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Posted - 07/11/2008 : 3:14:49 PM
According to the web site, the Maui Sun Club closed a couple of years ago. An alternative would be Hangin' Loose on the big island of Hawaii, near Hilo. The site address is
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Posted - 03/14/2017 : 8:49:25 PM
We're just back from a week in Kauai with Mr & Mrs Steady78 and are happy to report that we got nude (illegally, some would say) on four different beaches. The most often-cited nude beach is of course Secret Beach on the north shore. The trail down to the beach is indeed long and occasionally steep, but is certainly manageable if you're in reasonable shape. The prevailing lore is that the father east you walk from the bottom of the trail, the 'nuder' it gets. Unfortunately, the easternmost segment of the beach was not accessible due to high surf. but the four of us went as far as we could, and found ourselves on an isolated stretch of beach with one other couple. Textiles! Or so we thought. Once we started stripping off, it didn't take them long to join in. Turns out they were long-time nudists, and were only too happy learn we weren't textiles either! Secret Beach is visually spectacular, with crashing surf and a dramatic view of the Kilauea lighthouse to the east. It's not good for swimming, though, especially in the winter, and schlepping all your gear from the car to the east end of the beach requires some time and effort. Definitely worth it.
We also visited Nukoli'i, Moloa'a, and Polihale beaches. These are somewhat isolated beaches, away from the big resorts in Poipu and Princeville, and were uncrowded, but definitely not deserted. We managed a little nude sunbathing by keeping our distance from other people and covering up when necessary. The only hassle we ran into was on Nukoli'i, the least isolated of the three beaches. Steady78, answering nature's call, made a hasty run from our secluded campsite to the water and back, and was loudly called a "pervert" by a woman driving along the road behind the beach. Very perceptive of her! 
So ... nude sunbathing is possible on Kauai; it's just not all that easy. Secret Beach is your best bet, but the guidebooks can lead you to many "off the beaten path" beaches where, with a little discretion, you can lose your tan lines.
As for the legal issues ... I'm not a lawyer. (One of my many redeeming features!) Exposing one's naughty bits "under circumstances likely to cause affront" is illegal, but it's hard to see how stripping off on a remote beach with a group of willing participants meets that standard. The Hawaii appellate courts seem to agree. On the off chance you do get cited or even arrested, the relevant case is Hawaii v Kalama. You might want to pack a copy of the ruling along with your towel and sunscreen!
Country: USA
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