I have one perception about naturism I like my body as it is and don't like to shave or clean body hair(except head and beard, coz of professional needs). Few friends of mine feel they body should be clean coz they feel their body looks better without hair (specially women). I want to know do people in this group feel so.
You do whatever you feel that is best for you and if you want to stay natural then do so. If your friends feel that shaving is for them then that is what they should do. There are no rules on the matter. Nudism is all about body acceptance and it should not matter to anyone what your preference is. They should be able to accept your preference and you should be able to accept theirs.
Also read through the other threads on the subject on this board.
What about sweat, is there an appropriate way to wipe it away when it collects underneath large breasts? Or, between the legs? Or, am I being overly concerned and should just whip out a paper towel and take care of it without worrying about what other people think?
My husband and I are fairly new to the whole public nudity thing. We love it, but we're relatively new, so thanks for your patience with our pesky questions.
It's not a pesky question. I think you will find women move their breasts around frequently doing bodily functions - such as, putting on sun screen. There is no embarassment here. You should do what feels natural. And feel free to ask questions. You are sure to get replies.
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