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 No Topic Needed - Just Chatting - Nov 2013

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 10/28/2013 : 02:39:22 AM
No Topic Needed In This Thread - Topic-Free Zone

There was a good suggestion for an "off topic" topic, where the Admin won't gripe at you for ignoring the subject!

And so, drum roll please, the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! In this thread, and this thread only, it matters not what the subject is, nor if there was a subject in the first place. So, what's new with you?

Add your comments here by logging on and clicking Reply to Topic.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bill Bowser Posted - 12/03/2013 : 4:59:46 PM
In addition to adding my hopes that everyone enjoyed a happy Thanksgiving I'd like to invite any of you who happen to be at Glen Eden between now and the end of March to stop by rental unit #6 and say hello. Emmy, my golden retriever, and I will be staying there and enjoying the sunshine as much as possible. Winter weather sux.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.
sailawaybob Posted - 11/29/2013 : 11:00:54 PM
wow wasn't it just summer ? time flies by so quickly, had family over for turkey than when turkey's left got comfortable .
rahel Posted - 11/29/2013 : 6:54:17 PM
We will try your resort in December near Tampa. Meanwhile Happy Thanksgiving to all and Happy Channkah to my Jewish friends


MrsAzLagoon Posted - 11/29/2013 : 6:29:00 PM
I'm a day late, but Happy Thanksgiving to all! I'm especially thankful and humbled to be included in well wishes from FP and Doc...the Elder Statesmen of NRO! Or is that just that they are the two old guys of the group... :-)

And now on to the rest of the Holidays! Have a grand time all!!!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
FireProf Posted - 11/29/2013 : 12:52:47 AM
Hope all had a nice Thanksgiving with whomever they spent it with and wherever it was you spent it. I read a reply on another site, a couple was sending Holiday wishes to all from Club Orient, St. Martin, FWI. I thought that it would be awesome to do that some day but ... that won't happen for quite sometime. Our grandkids are still young and hopefully, will be around for a long, long time.

Thanks to those here that I've become friends with, such as Doc, Willy, CO Home, Admin and several others. It's been great and I hope to be able to meet some of you in person in the near future.

We had a nice day. Now the girls are out in the madness AKA Early Black Friday, the Prof and I are here with the kids and they are now all in bed. The Prof is whipped and going down for the count. I won't be far behind.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my NRO friends.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 11/28/2013 : 10:38:31 AM
Everyone have GREAT day and enjoy the time with family and friends.
free2be Posted - 11/27/2013 : 9:17:54 PM
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!
NaturistDoc Posted - 11/27/2013 : 9:05:05 PM
A few years ago my wife and I spent Thanksgiving at Living Waters Spa. Each of the guests brought a side dish or dessert, and Management provided the main course. Most of the participants were nude. We made the textiles sit at the card table. (Just kidding.) We went around the table and spoke about something we were thankful for. It was one of the best TGs I have ever had.

Along those lines, I am thankful for the people I have either corresponded with on NRO, or had the pleasure to meet in person, especially FireProf, steady78, pilot, FlCpl4NewdFun, MrsAzLagoon, and last but not least, Admin. Nudism is best when shared.
JimmieMac51 Posted - 11/27/2013 : 12:39:45 PM
Well, another year is moving towards a close. Happy Thanksgiving to all that participate.

It brought up an interesting thought. Does anyone celebrate Thanksgiving in the nude?

I think back to my early years when everyone showed up at Grandma and Grandpa's house...10 adults and 15 to 30 kids. No one, to my knowledge, had any interest at all in nudism. At this point in my life I would think it would be a wonderful experience, though I couldn't fathom that happening in such a large family get-together...too many differing opinions and lifestyles. Not to mention the weather...I'm here alone and I'm wearing a's a bit cool!

Just thought I'd put that out there, hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'll be driving to St Peters to have dinner at a restaurant with my wife's sister and brother-in-law. Oh, how I long for the olden days.


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