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 Nude Beaches and Public Lands / Nudism Places
 Clothing Optional Hot Springs
 I-15 & I-215 interchange > Nude Creek Dam

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stefanog65 Posted - 11/30/2003 : 10:30:12 AM
Nude Creek Dam is a little area below an old 1932 irrigation dam and railroad overpass that is nice and relaxing and affords some quite cool creek water to soak in and enjoy the serinity of the oak trees and running brooks.
Drive to I-15 and I-215 interchange continuing north to vegas 1 exit to Kenwood exit. Exit south to Cajon Blvd (which is the old Route 66 highway before the freeway. you really can only go one North about(guessing)3-5 miles look for a old rest stop on the left side of the road (no buildings there just shady oak trees). You will usually find some cars parked there resting or people hiking or lunching. The damn is before this area maybe 1000 yards. so hike against the old 1930s stone wall looking over the side and you will see the ruins of the old damn and the train track overpass. This is the main Sante Fe Trackage for all trains into LA Basin 2 tracks north and south. Below that are the creek springs. This is clothing optional. During the summer sometimes it gets a little busy. So i choose to walk down to the water and hike north a few hundred feet into the rocks and oak trees for our naked relaxation. A 1 hour drive from North Anaheim area. This is also just 10 minutes from Deer Park Nudist Resort in Devore.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheNudestNudist Posted - 01/31/2008 : 03:47:11 AM
The I-15 and 215 interchange is in Devore, California near the Deer Park Nudist Resort. Why would anyone swim in a cold creek when The Deer Park Nudist Resort has a heated pool and lots of friendly naked people.
J0hnnyVegas Posted - 01/27/2008 : 04:30:38 AM
is this in california? the only 1-15/215 i know of is here in vegas.
cobaltdiver Posted - 04/29/2006 : 12:24:06 AM
Hi, We are brand new to this forum. Just curious to kow if this is BLM, state, or private land. Anyone know? My wife and I would like to check it out but legal hassles aren't worth it.
chuckSPF48 Posted - 11/24/2004 : 06:41:00 AM
I'd like to hear from anyone who may have been there recently. If you can tell about the activity and any particularly good spots to get out and have some fun under the sun.
stefanog65 Posted - 08/16/2004 : 02:13:25 AM
me and the girlfriend have been there many times without any problems from others. the stream is 4 miles long, so you can hike up or down stream for the degree of privacy or openedness you desire
sheharyar Posted - 07/07/2004 : 07:49:32 AM
plz e mail me and give details

SWSun Posted - 06/30/2004 : 12:33:14 AM
I know the spot you are writting about...I advise caution .. this is a location frequented by many that are hostile to nudists.
chuckSPF48 Posted - 05/05/2004 : 06:45:08 AM
What's the legal status there? What about the crowd? How many people on weekends and what's the ratio of men to women? Any sex there?

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