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 Desktop Images?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melissastarr Posted - 12/08/2003 : 06:36:01 AM
I'm curious as to what nudists have on as their desktop background. At present I have a picture of my nephew on there- he's too cute for words- but I've been thinking about having some kind of nudist (but not at all sexual) image. Do others have these? What DO you have on your desktop? Where do you get clean nudist images for your desktop?


My clothes have low self-esteem... they know they're not wanted.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cheri Posted - 07/24/2005 : 08:50:45 AM
My 98SE machine had webshots with lots of kittens and a couple of family members. This machine has nothing added. Many of the wallpaper and screensaver programs add a lot of "stuff" that slowed down my old machine; not doing it to my XP.

:) Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
old hippie Posted - 07/24/2005 : 12:00:03 AM
Looks like I'm not the only one who changes the wallpaper with some regularity. Just now, behind the little window where I'm typing this, there is a shot taken from the Aran Ferry "Mystical" as we approached Inis Oirr, off the west coast of Ireland, last month.
Before that, it was a very beautiful photo of sunset at St. Pete Beach (Fla) last January. Managed to capture an image of a flock of birds low over the water, crossing the reflection of the setting sun. Mostly lucky, but plain beautiful.
The next memorable trip will change it again.

Dum vivimus, vivamus!
chitownguy Posted - 07/19/2005 : 2:29:15 PM
I have a picture of Maui on mine. I would love to go back there!
The Geek Posted - 07/18/2005 : 5:44:48 PM
I rotate my desktop images periodically, but they always have a sci-fi theme to them. My current one is of the Battlestar Galactica
(new not old).
nudebynature Posted - 02/12/2004 : 1:32:37 PM
I have four desktops on the screen and can switch between them. Each has its own desktop image. You can do this with Windows XP or Linux KDE which I use. I change the images often. One is usually seasonal, winter scene right now, one is usually inspirational, clouds and streaming rays right now, one is usually a family picture taken with my digital camera,today itis a the lake at our cottage in the summer, and the last one is also a nature shot, right now it is one of my own. I can have up to 12 desktops, but after awhile you don't use them all.

The advantage of more than one desktop is that you can browse in one and work in another, etc. Sometimes your desktop gets too covered with just one. It helps if you can spread them out and organize things a bit. This would be handy at work, if your boss comes bt, just one click and he/she can't see what you are doing.

Right now I have no nudist images, but sometimes I do. Sometimes ones that I have taken and sometimes ones downloaded from the net.

"Clothes make the man, but nakedness makes the human being." -- Kevin Kearney

Linux: 100% Microsoft Free Computing
cplntx Posted - 02/12/2004 : 1:13:13 PM
thanks for the help
sailordave Posted - 02/12/2004 : 1:00:00 PM
Go to your member profile page. Under Avatar, look for upload image. You should know in advance the file name for your image and the image should be resized to 100x100. Once it's uploaded, you must then select the avatar.
cplntx Posted - 02/12/2004 : 12:14:37 PM
speaking of images.. Im a new member and pretty much computer clueless. How do I put a picture of me in my profile???????
sailordave Posted - 02/12/2004 : 11:48:56 AM
Will be borrowing my folks' scanner to scan some photos from my navy days. I love photography. I know many of my early post involved taking nude photos of myself and around nudist areas but I hope to upload some of these shots to show you examples of what I like doing. One thing I learned about photography is sometimes you have to take lots of photos to get that one great shot. My cousin's daughter is autistic(spelling?) and is very pretty. No one had a good shot of her since she can't sit still ever without medication. So I spent one Christmas eve photographing her. Went through two rolls of film before getting one good shot. Her parents and grandparents each have an enlarged copy.
Kimberly Posted - 02/12/2004 : 11:25:05 AM
The hat might come in handy when your at the nude beach eh Ksmickero?

Kim =^.^=
Ksmickero Posted - 02/12/2004 : 02:06:15 AM
NO the reason I'm walking so much is becuase i have two liter Mountain Dew bottles and Sonic Chicken Toasters in that brief case.

By the way I really need to find a hat like that. I like that hat.

Crazy! I mean like so many positive waves maybe we can't lose! You're on! ODDBALL
toosunni Posted - 02/09/2004 : 11:05:18 AM
I search the web for an scenic image from around the world, like a place I would like to visit or live or just a relaxing scenic shot. Alta vista has good search engine for this
Kimberly Posted - 02/09/2004 : 07:12:34 AM
I wonder if Ksmickero has some snickers bars in that brief case he is carrying?

Kim =^.^=
calmnude Posted - 02/08/2004 : 11:11:03 AM
ksmickero walks so much he doesnt have time to do much more than swig water and eat power bars.
but he is missing something. eating good food is a communal experience, and satisfying to the soul if it is really good.
Kimberly Posted - 02/08/2004 : 10:31:26 AM
Now I know why your so skinny Ksmickero, its all that walking you are doing.

Kim =^.^=

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