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Posted - 02/27/2008 : 7:26:58 PM
Ok so a friend of mine and I were talking about gyms and pools that are associated with some gyms. we bot started to wonder if there is a pool in the U.S. associated with a gym where swimwear of any kind is not allowed and by swimwear I mean shorts, speedos, bikinis and so on. if anyone can answer this Id really appreciate it. thanks Mike
Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
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Country: USA
| Posts: 60 |
Forum Member
Posted - 02/28/2008 : 6:47:18 PM
I doubt very much you'll find any. There are various nudist groups around the country that have a hard enough time renting a gym/pool for an evening of clothes free swimming. The last time I was at a gym I was taking a shower and there was a guy in the showers soaping up with his gym shorts on. I'm not kidding. Talk about body phobia. If you do find one there are going to be a lot of folks wanting to know where it is.
| Posts: 27 |
New Member
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 01:24:10 AM
This has become a crisis in the teen population all the boys younger that 13 are now showering in their clothes. They are taught by society that their bodies are dirty sexual objects. Body image distortion and eating disorders are at epidemic levels in the USA and we refuse to address one simple therapy. Stop treating the body as a dirty sexual object and celebrate health. Clothing optional experiences with all ages in safe appropriate european style swimming and beach experiences can go a long way to normalive body diversity and healthy normative knowledge. My FYI
| Posts: 7 |
Forum Member
Posted - 02/29/2008 : 02:19:35 AM
Call me crazy (and non nudists do) but I honestly dont see what all the fear and all is about when it comes to the human body being nude. Last I checked our bodies are all the same clothed as they are nude so to me it seems if there is a fear of nude bodies there should also be a fear of clothed bodies....oh wait i have that fear. Funny thing is I am very afraid of pools hot tubs and water in general unless bathing or drinking it when clothed. nude that fear is gone.
Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
Country: USA
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Posted - 07/08/2008 : 6:29:29 PM
America has a hangup with nudity, when I was in junior high and high school and at the end of gym class you were required to strip nude and take a shower with all the other boys in the class, you wouldn't dare take a shower clothed, the first couple days of junior high were awkward but after that it seemed the norm I've read where years before swimming pool were nude only, of course i'm sure they weren't co-ed but what the younger generations have missed out on. I would give up all these fancy electronics, yes even these fancy computers to go back to what I consider those carefree days.We do need to follow the europeans and have clothing optional swims at ymca and other recreational clubs besides nudist resorts. We as Americans need to get over this hang up about nudity, its not all about sex and it surely isn't about how far your your baggy shorts hang down on your boxers or how much your thong shows.
Country: USA
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Posted - 07/09/2008 : 1:59:57 PM
got that right, another thing itd help is on hot humid days i hear people complain that their clothes are sticking to their bodies...I think to myself when i hear that "theres one solution, get naked and enjoy the freedom" call me crazy but thats the way i feel
Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
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Posted - 07/09/2008 : 9:30:37 PM
I will say right now that if my pool went clothless, I would not have a problem guarding there...though would I still have to wear red, or could I just wear the float tube?
From the guy with his eye on the sky
Country: USA
| Posts: 101 |
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Posted - 07/10/2008 : 12:04:06 AM
I had no idea this was happening in the schools. When I was in junior high and high school, it was completely natural to shower with your class naked. And prior to that, I swam at the YMCA where there were a hundred kids in the massive pool, all completely nude. That was with both men and women in charge of us. It was no big deal! And even younger, when I was taking swim lessons prior to us moving to a lake, we all changed together. What has happened to this world that kids have to shower in their clothes? Sheesh!
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If God had intended man to be nude, he would have created him that way.
Country: USA
| Posts: 34 |
New Member
Posted - 07/14/2008 : 11:57:24 AM
I saw mention of an interesting N.Y. Times article on rec.nude many years ago. After much googling, I was fortuante to find the original, first published in 1996. Do you imagine things are "worse" today?
Students Still Sweat, They Just Don't Shower
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old hippie
Forum Member
Posted - 07/20/2008 : 11:38:53 PM
The showers at my high school were all ganged along one wall in a large tiled room. Take your place at a shower-head, and get clean. There was no shortage of teenage ribbing about one guy's stature or another's hair, but in those days teasing (and dealing with it) were a part of growing up. In college, the behavior was more sensible, but the showers were almost identical. One shower, with maybe 12 or 15 shower-heads, in the one bathroom on each floor of the dorm building. Perhaps those community showers helped to promote a sense of community among school kids; in this century, we seem to be a lot more individual-centered and less community centered. I, for one, am not convinced that is a good thing. There is more to it than just body aversion, but that part of it is silly enough. As with most of the parts of this world, the various aspects of the enterprise all play off one another in an interconnected manner that makes it hard to examine just one part away from all the rest. Commercial materialism, political extremists, 24-hr news cycles, IM & MySpace & "OMG she said that two minutes ago"; a whole bunch of stuff is making today's kids so different from 20 or 30 years ago. I think it is more different than I was from my Dad's childhood - my world was different from his, but I could at least recognize his.
I think the last gym with a nude swimming pool in Philadelphia was the Athletic Club, which closed at least ten years ago. It had been a gym for the well-connected, but died of loss of membership. I read somewhere that Columbia University has a swim requirement for graduation, and that the pool is nude. But I can't testify to that.
Well, when I win the lottery and build my dream house, you'll all be invited to swim in whatever attire you wish!
Dum vivimus, vivamus!
Edited by - old hippie on 07/20/2008 11:40:47 PM |
Country: USA
| Posts: 327 |
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Posted - 07/21/2008 : 08:08:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by old hippie
The showers at my high school were all ganged along one wall in a large tiled room. Take your place at a shower-head, and get clean. There was no shortage of teenage ribbing about one guy's stature or another's hair, but in those days teasing (and dealing with it) were a part of growing up.
You got tile? Ours was concrete!
Otherwise, I agree with you.., Now people are freaking out when they see someone else naked in the local health club. They class "The naked guy" as the freak.
Country: USA
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Posted - 07/21/2008 : 11:43:00 AM
At our school, we had communual showers, ( just boys that is LOL) and we just crowded in to get clean after PE lessons. If we misbehaved, the sadistic master would give us the pleasure of a cold shower. No messing in those days. Quite an interesting time, comparing the size of each other's "Crown Jewels". At least we lost the shyness about our bodies and that I think helped me on my way to wanting the nudist lifestyle.
Country: United Kingdom
| Posts: 336 |
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Posted - 07/21/2008 : 6:22:51 PM
I remember the showers as well. It wasn't a big deal, but you had to hurry through it because you still had to get to class. No one wanted to talk to the cute girl and still smell like your gym clothes...a quick shower was an easy answer.
In thinking about it, I did have gym as the last class of the day one year. I only showered then if I had to go to work afterwards. If I didn't, I'd stay in the gym class and keep playing the game/activity with the other kids.
Nobility is not a birthright, it is defined by one's actions.
Country: USA
| Posts: 118 |
Forum Member
Posted - 07/21/2008 : 8:22:32 PM
Showers are so refreshing. Image a waterfall, heated, the sound of water falling, one of life's great treasures. I haven't a concept of taking a shower clothed. I am blessed having been born in Des Moines, IA, USA in 1933.
Best Wishes, Jim
Country: USA
| Posts: 323 |
Forum Member
Posted - 08/04/2008 : 3:52:59 PM
Back in the late 1960’s through the early 1970’s the boys swimming classes in the junior high and senior high I attended were nude. The only exception was the Red Cross instruction. Once the Red Cross training was completed, we had the option of swimming nude or using the speedo. I cannot remember if anybody continued to wear the suit. Also, the boys intramural swim meets were nude.
| Posts: 10 |
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Posted - 08/04/2008 : 6:18:37 PM
I, too, remember always being nude in the boys locker room and showers at school. No one would have even thought of showering with clothes on. And, any kid who was overly modest would have been thought to be a "sissy". Being nude in front of the other guys was "macho". I think that one factor in the current situations which has not been mentioned is homophobia. In recent decades, the gays have gained a very high profile, and some males, both kids and adults,are uncomfortable being seen nude by another male. Just my opinion.
Country: USA
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