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Admin Posted - 09/20/2002 : 2:01:36 PM
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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nudony Posted - 08/01/2019 : 9:31:25 PM
Nudony, you wife seems to have rebounded quite well after the Club O visit!

I have my daughter to thank for that!

After the unfortunate Club O. fiasco, I thought for sure my wife was done with nudism. And she probably would have been if the topic of nudism hadn't come up while she was hanging out with my daughter. My wife asked her about her nudist upbringing with me; and my daughter had nothing but positive things to say about her resort trips and her positive memories about us being naked together. It really touched my wife; and it changed her opinion of nudism back to positive. So I seized that opportunity to ask her if she wanted to try a nudist resort; which she enthusiastically agreed to! And at the resort, she found her "inner nudist." And we've been going ever since!

My situation proves how important it is to select a venue that's appropriate for a wife's first time. It turns out that my wife is a natural nudist in more congenial, "open but private" environments. Thank goodness (actually my daughter) we got the opportunity to find that out!!!

FireProf Posted - 08/01/2019 : 8:15:42 PM
Originally posted by Nudony

So as you can see, we don't always agree or make sense but one thing is certain, I appreciate that she's a willing participant in this lifestyle with me.

My wife is on this "thing" where she wants to try different nudist venues. After rustic and large resorts, she showed me a nudist B&B she wants to try next. Personally I'd much prefer to settle on a single one rustic resort to be our "nudist home"; at the same time I can't really complain because she is showing "nudist initiative" and is willing to go naked at all those venues. So I shut up and smile lol!! Nudist B&B it is!

One of the things I've yet to be able to convince the Prof to do is another Nude B&B. We did it for a few days up in Sedona, AZ. It was colder than … but she did it and she liked it but now she's not feeling it, living in someone's home with them or on the property while they are there.

She'll go if our close friends go with us but they are kinda flaky and can't or don't really commit til the last minute and we can't make those kinda plans like that.

Nudony, you wife seems to have rebounded quite well after the Club O visit!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nudony Posted - 08/01/2019 : 7:43:43 PM
So as you can see, we don't always agree or make sense but one thing is certain, I appreciate that she's a willing participant in this lifestyle with me.

My wife is on this "thing" where she wants to try different nudist venues. After rustic and large resorts, she showed me a nudist B&B she wants to try next. Personally I'd much prefer to settle on a single one rustic resort to be our "nudist home"; at the same time I can't really complain because she is showing "nudist initiative" and is willing to go naked at all those venues. So I shut up and smile lol!! Nudist B&B it is!

Never even said hello to me. I sometimes wish my wife would come with me just once, then everyone would probably me tripping over each other to get to us.

It might not make any difference. We spent the whole day at TLR; and the only interaction we had was at the end of the day in the clubhouse - and only because my wife started talking to another couple. Out of the many resorts I've visited, the cliquishness was the strongest I've ever encountered. I still would recommend TLR; but not for the socialization.

Nude in AK Posted - 08/01/2019 : 01:56:49 AM
I read of all of these fun locations and am jealous!!!! We have none of these here in AK. That is one of the few down sides of living up here!
stealer Posted - 07/31/2019 : 7:53:06 PM
I've only been to one resort, which is Sun Meadow in Idaho, but I couldn't have asked for a more ideal resort for my first nude vacation. It had a nice, low-key atmosphere, miles of hiking trails, an indoor and outdoor pool, a huge deck to sit on in the evenings, hot tub, sauna, sunbathing, etc. They also keep the freezer well stocked with ice cream for those hot summer days. Really wanted to go back this summer, but I'm nursing a knee injury, so things have been delayed for the time being.
rkitek Posted - 07/30/2019 : 12:35:51 PM
Nudony, I have found the same things. TLR used to be what I considered my "home" resort. I decided to try SH last year, and much rather prefer it over TLR, even though it's an additional 20 min drive. As an unaccompanied male, I expect people to be a little standoffish, but you can be made to feel unwanted at TLR. Several years ago, I was sporting my new Club Orient ball cap, thinking it would be an ice breaker. I was at the pool from 10am to 5pm, it was packed, and I only had one couple speak to me all day. Earlier this spring, I was up there with my non-landed club. I had been watching some water volleyball. During a break, a member comes clear around the pool, and starts up a conversation with a female visitor sitting near me. Never even said hello to me. I sometimes wish my wife would come with me just once, then everyone would probably me tripping over each other to get to us.
FireProf Posted - 07/30/2019 : 11:00:02 AM
Originally posted by Nudony

Originally posted by Warmskin

I find that smaller nudist resorts are more fun to visit. The people there are more likely to interact with you, conversationally. The ones at the bigger resorts, with some exceptions are quite clique-ish. So, put me down for small resorts as my favorites.

I'm with Warmskin on this.

My wife and I just got back from a week end at Turtle Lake Resort; which is a huuuge resort - maybe the hugest I've visited yet. My wife preferred it over the other nudist venues we've visited - in terms of space and amenities. The cliquishness, however, got a little to both of us.

When we went to Sunny Haven, I had a lot more fun even though it's a fraction of the size of TLR. And in my previous life in the South, I was definitely more fond of rustic resorts. People just talk to each other - probably simply due to the smaller environment. We met and chatted for a bit with 2 couples all in all at TLR. At SH, we pretty much talked with everyone around us through the entire day.

If it was just up to me we'd stick with the rustic resort...but since the wifey still really liked TLR I guess we'll have to balance it out

The Prof and I are opposites in many, many ways. Introvert/Extrovert, shy and quiet/private, friendly not that quiet and open. I like to visit places where we get to know people, roam the pool deck, attend events and functions but she's content with sitting alone poolside and not having too many people come over to visit. I don't mind the big resorts, she prefers the smaller resorts. We compromise and visit both.

One thing we are also opposites on with regards to resorts; rustic vs upscale. She prefers upscale. She likes all the amenities, restaurants, bars, nice bathrooms and shower areas, multiple pools so you find one that suits your taste. At larger resorts, the Prof is able to blend into the crowd and not stick our or bring attention to herself. I prefer the more rustic because of the people that tend to visit them. They just seem more friendly. It's more intimate and you get to know people better and make closer friendships.

We belong to a large local club and visit as often as we can. It has lots of events, parties, dances, live music and hosts AANR Gatherings from time to time. That's all fine and good but I actually prefer visiting a resort that's about twice the distance away and is more rustic. It's up in the hills and is nudist family owned and operated resort. The people are just friendlier there than at our club. Even the weekend crowd is a bit less party types at the rustic club than at our club.

I don't mind partying. I enjoy it and so does my wife but in contrast, our club's weekend crowd can get out of control, loud, obnoxious and drink way too much. At the more rustic club, they party but seem to remain in control and though they also can get loud, it's not as obnoxious as it can get at our club. Needless to say, we don't visit our club during the weekends.

We've visited many large nudist resorts all over the US and some in Europe, Mexico and the Caribbean. Our fav is in the Caribbean but was destroyed by Hurricane Irma (Club O). Our local resorts are smaller and strangely, my wife's favorite place to go, be nude, interact with other guests and spend multiple days is a place with one 26 guest rooms. So as you can see, we don't always agree or make sense but one thing is certain, I appreciate that she's a willing participant in this lifestyle with me.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nudony Posted - 07/30/2019 : 08:05:55 AM
Originally posted by Warmskin

I find that smaller nudist resorts are more fun to visit. The people there are more likely to interact with you, conversationally. The ones at the bigger resorts, with some exceptions are quite clique-ish. So, put me down for small resorts as my favorites.

I'm with Warmskin on this.

My wife and I just got back from a week end at Turtle Lake Resort; which is a huuuge resort - maybe the hugest I've visited yet. My wife preferred it over the other nudist venues we've visited - in terms of space and amenities. The cliquishness, however, got a little to both of us.

When we went to Sunny Haven, I had a lot more fun even though it's a fraction of the size of TLR. And in my previous life in the South, I was definitely more fond of rustic resorts. People just talk to each other - probably simply due to the smaller environment. We met and chatted for a bit with 2 couples all in all at TLR. At SH, we pretty much talked with everyone around us through the entire day.

If it was just up to me we'd stick with the rustic resort...but since the wifey still really liked TLR I guess we'll have to balance it out

NaturistDoc Posted - 07/29/2019 : 8:55:36 PM
One by one my favorite resorts seem to be going away. A nice place on the north shore of the Dominican Republic got bought up by The Resort That Shall Not Be Named and now hosts 'lifestyle' groups. Sorobon on Bonaire closed before I ever got there. Club Orient is down for the count, and I doubt it will be back in business any time soon, if ever. The venerable Terra Cotta Inn closed. Living Waters Spa is up for sale, and who knows what new ownership might mean there? And now I hear that the wonderful Playa Sonrisa is also for sale.

Maybe I'm too pessimistic. To be fair, Terra Cotta has been reincarnated in a different location. But on balance, it looks like we're losing more resorts than we're gaining. Does anyone have some good news?
steady78 Posted - 02/22/2015 : 12:26:51 PM
Mrs Steady and I loved our visit to Paya Bay!! Beautiful beach, quaint rooms, great service and the property has great trails for nude walks !! Sending a week with ND and his Mrs also helped make this one of our best nude vacations!!
On the topic of nude walks. I'm looking for suggestions on a place to be nude all the time and go for long nude hikes!
NaturistDoc Posted - 02/21/2015 : 4:33:47 PM
Paya Bay is remote enough and small enough that being "overrun" probably means something like 16 guests!
Warmskin Posted - 02/20/2015 : 8:47:21 PM
I find that smaller nudist resorts are more fun to visit. The people there are more likely to interact with you, conversationally. The ones at the bigger resorts, with some exceptions are quite clique-ish. So, put me down for small resorts as my favorites.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

calgarymark Posted - 02/17/2015 : 11:52:45 PM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

CalgaryMark, I'd love another visit to Paya Bay, but the money tree had a tough winter and isn't leafing out as well as I had hoped.

Me too! The Tripadvisor reports are also enticing and enthusiastic - it will probably be 'overrun' next time we can make it. Looks like we will have two general elections this year, federal and provincial, so I am going to be busy (

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
NaturistDoc Posted - 02/09/2015 : 3:17:39 PM
In his usual wry and oblique way, CalTom captures perfectly the way nudists are regarded by the rest of the world.

CalgaryMark, I'd love another visit to Paya Bay, but the money tree had a tough winter and isn't leafing out as well as I had hoped.
calgarymark Posted - 02/08/2015 : 9:11:58 PM Thanks to NaturistDoc fro the intro. When can I go again?

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.

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