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804fordman Posted - 11/09/2012 : 8:31:32 PM
I joined the Army in 92 as an infantryman. Ended up being a radio operater. Which meant carrying a radio (of course), two spare batteries, a roll of com wire, a telephone set as well as everything else that everyone else carried (ncluding weapon and ammo). Around 180 lbs on my 165 lb frame. Ended up giving me back spasms. 20 years later I still get them. Yesterday, I had to go to the ER for help. (couldn't walk without assistance). Not a great experience!! So I urge my new found freinds on this site to please, please take care of yourselves. (Not looking for sympathy or anything else, just wanting to give my two cents on taking care of you guys and gals) Very hard to be nude when you can't bend over to untie your shoes.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NaturistDoc Posted - 11/10/2012 : 8:32:02 PM
FireProf, you're right on the money. There was a study at Duke a while back that had patients admitted to a hospital where their food intake could be carefully controlled and their activity monitored. After two weeks, everyone had lost weight, but the fidgeters lost significantly more weight than people who were more able to sit still.

Also, I don't believe nudists are necessarily fatter on average than the population at large (so to speak). It's just more visible.
FireProf Posted - 11/10/2012 : 09:31:12 AM
I'm not buying it "reno." We are just a cross section of society. Who chooses the 50 people on both sides? I can put 50 nudists next to 50 textiles and show you more overweight textile people. The only thing hiding the textiles being overweight ... is their clothes! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
n/a Posted - 11/10/2012 : 08:56:13 AM
I agree Fire with you but my point I guess is to say if I took 50 people who were nudists stood them next to 50 non nudists there would likely be more non overweight people among the 50 non nudist side. Not saying all overweight people are nudists or vice versa we as nudists just tend to have more of them among our accepted groups.
FireProf Posted - 11/10/2012 : 08:43:20 AM
I'm certain it's NOT just nudists. Mainstream society is out of shape and nudists are but a microcosm of mainstream society.

I've got a friend that just can't sit still. He consumes more beer in a sitting than I can in a month, eats like a horse. He's full of nervous energy ... to the point that it's difficult for him to sit and have conversation. He weighs almost the same as he did in HS ... and he DOESN'T exercise!

I, on the other hand, have to watch what I eat, how much and how much alcohol I consume. When the pants start fitting tight ... it's time to cut back more, exercise as much as I possibly can and cut out alcohol. It's a constant rollercoaster.

Then you have people that are nudists or not ... that have given up the struggle and have no desire to continue the yo yo dieting, weight lose and gain and just decided to give up. It's their choice. Most people on the nude beaches are there for a few reasons. They've lived their lives and have made the choice to stop spending as much time dieting and running after a frizbee or football. They've decided to sit and read a book and not worry about "who" is saying "what" about them. The "pictures" you refer to are of nudists that are "willing" to be photographed and their picture put into a naturist periodical. What is SO strange to me is that some of the more "fit" nudists are still afraid to have their nude likeness placed in a periodical to show mainstream and nudists ... that it's NOT all just overweight people. So ... who's more comfortable in their skin?

This whole "weight" thing is about taking care of yourself. There are examples here, in this topic where there are nudists that have sustained some substancial injuries but continue to try and take care of themselves or reverse the ailments they currently have.

It's a choice, like ... being a nudist or not being a nudist. Most of these overweight people have lived their lives and were most likely ... very trim and active at one point ... they've now just decided to take a different direction ... and it's their choice. Give them grief about it surely isn't going to change their minds ... just get them upset with whole "body acceptance" idea behind naturism and those that preach it.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
n/a Posted - 11/10/2012 : 08:02:30 AM
Just from what I see among most nude beaches etc I do not think being active or fit comes to mind for most nudists just due to seeing mostly out of shape overweight nudists is just very common. I have never gone to a nude beach to see those nudists you see in the brochures or other nudist themed magazines.
TallTim Posted - 11/10/2012 : 06:13:28 AM

Originally posted by Nudony

I know my piece of mind on this topic is unpopular and often unwelcomed. But...

Years and years of martials arts practice and sparring left me a semi-crippled mess. At 31, I could no longer bend my knees more than 45 degrees. I had constant pain in my joints. My nose would just start bleeding for no apparent reason. My jerkhole physician basically told me I was done. Too much trauma to the body. Irreparable damage. But then I've always been a knuckle head.

I got myself a gym membership. Painstakingly worked through the pain. Gradually rebuilt my knees. Religiously took my Osteo-Biflex. Started practicing Yoga on my own. I'm Willy's age. And most days I feel like I'm 25.

This is not a lecture or me flaunting. This is just me saying that unless you're completely debilitated, it's not too late. Your body has an incredible ability to rebuild itself. Beyond that, it's just a matter of choice and will; after all, it's your life.

I'm in the same boat, 30 years past being an Airborne grunt, led a physical life. And I have all the standard issue injuries from it. If I don't work out I lose flexibility and strength.

That being said, I don't feel this has anything to do with "body acceptance". It's tough to walk down the beach if you can't move.

Nudony Posted - 11/10/2012 : 02:39:10 AM
I know my piece of mind on this topic is unpopular and often unwelcomed. But...

Years and years of martials arts practice and sparring left me a semi-crippled mess. At 31, I could no longer bend my knees more than 45 degrees. I had constant pain in my joints. My nose would just start bleeding for no apparent reason. My jerkhole physician basically told me I was done. Too much trauma to the body. Irreparable damage. But then I've always been a knuckle head.

I got myself a gym membership. Painstakingly worked through the pain. Gradually rebuilt my knees. Religiously took my Osteo-Biflex. Started practicing Yoga on my own. I'm Willy's age. And most days I feel like I'm 25.

This is not a lecture or me flaunting. This is just me saying that unless you're completely debilitated, it's not too late. Your body has an incredible ability to rebuild itself. Beyond that, it's just a matter of choice and will; after all, it's your life.

FireProf Posted - 11/10/2012 : 01:34:45 AM
Injuries are a fact of life, even in the least strenuous of occupations. You can hurt yourself just getting out of a car or getting up from a lounge chair.

I sustained a few injuries in the Navy but many of my current debilitating injuries where sustained from 32 years of firefighting. I also have 3 bulging disks, in my lower back that give me pain, numbness in my butt and lower legs, two bad knees, both rotator cuffs are in need of repair, two disk problems in my neck, a ticker problem, High BP, diabetes, asthma ... damn ... did I leave anything out!

I also am not looking for sympathy and with all this stuff ... I continue to try and take care of myself to reverse some of these ailments, like the diabetes and High BP. Three surgeries down and several to go. The Prof calls me ... the Bionic Man ... some days ... I don't feel very Bionic! hahaha

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rooftopwilly Posted - 11/10/2012 : 12:59:21 AM
I feel your pain. I joined the Army in 1989, went Airborne, 82nd Airborne to be precise. I now have two herniated discs in my lower spine as well as an inverted curve in my lumbar. I also had an improper chute opening once that resulted in a very hard landing that caused a broken ankle and damaged ligaments. My knees aren't in top shape either from all of the jumps. I'm 41 but often feel like I'm in my 70's.

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