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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CasaRoma Posted - 03/21/2014 : 09:01:28 AM
Hello Friends!
Anyone interested in nude accommodations in the Dominican Republic?

I am the owner of Hotel Casa Roma in Cabarete, DR. I am a nudist and it was my dream to create a nudist oasis in a place
where the weather was warm enough year round to go bare. I believe I have found such a place in the DR. I have owned the hotel
and renovated it on and off for 3 years. The property is located in a peaceful neighborhood just outside the village of Cabarete. The
setting is private with no immediate neighbors.

The property is tropical and relaxing with a large pool, cafe, and full bar. Our rooms have allergy protected bedding with memory
foam mattress toppers, ceiling fans, a/c, premium cable television, and full bathrooms with second sinks. We are constantly working
to improve our property to better meet the needs of our guests. We have recently reopened the hotel and truly feel that nudist guests are the best guests! We pride ourselves on providing a casual and inviting tropical atmosphere where all
nudists will feel welcome.

The hotel has 8 large hotel rooms for rent. The property is perfect size for small groups, clubs,or even a one or more families to rent
exclusively. We are trying hard to capture more nudist business from singles, couples, groups, and families that would like the full service
you would expect from an all inclusive, but at a fraction of the cost.

We are creating a new website, a new menu, and developing new partnerships with service providers on the north coast. We will launch
our new website within the next few weeks that will detail the benefits of our selective all inclusive program. We will be providing
delicious food and drinks and discounted activities for every skill level. Our rooms are clean and comfortable Our amenities, trips,
tours, and other services we offer will be of the best quality. This is our guarantee.
Please contact us directly at for more information or PM via
Hope to see you soon!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
calgarymark Posted - 03/27/2014 : 12:27:36 AM
Jeff, best wishes with the re-launch of Casa Roma - it looked interesting on the old web site but I heard (perhaps wrongly) that you had folded your tent and left. I look forward to a visit sometime . . .

Since the thread heading is Dominican Republic, may I mention also the possibility of Cambium, a bit further east from Casa Roma? They too have a new web site at It is not so much a resort as a way of life, and is further from the beach than Casa Roma. On the web site there are some pretty good deals for house rentals at present. I met the promoter, Francois Harley, in Spain last summer and he told me that there are serious discussions with the local governments, residents and businesses to ensure nude use of the nearby beaches would be acceptable. I presume those beaches would also be good for surfing and kite-boarding.

I can dream . . . one day . . .

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 03/24/2014 : 9:19:23 PM
Best of luck, Jeff! We need more quality nudist venues. Hope to hear of more successes for you in the future!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
FireProf Posted - 03/24/2014 : 6:24:16 PM
Admin has a day job and gets here when he can or if we alert him to something that needs attention. I'm certain he'll drop in every few days and check things out. Just have a little patience and he'll be around to answer your questions.

As far as visiting the DR ... it's definitely on our list, as well as our friend's list of places. We would prefer staying at a clothing optional/Nude resort and we've also found that it wouldn't be worth it for us to stay at an All Inclusive. Staying someplace where we can be naked wherever and as often as we'd like suits us fine. We can make our own meals or pay as we go and it would be great to have a nude beach nearby.

... and "I" do care about the cigars! hahaha

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
CasaRoma Posted - 03/24/2014 : 5:11:46 PM
Hmm, I also posted similar blurbs under two other forum topics, but they say "no moderator"? anyone know what this means?
Does this site not get much traffic? I tried to contact 'admin' but have not heard back.
I'm new here and trying to reach the nudist any info readers can provide would be appreciated.
Thank you!
CasaRoma Posted - 03/24/2014 : 5:07:54 PM
Hello NatuistDoc and fireProf,
Thank you for reading my post! The only way we will survive as a naturist property is if naturists visit our property. It seems very difficult for a small business to compete with the large resorts, but frankly speaking when I vacation it doesn't thrill me to pay $300-500/day for a room thats all inclusive. Sure the property may be on the beach or be all inclusive, but my experience has been that the food and drink isn't exactly worth what they charge...which is sad.
The other nude property in the DR (- - Carib) is a lifestyle venue, but they would be happy to take money from a naturist too. I have been there a couple times and it's alright, but as mentioned the food and drink fails to impress.
I have hosted several naturist guests and would love to reach many many more(looking for suggestions). My property is a comfortable size and within walking distance to the beach. I enjoy cooking for guests and providing personal attention you can't get from a large property. Check out our reviews on trip adviser for Casa Roma cabrete.
Thank you!
NaturistDoc Posted - 03/21/2014 : 10:18:30 PM
Couldn't care less about the cigars, but I hope Casa Roma succeeds, especially since the former Eden Bay and currently not-to-be-named resort near Cabarete has not only gone lifestyle but also has deteriorated considerably according to some recent reviews.
FireProf Posted - 03/21/2014 : 7:34:30 PM
It would be great to see the website once it's up and I've always wanted to visit the DR for their fine cigars. A naturist venue would make it that much more appealing.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
NaturistDoc Posted - 03/21/2014 : 11:23:16 AM
I'm sure that a great many people on this forum wish you great success. A new nudist venue is always welcome news.

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