of violence against those that might do such a thing.
I just totally fail to see the problem. If you are in a public place then surely you are there for all to see.

My wife and I are both professionals with good jobs and fairly high public profiles (school governors, councilors etc), but couldn't care less if anybody feels the need to take a sneaky photo of us and sell for use in a holiday brochure.

And if somebody does stumble across you on the web, the normal reaction seems to be 'I wish I was brave enough to do that'. (After they stop giggling)

So why is it such a issue?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nsgusa Posted - 04/08/2012 : 01:22:33 AM
I think the issue of photos is based upon an individuals expectation of privacy.
When we go to a social nudist venue, we know that the rules are, and have always been...NO CAMERAS.
If, by chance, we are present at a photo shoot sponsored by the hosts, we know we will be asked to participate or opt out.
If we participate, we are asked to sign a release that says what the picture is for and where/when it will be published.
In the old days, cameras were easy to spot, in this digital age, however, cameras can be anywhere and everywhere.
Photos taken years ago now abound on the internet.
On a nude beach, however, I believe that you have no expectation of privacy and you should expect that sometime, somewhere, pictures taken there will make it onto the internet.
As to private pictures of friends and family, you expect the person that took them to be discrete with them.
But, what if that person's home gets broken into, their camera or computer gets stolen or someone hacks their computer?
OOOPS, there your pictures are, making the rounds of probably many sites.
And the pictures of your young children?
Believe me, they'll be forever young and posted on more sites than our adult ones will be.
People used to be upset that I never took pictures of my family and with friends.
Now, they thank me for standing my ground when I said, "No Photos".
I am not trying to be a fatalist, but I know there are those of you out there that wish "That Picture" was never taken.
blackrebel Posted - 04/07/2012 : 11:20:13 PM
Jobs can be lost over a nude photo as we have seen time and time again.

Sure, some people have fought and kept their job, but at the cost of thousands in legal fees.

Some are involved in jobs that would lead to issues if seen around in print or on-line.

I was interviewed at our nudist club for the local paper, but they kept my name out of the article. When the article was printed my co-workers were VERY negative to nudist events and were appalled that people engaged in non-sexual nudity. I am also on television and counsel families and speak at schools and that could have been a big issue.
n/a Posted - 04/07/2012 : 12:17:57 PM
Homenudist-No one says you can not have a cell phone that can take photos it is more an issue of the people who take sneaky photos to post on sites etc. Do I care if I am photographed nude with nudist freinds and I see they posted it on their blog no I do not but I do not want to see my nude body on a website with someone else claiming that is them etc.
HomeNudist Posted - 04/07/2012 : 11:48:37 AM
Then there are people like me. My only phone is a cellphone because it is a waste of money to also have a land line for only me. The cellphone I use is a Samsung "Rugby". I got it specifically because it is hardened to mil specs. It is waterproof, armored(rubber clad), shock resistant (you can drop it). It will not break around a klutz like me.

It might have a camera in it, if it does I sure don't know how to use or even access it. I think it can do text messages, but again I don't know how or even why someone would want to do such a thing. In my mind a phone is to make and get calls. A camera is for pictures, a computer is for internet stuff, etc. I would never ask my Proctologist to do my tax returns, even tho both are a pain in the arse. Why would I ask my phone to be something different?

Getting back on topic, why should I be denied access to my phone because of something I have no idea how to even do?
n/a Posted - 04/07/2012 : 11:06:32 AM
I find the sneaky creeps behind rocks taking just zoom photos of vaginas,breasts to be sick but I think camera should be allowed on nude beaches among the nudists, what is so wrong about enjoying a good day with freinds and taking some photos to just remember the good times when you get much older. I think nudists in general for the most part over react to the idea of being in a nude photo.
lazarus Posted - 02/28/2009 : 11:23:53 PM
All members and guests at our club sign a photo release form that gives the member a choice of whether or not they will permit photos of themselves, and where those photos will be used.

If someone wants a photo taken, they have to bring the camera to myself, or the owner or someone we designate, to have the picture taken.

If someone has a cell phone and wants to have it on the yard, they show us that there isn't a camera in it, otherwise they use it in the parking lot. This seems to satisfy our most camera shy members and guests.


I, _______________________________ (name)

of ______________________________(fulladdress)


hereby give permission for the photograph of

(brief description of picture)

which includes my

[State: child(ren), niece(s), nephew(s), grandchild(ren), other (please
whose name(s) is (are)

________________________________________________(full names)

to be used by Lilly Valley Nudist Club for :

[] Club Photo Collection
[] Article in Going Natural( FCN Magazine)
[] Lilly Valley Website and/or Promotional Material
[] Member/Guest private collection (not to be published in print or on the Internet)

Date: ________________________________________________

Signed: ________________________________________________

DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 02/28/2009 : 10:54:43 PM
i guess don't put yer s*** outthere an don't have a worry!

Skinny Women are not Evil
olwino1 Posted - 02/28/2009 : 6:58:55 PM
Well for those of us that say no problem then let the cameras click away . Me on the other hand prefer to know who is taking a picture of me and where it may end up . I have certainly had my picture taken in group shots from time to time but they have been with people I know and trust . I guess it is also fair for me to say I do not have a high level corporate job and I am not planning on running for public office very soon . I do not approve of the " pigs " hiding in the tall grass taking pictures of people on the beach and when I see them I always call them out or warn the person of their interest .
DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 02/28/2009 : 6:46:00 PM
mmmmm well

Skinny Women are not Evil
lovesthesun Posted - 02/28/2009 : 5:58:25 PM
Originally posted by McNigel

In lots of topics there seems to be a recurring theme of being photographed while naked, to the point where there are threats of violence against those that might do such a thing.
I just totally fail to see the problem. If you are in a public place then surely you are there for all to see.

My wife and I are both professionals with good jobs and fairly high public profiles (school governors, councilors etc), but couldn't care less if anybody feels the need to take a sneaky photo of us and sell for use in a holiday brochure.

And if somebody does stumble across you on the web, the normal reaction seems to be 'I wish I was brave enough to do that'. (After they stop giggling)

So why is it such a issue?

You are kidding, right? Sigh....
leesa123 Posted - 02/28/2009 : 09:19:30 AM
It's plain and simple. No matter where I am, nude beach or Ocean City NJ. I don't appreciate some creep taking a photo of me without asking.

Last year I was at Secrets floating on a raft with a girl friend and some loser parked next to us taking pictures with his cell phone of several young girls.. I turned him in.. He was asked to leave..

It is rude to take a picture of anyone without permission. Naked or not.
Originally posted by McNigel

In lots of topics there seems to be a recurring theme of being photographed while naked, to the point where there are threats of violence against those that might do such a thing.
I just totally fail to see the problem. If you are in a public place then surely you are there for all to see.

My wife and I are both professionals with good jobs and fairly high public profiles (school governors, councilors etc), but couldn't care less if anybody feels the need to take a sneaky photo of us and sell for use in a holiday brochure.

And if somebody does stumble across you on the web, the normal reaction seems to be 'I wish I was brave enough to do that'. (After they stop giggling)

So why is it such a issue?

DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 02/28/2009 : 09:09:10 AM


Skinny Women are not Evil
Warmskin Posted - 02/28/2009 : 01:23:20 AM
Good question, Bill. I wonder if nude women feel secure when everybody is nude around them. I'm not being sexist at all, but more at sympathetic to their feelings. Perhaps clothed people are seen as more aggressive, as being being a threat to one's peace of mind. So hard to say, we need some of our female forum members to help us here.

On a more whimsical side, I wonder if back in earlier days, if a bunch of people were nude at a beach, and instead of guys running around with cameras, taking photos of the women, Rembrandt sat down with his easel and started painting a woman without her initial permission. Would the woman feel flattered, or tell Rembrandt to buzz off? I like that kind of open ended question. Makes ya think some.

"Rock and Roll, man, on K-WASH FM, yo, raaaaap with me, mama, with 50 Cent. Git it on, Baby! "

George Washington
Bill Bowser Posted - 02/27/2009 : 8:30:35 PM
This subject has fascinated me for quite a while, probably because there doesn't seem to be much logic in the discussion. I am totally mystified by those of us who are concerned about being seen or photographed by some "outsider". How can it possibly matter who may look (or even gawk) at you when you don't have clothes on. OK, that is pretty rude behavior, but morons can be found almost everywhere; they're easily ignored.

I will grant that there is some potential for someone's reputation to suffer if their nude photos are circulated, but how often has that happened? You often hear of people getting into trouble because of illicit sexual activity, but I've never heard of a case where someone was ostracized because they were simply nude. If it were to happen the unfortunate aspect of it would be that our society's ridiculous position on nudity made it possible.

I think we'd all agree that there is no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed about participating in social nudism, so what's the problem? It seems very odd to me that people usually enjoy having others admire their possessions, but object to having others show any interest in looking at their naked bodies. Many nudists I've met (especially women) have no objections to being seen by other nudists, but will cover up in the presence of non-nudists. What possible difference could there be? What am I missing?


Mike2Nude Posted - 02/27/2009 : 6:06:10 PM
Originally posted by McNigel

In lots of topics there seems to be a recurring theme of being photographed while naked, to the point where there are threats of violence against those that might do such a thing.
I just totally fail to see the problem. If you are in a public place then surely you are there for all to see.

My wife and I are both professionals with good jobs and fairly high public profiles (school governors, councilors etc), but couldn't care less if anybody feels the need to take a sneaky photo of us and sell for use in a holiday brochure.

And if somebody does stumble across you on the web, the normal reaction seems to be 'I wish I was brave enough to do that'. (After they stop giggling)

So why is it such a issue?

Ah, that would be one of the differences between the UK and the USA. Here in the USA, if you're employeed by a school, you might consider shower with clothes on (a little overkill). For some reason, nakedness seems to upset people more here. So sad.

I had so much fun in 08, I'm doing it again. Please support me and MS in my MS Bike Ride on Sept 19, 2009.

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